Expiration of prohibition

(4) Any prohibition on the manufacture or importation of a substance imposed under paragraph (1)(b) expires two years after it is imposed unless, before the expiration of the two years, the Governor in Council publishes in the Canada Gazette a notice of proposed regulations under section 93 in respect of the substance, in which case the prohibition expires on the day on which the regulations come into force.

Publication of conditions and prohibitions

(5) Where the Minister specifies, imposes, varies or rescinds any condition for or prohibi tion on the manufacture or importation of a substance, the Minister shall publish in the Canada Gazette a notice setting out the condition or prohibition and the substance in respect of which it applies.

Significant new activity

85. (1) Where the Ministers have assessed any information under section 83 in respect of a substance not on the Domestic Substances List and they suspect that a significant new activity in relation to the substance may result in that substance becoming toxic, before the expiration of the period for assessing the information, the Ministers may publish in the Canada Gazette, and either Minister may publish in any other manner that that Minister considers appropriate, a notice indicating that subsection 81(4) applies with respect to the substance.

Variation or revocation

(2) The Minister may, by notice published in the Canada Gazette, vary the significant new activities in relation to a substance for which a notice has been given under subsec tion (1) or indicate that subsection 81(4) no longer applies with respect to that substance.

Contents of notice

(3) A notice referred to in subsection (1) or (2) shall indicate, by inclusion or exclusion, the significant new activities in relation to the substance in respect of which subsection 81(4) is to apply and where regulations in respect of those significant new activities are not made under paragraphs 89(1)(c), (d) and (g), specify the information to be provided to the Minister pursuant to that subsection, the date within which it is to be provided and the period within which it is to be assessed under section 83.

Notification of persons required to comply

86. Where a notice is published in the Canada Gazette under subsection 85(1) in respect of a substance, every person who transfers the physical possession or control of the substance shall notify all persons to whom the possession or control is transferred of the obligation to comply with subsection 81(4).

Amendment of Lists

87. (1) The Minister shall add a substance to the Domestic Substances List and, if it appears on the Non-domestic Substances List, delete it from that List where

    (a) the Minister has been provided with information in respect of the substance under section 81 or 82 and any additional information or test results required under subsection 84(1);

    (b) the Ministers are satisfied that the substance has been manufactured in or imported into Canada by the person who provided the information in excess of

      (i) 1 000 kg in any calendar year,

      (ii) an accumulated total of 5 000 kg, or

      (iii) the quantity prescribed for the pur poses of this section; and

    (c) no conditions specified under paragraph 84(1)(a) in respect of the substance remain in effect.

Amendment of Lists

(2) Where the Minister adds a substance to the Domestic Substances List and subsequent ly learns that the substance was not manufac tured or imported as described in subsection (1), the Minister shall delete the substance from the Domestic Substances List and, if it has been deleted from the Non-domestic Substances List, the Minister shall add it to that List.

Significant new activity

(3) Where a substance is on the Domestic Substances List or is to be added to the List under subsection (1), the Minister may amend the List in respect of the substance to indicate that subsection 81(3) applies with respect to the substance or that it no longer applies or by varying the significant new activities in relation to the substance in respect of which subsection 81(3) is to apply.

Contents of amendment

(4) An amendment referred to in subsection (3) shall indicate, by inclusion or exclusion, the significant new activities in relation to the substance in respect of which subsection 81(3) is to apply and where regulations in respect of those significant new activities are not made under paragraphs 89(1)(c), (d) and (g), specify the information to be provided to the Minister pursuant to that subsection, the date within which it is to be provided and the period within which it is to be assessed under section 83.

Publication of masked name

88. Where the publication under this Part of the explicit chemical or biological name of a substance would result in the release of confidential business information in con travention of section 314, the substance shall be identified by a name determined in the prescribed manner.


