(iii) is declared to have been eligible for, or is awarded, a pension subsequent to the person's death

    for an injury or disease incurred or aggravated during service as a Canadian merchant mariner of the Korean War within the meaning of section 21.1 of the Pension Act.

(2) Subparagraph 37(8)(b)(ii) of the Act is replaced by the following:

      (ii) as applied to the naval forces or the merchant navy , the high seas or wherever contact has been made with hostile forces of the enemy, or wherever the veteran has sustained injury or contracted disease directly by a hostile act of the enemy; and

(3) Subparagraph 37(8)(c)(i) of the Act is replaced by the following:

      (i) with respect to a former member of His Majesty's Canadian forces or a merchant navy veteran of World War II , any place where the person has been on service involving duties performed outside the Western Hemisphere, including

        (A) service involving duties performed outside Canada, Newfoundland, the United States, Saint Pierre and Miquelon and the territorial waters thereof in aircraft, and

        (B) service anywhere in a ship or other vessel, which service is classed as ``sea time'' for the purpose of advancement of naval ratings, or which would be so classed were the ship or other vessel in the service of the naval forces of Canada, and

(4) Section 37 of the Act is amended by adding the following after subsection (8):

Meaning of ``sea time''

(8.1) For the purposes of clause (8)(c)(i)(B), ``sea time'' for the purpose of advancement of naval ratings includes time served in

    (a) a sea-going ship,

    (b) a defensively-equipped merchant ship, or

    (c) any ship employed in harbour, other than a boom defence scow, gate vessel, depot ship or harbour craft,

as well as time served in combined operations organizations, but does not include time served on any ship prior to its commissioning.

R.S., c. P-6; R.S., c. 16 (1st Supp.), cc. 3, 12 (2nd Supp.), cc. 20, 37 (3rd Supp.); 1989, c. 6; 1990, c. 43; 1992, c. 24; 1995, cc. 17, 18


4. The definitions ``member of the forces'' and ``military service'' or ``service'' in subsection 3(1) of the Pension Act are replaced by the following:

``member of the forces''
« membre des forces »

``member of the forces'' means

      (a) a person who has served in the Canadian Forces or in the naval, army or air forces of Canada or Newfoundland since the commencement of World War I, and

      (b) a Canadian merchant mariner of World War I, World War II or the Korean War, as described in section 21.1;

``military service'' or ``service''
« service militaire » ou « service »

``military service'' or ``service'' means service as a member of the forces ;

5. The Act is amended by adding the following after section 21:


21.1 (1) The definitions in this subsection apply in this section.

``Canadian manning pool''
« dépôt d'équipages canadien »

``Canadian manning pool'' means a manning pool of the Canadian merchant navy established under Order in Council P.C. 14/3550 of May 19, 1941.

``Canadian marine training school''
« école d'entraîne-
ment maritime canadienne

``Canadian marine training school'' means a school established under Order in Council P.C. 148/9130 of November 22, 1941.

``distressed mariner''
« en détresse »

``distressed mariner'' means a distressed mariner as defined in subsection 37(7.1) of the War Veterans Allowance Act.

``war service bonus''
« indemnité pour service de guerre »

``war service bonus'' means the bonus paid under The Merchant Seamen War Service Bonus Order, 1944, Order in Council P.C. 149/2705 of April 18, 1944, as amended.

Applicable rules

(2) The following rules apply for the purposes of this section:

    (a) the period of a person's service on a voyage or trip referred to in subsection 37(7.3) of the War Veterans Allowance Act includes

      (i) any period of duty preparatory to the voyage or trip,

      (ii) any period of duty between the end of the voyage or trip and the person's return to Canada,

      (iii) any period of duty in Canada after the end of the voyage or trip that is consequential on the voyage or trip,

      (iv) any period of authorized leave of absence with pay during the voyage or trip,

      (v) any period of captivity, imprisonment or internment by the enemy or by any foreign power that was not allied or associated with Canada, if that period commenced during the voyage or trip or occurred as a consequence of the voyage or trip,

