Transi- tional - proceedings
14. Every proceeding commenced before
the coming into force of this section and in
respect of which any provision amended by
sections 16 to 20 applies shall be taken up
and continued under and in conformity
with that amended provision without any
further formality.
Transi- tional - cross references
15. (1) In any Act of Parliament, other
than in a provision amended by sections 16
to 20, or in any proclamation, regulation,
order, instrument or other document, a
reference to the Ontario Court (General
Division) or the Ontario Court (Provincial
Division) shall be construed, with respect to
any transaction, matter or event occurring
after the coming into force of this section, as
a reference to
Transi- tional - seals and forms
(2) A reference in a court seal or printed
court form to the Ontario Court (General
Division) or the Ontario Court (Provincial
Division), or the title of an official of either
Court, does not prevent the seal or form
from being used during the one year period
following the date on which the change to
the name or title becomes effective.
16. The following provisions are
amended by replacing the expression
``Ontario Court (General Division)'' with
the expression ``Superior Court of Justice
in and for the Province of Ontario``:
17. The French version of the following
provisions is amended by replacing the
expression ``Cour de l'Ontario (Division
générale)'' with the expression ``Cour
supérieure de justice de l'Ontario``:
18. The following provisions are
amended by replacing the expression
``Ontario Court (General Division)'' with
the expression ``Superior Court of Justice``:
19. The English version of the following
provisions is amended by replacing the
expression ``Ontario Court (General
Division)'' with the expression ``Superior
Court of Justice``:
1995, c. 39
20. On the later of the coming into force
of this section and the definition ``superior
court'' in subsection 84(1) of the Criminal
Code, as enacted by section 139 of the
Firearms Act, chapter 39 of the Statutes of
Canada, 1995, the expression ``Ontario
Court (General Division)'' in paragraph (a)
of that definition is replaced by the
expression ``Superior Court of Justice''.
Coming into
21. Sections 2, 3 and 7, section 45 of the
Judges Act as enacted by section 10, and
sections 14 to 20 come into force on a day or
days to be fixed by order of the Governor in