89. (1) The Governor in Council may, on the recommendation of the Ministers, make regu lations

    (a) defining substances or establishing groups of substances for the purposes of the provision of information under section 81 or 82, including groups of inanimate bio technology products, polymers, research and development substances and sub stances manufactured only for export;

    (b) prescribing maximum exempt quanti ties for the purposes of paragraph 81(6)(e);

    (c) prescribing the information that shall be provided to the Minister under subsection 81(1), (2), (3) or (4) or section 82 and the form and manner in which it is to be provided;

    (d) prescribing dates on or before which information shall be provided under subsec tion 81(1), (2), (3) or (4);

    (e) respecting the maintenance of books and records for the administration of any regu lation made under this section;

    (f) prescribing the purpose for which a substance must be used so as to permit the waiver of information requirements under subsection 81(10);

    (g) prescribing periods within which the Ministers shall assess information under subsection 83(1);

    (h) respecting the conditions, test proce dures and laboratory practices to be fol lowed in developing test data on a substance in order to comply with the information requirements of section 81 or 82 or requests for information under paragraph 84(1)(c);

    (i) prescribing quantities for the purposes of section 87;

    (j) prescribing the manner of determining a name for a substance for the purposes of section 88; and

    (k) generally for carrying out the purposes and provisions of sections 66 and 80 to 88.

Prescribed assessment period

(2) For the purposes of sections 81 and 83, where no assessment period is prescribed or specified with respect to a substance, the prescribed assessment period is ninety days after the Minister is provided with the pre scribed information.

Prescription of quantities

(3) Regulations made under paragraph (1)(b) or (i) may prescribe quantities in respect of a substance in terms of

    (a) whether or not the substance is on the Non-domestic Substances List or is a mem ber of a group of substances established by regulations made under paragraph (1)(a); or

    (b) the purposes for which the substance is manufactured or imported.

Prescription of information and assessment periods

(4) Regulations made under paragraph (1)(c), (d) or (g) may prescribe information, dates or periods in respect of a substance in terms of

    (a) whether or not the substance is on the Non-domestic Substances List or is a mem ber of a group of substances established by regulations made under paragraph (1)(a);

    (b) the purposes for which the substance is manufactured or imported; or

    (c) the quantity in which the substance is manufactured or imported.

Regulation of Toxic Substances

Addition to List of Toxic Substances

90. (1) Subject to subsection (3), the Governor in Council may, if satisfied that a substance is toxic, on the recommendation of the Ministers, make an order adding the substance to the List of Toxic Substances in Schedule I.

Deletion from List

(2) Subject to subsection (3), the Governor in Council may, if satisfied that the inclusion of a substance specified on the List of Toxic Substances in Schedule I is no longer neces sary, on the recommendation of the Ministers, make an order

    (a) deleting the substance from the List and deleting the type of regulations specified in the List as being applicable with respect to the substance; and

    (b) revoking the regulations made under section 93 with respect to the substance.

Order subject to conditions

(3) Where a board of review is established under section 333 in relation to a substance, no order may be made under subsection (1) or (2) in relation to the substance until the board's report is received by the Ministers.

Publication of proposal for preventive or control actions

91. (1) Subject to subsections (6) and (7), a proposed regulation or instrument respecting preventive or control actions in relation to a substance shall be published by the Minister in the Canada Gazette within two years after

    (a) in the case of a substance for which the Ministers have not proposed virtual elimi nation, the earlier of

      (i) the publication of the Ministers' statement under subsection 77(6) indi cating that the measure that they propose to take, as confirmed or amended, is a recommendation that the substance be added to the List of Toxic Substances in Schedule I, or

      (ii) the publication of a copy of an order proposed to be made under subsection 90(1); or

    (b) the publication under subsection 77(6) of a statement indicating that virtual elimi nation is proposed in respect of a substance.

Timeframes in relation to virtual elimination

(2) A proposed regulation or instrument in respect of preventive or control actions in relation to a substance for which a statement has been published under subsection 77(6) indicating that the measure proposed by the Ministers is virtual elimination shall specify the dates on which the preventive or control actions are to take effect.

Measurable quantity or concentration

(3) In establishing the quantity or con centration that is measurable in relation to a substance for the purposes of a proposed regulation or instrument referred to in subsec tion (2), the Ministers shall take into consider ation information concerning sensitive and readily available analytical methods and any relevant information contained in plans re ferred to in subsection 79(2).

