R.S., c. C-53
Customs and Excise Offshore Application Act |
129. (1) Subsection 4(1) of the Customs
and Excise Offshore Application Act is
replaced by the following:
4. (1) The Commissioner of Customs and
Revenue may require from any person, within
any reasonable time that the Commissioner
stipulates, the production of any book, record,
writing or other document or any information
that the Commissioner deems necessary for
ascertaining whether any of sections 5 to 10
apply in any particular case.
(2) Subsection 4(2) of the English version
of the Act is replaced by the following:
(2) Every person who fails to comply with
a requirement of the Commissioner under
subsection (1) is guilty of an offence
punishable on summary conviction.
1997, c. 36
Customs Tariff |
130. The portion of subsection 68(3) of
the Customs Tariff before paragraph (a) is
replaced by the following:
on to goods in
(3) The Commissioner of Customs and
Revenue may relieve goods from payment of
a surtax imposed by an order under subsection
(1) if the Commissioner is of the opinion that
131. The Act is amended by replacing the
words ``Deputy Minister of National
Revenue'' and ``Deputy Minister'' with the
words ``Commissioner of Customs and
Revenue'' and ``Commissioner'',
respectively, wherever they occur in the
following provisions:
1996, c. 23
Employment Insurance Act |
132. Subsection 97(1) of the Employment
Insurance Act is replaced by the following:
97. (1) The Minister shall administer this
Part, section 5 and any regulations made under
section 5 or 55 and the Commissioner of
Customs and Revenue may exercise all the
powers and perform all the duties of the
Minister under this Part.
133. Subsection 102(13) of the Act is
replaced by the following:
Proof of
(13) Every document appearing to be an
order, direction, demand, notice, certificate,
requirement, decision, assessment, discharge
of mortgage or other document executed
under, or in the course of the administration or
enforcement of, this Part over the name in
writing of the Minister, the Deputy Minister of
National Revenue, the Commissioner of
Customs and Revenue or an officer authorized
to exercise the powers or perform the duties of
the Minister under this Part, is deemed to be a
document signed, made and issued by the
Minister, the Deputy Minister, the
Commissioner or the officer unless it has been
called into question by the Minister or by a
person acting for the Minister or for Her
134. (1) Section 108 of the Act is amended
by adding the following after subsection (1):
(1.1) The Minister may authorize an officer
or a class of officers to exercise powers or
perform duties of the Minister under this Part.
(2) Any power or duty of the Minister of
National Revenue delegated to an officer or
a class of officers by a regulation made
under subsection 75(2) of the
Unemployment Insurance Act before June
30, 1996 continues to be delegated to that
officer or that class of officers until an
authorization by the Minister made under
subsection 108(1.1) of the Employment
Insurance Act, as enacted by subsection (1),
changes the delegation of that power or
of National
with ``Canada
Customs and
135. The Act is amended by replacing the
words ``Department of National Revenue''
with the words ``Canada Customs and
Revenue Agency'' wherever they occur in
the following provisions:
amendment re
Bill C-28
136. If Bill C-28, introduced in the first
session of the thirty-sixth Parliament and
entitled An Act to amend the Income Tax
Act, the Income Tax Application Rules, the
Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, the Canada
Pension Plan, the Children's Special
Allowances Act, the Companies' Creditors
Arrangement Act, the Cultural Property
Export and Import Act, the Customs Act, the
Customs Tariff, the Employment Insurance
Act, the Excise Tax Act, the
Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements
Act, the Income Tax Conventions
Interpretation Act, the Old Age Security Act,
the Tax Court of Canada Act, the Tax Rebate
Discounting Act, the Unemployment
Insurance Act, the Western Grain Transition
Payments Act and certain Acts related to the
Income Tax Act (in this section referred to as
``that Act''), is assented to and
R.S., c. E-6
Energy Administration Act |
1994, c. 41,
s. 21
137. Subsection 60(2) of the Energy
Administration Act is replaced by the
Recovery of
charges and
(2) All charges and penalties payable under
this Part may be recovered in the same manner
as any amount payable under the Excise Tax
Act and for that purpose sections 82 to 93 of
that Act apply, with any modifications that the
circumstances require, and any reference in
those sections to the Minister of National
Revenue shall be construed as a reference to
the Minister of Natural Resources.