      (vi) any period of hospitalization resulting from an injury or disease or an aggravation thereof incurred during the voyage or trip, and

      (vii) any period as a distressed mariner,

    but does not include any period after the person's service on the voyage or trip was terminated for cause;

    (b) the period of a person's service on a voyage referred to in subsection (5) is the ``Korean-related part of the voyage'', namely, the portion of the voyage during which the ship was in waters described in subsection (5) plus those portions of the voyage before and after that portion that, in the Minister's opinion, were essential to the prosecution of the Korean War on behalf of the United Nations, and includes

      (i) any period of authorized leave of absence with pay during the Korean-related part of the voyage,

      (ii) any period of captivity, imprisonment or internment by the enemy or by any foreign power that was not allied or associated with Canada, if that period commenced during the Korean-related part of the voyage or occurred as a consequence of the Korean-related part of the voyage,

      (iii) any period of hospitalization resulting from an injury or disease or an aggravation thereof incurred during the Korean-related part of the voyage, and

      (iv) any period as a distressed mariner that commenced during the Korean-related part of the voyage,

    but does not include any period after the person's service on the voyage was terminated for cause;

    (c) a distressed mariner's period as such commences the moment the mariner was shipwrecked, discharged or left behind from a ship on which the mariner was engaged, and ends with the mariner's arrival at the mariner's proper return port within the meaning of section 299 of the Canada Shipping Act, 1934;

    (d) the period of a person's service as a member of a Canadian manning pool includes

      (i) any period of training,

      (ii) any period of authorized leave of absence with pay, and

      (iii) any period of hospitalization resulting from an injury or disease or an aggravation thereof incurred while the person was a member of the manning pool,

    but does not include any period after the person's service as a member of the manning pool was terminated for cause;

    (e) the existence of a manning pool record card for a person shall be taken as conclusive evidence that the person was a member of a Canadian manning pool during the period indicated on the card;

    (f) evidence that the Director of Merchant Seamen paid war service bonus to a person in respect of any period shall be taken, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, as indicating that the person was a member of a Canadian manning pool during that period;

    (g) where the service of a Canadian merchant mariner of World War II is based on subparagraph (4)(c)(ii), the period of service is the period in respect of which that mariner was paid war service bonus by the employer;

    (h) where the service of a Canadian merchant mariner of World War II is based on subparagraph (4)(c)(iii), the period of service is the period from the beginning of the period of service on the first voyage to the end of the period of service on the last voyage with the same employer, except for any period in which that mariner was engaged in any employment, business or occupation not referred to in this section;

    (i) the period of a person's service as a trainee at a Canadian marine training school includes

      (i) any period of authorized leave of absence with pay,

      (ii) any period of transportation the costs of which were paid by the Department of Transport under the authority of Order in Council P.C. 148/9130 of November 22, 1941, and

      (iii) any period of hospitalization resulting from an injury or disease or an aggravation thereof incurred while the person was a trainee,

    but does not include any period after the person's service as a trainee was terminated for cause;

    (j) where official records of a person's service as a Canadian merchant mariner of World War I, World War II or the Korean War, or of injuries or disease suffered or contracted by a person during such service, are not available, the Minister may accept a statutory declaration or like statement from anyone if

      (i) information about the existence of any registered or licensed ship on which it is claimed that the person served is corroborated by official records,

      (ii) no information in the declaration or statement is contradicted by other evidence, and

      (iii) after taking into consideration such corroboration as may be available, the Minister is satisfied, on the balance of probabilities, that the information in the declaration or statement is true; and

    (k) the Minister may presume death in every case where, according to the evidence available as to the circumstances surrounding the disappearance of a person whose death is in question or the loss of the ship on which the person was serving, the Minister is satisfied beyond a reasonable doubt that the death has in fact occurred.

Canadian merchant mariner of World War I

(3) A Canadian merchant mariner of World War I is

    (a) any person who is a merchant navy veteran of World War I referred to in paragraph 37(7.3)(a), (b) or (c) of the War Veterans Allowance Act; or

    (b) any person who, during World War I, served in a Canadian manning pool, in another merchant navy organization or in a form of service reasonably similar, or analogous, to one described in paragraph (4)(b), (c) or (d).