Additional measures in relation to virtual elimination

(4) The Minister shall, where applicable, publish in the Canada Gazette a statement accompanying the proposed regulation or instrument for a substance referred to in subsection (2) describing any additional mea sures the Ministers intend to recommend with respect to virtual elimination and summariz ing their reasons for so intending.

tions in relation to virtual elimination

(5) In determining the preventive or control actions in relation to a substance and the dates on which those actions are to take effect that are to be set out in a proposed regulation or instrument referred to in subsection (2), and in determining any additional measures de scribed in a statement published under subsec tion (3), the Ministers shall take into consider ation any factor or information that, in the opinion of the Ministers, is relevant, includ ing, but not limited to,

    (a) information contained in plans referred to in section 79; and

    (b) environmental or health risks identified in the summary published under subsection 77(6) and any other relevant social, eco nomic or technical matters.

Publication of subsequent proposals

(6) Any proposed regulation or instrument respecting preventive or control actions in relation to a substance that is made after the publication of a proposed regulation or instru ment published within the period of two years referred to in subsection (1) shall be published in the Canada Gazette.

Suspension of time where board of review

(7) Where a board of review is established pursuant to section 333, the period of two years referred to in subsection (1) is suspended from the establishment of the board and does not recommence until the board's report is received by the Ministers.

Publication of preventive or control actions

92. (1) Subject to subsection (2), any regulation or instrument respecting preven tive or control actions in relation to a sub stance shall be made and published in the Canada Gazette within 18 months after the publication of the proposal for that regulation or instrument pursuant to subsection 91(1) or (6), unless a material substantive change is required to be made to that proposal.

Suspension of time where board of review

(2) Where a board of review is established pursuant to section 333 in relation to a substance, the period of 18 months referred to in subsection (1) is suspended from the establishment of the board and does not recommence until the board has submitted its report to the Minister pursuant to subsection 340(1).


93. (1) Subject to subsections (3) and (4), the Governor in Council may, on the recom mendation of the Ministers, make regulations with respect to a substance specified on the List of Toxic Substances in Schedule I, including regulations providing for, or impos ing requirements respecting,

    (a) the quantity or concentration of the substance that may be released into the environment either alone or in combination with any other substance from any source or type of source;

    (b) the places or areas where the substance may be released;

    (c) the commercial, manufacturing or pro cessing activity in the course of which the substance may be released;

    (d) the manner in which and conditions under which the substance may be released into the environment, either alone or in combination with any other substance;

    (e) the quantity of the substance that may be manufactured, processed, used, offered for sale or sold in Canada;

    (f) the purposes for which the substance or a product containing the substance may be imported, manufactured, processed, used, offered for sale or sold;

    (g) the manner in which and conditions under which the substance or a product containing the substance may be imported, manufactured, processed or used;

    (h) the quantities or concentrations in which the substance may be used;

    (i) the quantities or concentrations of the substance that may be imported;

    (j) the countries from or to which the substance may be imported or exported;

    (k) the conditions under which, the manner in which and the purposes for which the substance may be imported or exported;

    (l) the total, partial or conditional prohibi tion of the manufacture, use, processing, sale, offering for sale, import or export of the substance or a product containing the substance;

    (m) the total, partial or conditional prohibi tion of the import or export of a product that is intended to contain the substance;

    (n) the quantity or concentration of the substance that may be contained in any product manufactured, imported, exported or offered for sale in Canada;

    (o) the manner in which, conditions under which and the purposes for which the substance or a product containing the substance may be advertised or offered for sale;

    (p) the manner in which and conditions under which the substance or a product containing the substance may be stored, displayed, handled, transported or offered for transport;

    (q) the packaging and labelling of the substance or a product containing the substance;

    (r) the manner, conditions, places and method of disposal of the substance or a product containing the substance, including standards for the construction, maintenance and inspection of disposal sites;

    (s) the submission to the Minister, on request or at such times as are prescribed, of information relating to the substance;

    (t) the maintenance of books and records for the administration of any regulation made under this section;

    (u) the conduct of sampling, analyses, tests, measurements or monitoring of the sub stance and the submission of the results to the Minister;

    (v) the submission of samples of the sub stance to the Minister;

    (w) the conditions, test procedures and laboratory practices to be followed for conducting sampling, analyses, tests, mea surements or monitoring of the substance;

    (x) the circumstances or conditions under which the Minister may, for the proper administration of this Act, modify

      (i) any requirement for sampling, analy ses, tests, measurements or monitoring, or

      (ii) the conditions, test procedures and laboratory practices for conducting any required sampling, analyses, tests, mea surements or monitoring; and

    (y) any other matter that, by this Part, is to be defined or prescribed or that is necessary to carry out the purposes of this Part.