1994, c. 41,
s. 22
138. Section 63 of the Act is replaced by
the following:
63. If any difference arises or any doubt
exists as to whether a charge is payable or as
to the amount of a charge that is payable on
any petroleum or petroleum product, the
Canadian International Trade Tribunal
established by the Canadian International
Trade Tribunal Act may declare what amount
of charge is payable on it, if any, and for that
purpose sections 104 and 105 of the Excise Tax
Act apply, with any modifications that the
circumstances require, and any reference in
those sections to the Commissioner of
Customs and Revenue shall be construed as a
reference to the Deputy Minister of Natural
R.S., c. E-14
Excise Act |
1994, c. 13,
par. 7(1)(f)
139. (1) The definitions ``Department''
and ``Deputy Minister'' in section 2 of the
Excise Act are repealed.
(2) The definition ``departmental
regulations'' in section 2 of the English
version of the Act is repealed.
(3) The definition ``holiday'' in section 2
of the Act is replaced by the following:
``holiday'' « jour férié »
``holiday'', in relation to any area in Canada,
means a day that is a holiday for employees
employed in that area
(4) The definition ``superior officer'' in
section 2 of the Act is replaced by the
officer'' « fonctionnair e supérieur »
``superior officer'' means the Commissioner
and any officer or member of a class of
officers designated by the Minister;
(5) Section 2 of the Act is amended by
adding the following in alphabetical order:
er'' « commissaire »
``Commissioner'' means the Commissioner of
Customs and Revenue, appointed under
section 25 of the Canada Customs and
Revenue Agency Act;
(6) Section 2 of the English version of the
Act is amended by adding the following in
alphabetical order:
regulations'' « règlements ministériels »
``ministerial regulations'' means all
regulations made by the Minister under this
140. Subsection 8(2) of the Act is replaced
by the following:
may act
(2) The Minister may authorize the
Commissioner to exercise on the Minister's
behalf any of the powers conferred on the
Minister by this Act.
141. Section 13 of the English version of
the Act is replaced by the following:
for licence
13. Every person who requires a licence
under this Act shall make application therefor
in writing over the person's signature to the
collector, or any other officer designated by
the Minister, within whose district or excise
division the business for which the licence is
required is to be carried on, and every
application shall be made in the form
prescribed by the Minister.
142. Section 126 of the English version of
the Act is replaced by the following:
belong to
126. All sums of money paid or recovered
for any penalty or forfeiture under this Act, or
any part thereof belonging to Her Majesty,
shall be paid to the collector at the port within
the jurisdiction of which the offence is
committed or to the Commissioner of the
Royal Canadian Mounted Police, or any
officer commanding a Division of the Royal
Canadian Mounted Police, for deposit in
either case to the credit of the Receiver
General, and shall form part of the
Consolidated Revenue Fund.
143. (1) Subsection 246(2) of the English
version of the Act is replaced by the
(2) Specially denatured alcohol shall only
be sold or delivered under a ministerial permit
to dealers and manufacturers to be used in the
arts and industries in cases where denatured
alcohol would be unsuitable, and shall only be
imported, manufactured, transported or sold
under the conditions that the Minister may by
regulations prescribe.
References to
permit'' in
(2) The words ``departmental permit'' in
the English version of any document or
instrument made under the Act must,
unless the context otherwise requires, be
read as a reference to the words
``ministerial permit''.
144. (1) The English version of the Act is
amended by replacing the words
``departmental regulation'' and
``departmental regulations'' with the words
``ministerial regulation'' and ``ministerial
regulations'', respectively, wherever they
occur in the following provisions: