Addition of band to schedule

45. The Governor in Council may, by order, add the name of a band to the schedule if the Governor in Council is satisfied that the signing of the Framework Agreement on behalf of the band has been duly authorized and that the Framework Agreement has been so signed.



46. (1) Any action taken or determination or decision made under the Framework Agreement before the coming into force of sections 6 to 14, 35 and 36 is deemed, to the extent that it would have been valid under those sections, to have been validly taken or made under this Act.

Coming into force of land code

(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), a land code may not come into force before the coming into force of this section.


1997, c. 9

47. On the later of the coming into force of section 43 and the coming into force of the Nuclear Safety and Control Act, section 43 of this Act is replaced by the following:

Acts respecting nuclear energy

43. (1) Subject to subsection (2), nothing in this Act limits the application of the Nuclear Safety and Control Act and the Nuclear Energy Act to first nation lands.

tion provisions

(2) In the event of any inconsistency or conflict between the provisions of this Act relating to expropriation and the Nuclear Energy Act, the provisions of this Act prevail to the extent of the inconsistency or conflict.


Order of Governor in Council

48. Section 45 comes into force on a day to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council after the completion of a review of the Framework Agreement in accordance with its provisions and any consultations that the Governor in Council may require.