Canadian merchant mariner of World War II

(4) A Canadian merchant mariner of World War II is

    (a) any person who is a merchant navy veteran of World War II referred to in paragraph 37(7.3)(a), (b) or (c) of the War Veterans Allowance Act;

    (b) any person who, during World War II,

      (i) signed an agreement with the Director of Merchant Seamen to join a Canadian manning pool and to serve at sea on foreign-going ships as directed by that Director, or the Director's staff, for a period of two years or for the duration of World War II, whichever was the shorter period, and

      (ii) served, in any capacity, in accordance with the agreement;

    (c) any person who, during World War II, was permanently or recurrently employed at sea by an owner or charterer of a ship or by Canadian Marconi Company Limited, and who

      (i) signed an agreement to continue to serve at sea with that employer for the duration of the war if so required by that employer,

      (ii) was paid war service bonus by that employer, or

      (iii) made two or more voyages referred to in paragraph 37(7.3)(a) of the War Veterans Allowance Act on ships operated by the same employer, if the employer was Canadian National Steamships, Canadian Pacific Steamships, Imperial Oil, Park Steamships or any other shipping company prescribed by the regulations; or

    (d) any trainee at a Canadian marine training school during World War II who signed an agreement to enter a Canadian manning pool at the end of the school training period.

Canadian merchant mariner of the Korean War

(5) A Canadian merchant mariner of the Korean War is any person who, at any time during the period from June 25, 1950 to July 27, 1953, served on board a Canadian ship while it was making a voyage that entered any of the waters, including gulfs, bays and inlets, lying between

    (a) the coasts of Siberia, Korea and China,


    (b) a line beginning at a point on the coast of Siberia at longitude 135o East; thence south to a point at latitude 38o 30' North and longitude 135o East; thence southwesterly to a point at latitude 30o North and longitude 124o East; thence south to Shokoto Sho; thence westerly to Shichisei Seki; and thence westerly to a point on the coast of China at latitude 23o North.

1990, c. 43, s. 15; 1995, c. 18, par. 75(i)

6. Subsection 38(1) of the Act is replaced by the following:

Attendance allowance

38. (1) A member of the forces who has been awarded a pension or compensation or both , is totally disabled, whether by reason of military service or not, and is in need of attendance shall, on application, in addition to the pension or compensation, or pension and compensation , be awarded an attendance allowance at a rate determined by the Minister in accordance with the minimum and maximum rates set out in Schedule III.

7. Subsection 48(2) of the Act is replaced by the following:

Procedure where applicant dies

(2) Where an application for a pension or allowance, or for an increase thereof, that was made by a member of the forces is pending at the time of the member's death , the application shall, if the member is survived by a dependant, be proceeded with and determined in the same manner as if the member had not died.

1995, c. 18, par. 75(q)

8. Section 49 of the Act is replaced by the following:

Minister may increase disability assessment of deceased member

49. (1) The Minister may, on application by a dependant of a deceased member of the forces who, at the time of death, was in receipt of a pension paid at a rate set out in one of classes twelve to twenty-one of Schedule I, determine whether at the time of death the member's pension should have been paid at a higher rate under Schedule I.

Pension of deceased member deemed increased

(2) Where it is determined that the pension of a deceased member of the forces described in subsection (1) should at the time of death have been paid at a higher rate under Schedule I, that member shall, for the purposes of subsections 34(6) and (7) and 45(2) and (3) , be deemed to have been at the time of death in receipt of a pension paid at that higher rate .

Dependants' pensions

(3) Except as provided by subsections 48(2), (4) and (5) and section 50, no increase in a dependant's pension may be awarded except in accordance with this section.

1995, 18, s. 69, par. 75(w)

9. Section 56 of the Act is replaced by the following:

Date from which death pension payable

56. (1) Pensions awarded with respect to the death of a member of the forces shall be payable with effect as follows: