(d) returning the form to the address noted on the form.

18. The Act is amended by adding the following after section 68:

Designation of liaison officers

68.1 At the time that the Chief Electoral Officer considers appropriate, the Chief Electoral Officer, in consultation with the Minister responsible for corrections in the province, shall arrange for the designation of liaison officers that are required in order to enter in the Register of Electors the names of incarcerated electors.

Listing of incarcerated electors

68.2 At the time that the Chief Electoral Officer considers appropriate, the Chief Electoral Officer shall send to the liaison officer of each correctional institution the number of registration forms needed in order to have the name of each incarcerated elector entered in the Register of Electors.

Registration forms to be completed

68.3 (1) The liaison officer shall cause to be completed a registration form for every incarcerated elector, indicating the elector's surname, given names, sex and date of birth, and indicating the city, town, village or other place in Canada, with street address, if any, province and postal code in which is situated

    (a) the residence of the elector prior to being incarcerated;

    (b) the residence of a spouse, parent or dependent of the eligible elector;

    (c) the place of arrest of the elector; or

    (d) the last court where the elector was convicted and sentenced.

Place of residence

(2) For the purposes of the registration form, the residence of a qualified elector is deemed to be at the first place referred to in paragraphs (1)(a) to (d) that is known, following the order of those paragraphs.

Registration forms to be validated

(3) All registration forms shall be validated with the name of the electoral district in which is situated the residence shown in the form, signed by the liaison officer who validates the form and returned to the Chief Electoral Officer.

1993, c. 19, s. 31

19. (1) Subsection 71(2) of the Act is replaced by the following:


(2) Each enumerator shall certify, by signing the enumeration record, that the elector information that is submitted to the returning officer is, as far as the enumerator knows, correct.

(2) Section 71 of the Act is amended by adding the following after subsection (3):

Transmission of documents

(4) The returning officer shall, as soon as his or her office has been closed, transmit to the Chief Electoral Officer all documents in his or her possession relating to the enumeration.

20. The heading before section 63 and sections 63 to 71 of the Act, as amended by sections 12 to 19, are repealed.

21. (1) The Act is amended by adding the following before the heading before section 71.1:

lity of enumerator

71.001 (1) Any enumerator who wilfully or without reasonable excuse

    (a) omits to enter in the Register of Electors the name of any person who is entitled to have his or her name entered therein, or

    (b) enters in the Register of Electors the name of any person who is not qualified as an elector in the polling division of the enumerator,

forfeits the enumerator's right to payment for his or her services and expenses.

Certification of certain accounts prohibited

(2) A returning officer shall exercise special care in the certification of enumerators' accounts and, where the returning officer is of opinion that an enumerator has made an omission or entry referred to in subsection (1), the returning officer shall not certify the account of the enumerator concerned but shall send it uncertified to the Chief Electoral Officer with a special report attached thereto stating the relevant facts.

Adaptation of Act to enumeration

71.002 Subsections 9(1) and 11(3) and sections 204 to 207 apply in respect of an enumeration conducted under section 63, with such modifications as the circumstances require and with references to an election being read as references to the enumeration.

Notice in the Canada Gazette

71.003 On the completion of the enumeration, the Chief Electoral Officer shall publish a notice to that effect in the Canada Gazette.

(2) Sections 71.001 to 71.003 of the Act, as enacted by subsection (1), are repealed.

22. The Act is amended by adding the following after section 71:


Establishment and Maintenance

ment and maintenance

71.01 The Chief Electoral Officer shall establish and maintain an automated register of Canadians who are qualified as electors, to be known as the Register of Electors.

Establishment of Register


71.011 The Register of Electors shall be established from

    (a) information that is

      (i) collected by means of an enumeration, or

      (ii) contained in a list of electors to which the Chief Electoral Officer has access and that is collected by means of a door-to-door enumeration conducted for an election or referendum held pursuant to provincial law in the year preceding the beginning of the enumeration period referred to in subsection 63(1), if the Chief Electoral Officer considers the information adequate for the establishment of the Register of Electors;

    (b) information contained in registration forms returned to the Chief Electoral Officer pursuant to subsection 68.3(3);

    (c) information contained in the registry of electors maintained by the Chief Electoral Officer under section 21 of Schedule II; and

    (d) information contained in the list referred to in section 57 of Schedule II.


Notice in Canada Gazette

71.012 As soon as the establishment of the Register of Electors has been completed, the Chief Electoral Officer shall give notice of that fact in the Canada Gazette.

Members and registered parties

71.013 (1) On October 15 in each year, the Chief Electoral Officer shall, in respect of each electoral district, send an electronic copy of the list of electors, taken from the Register of Electors, to the elected member and, on request, to each registered party that presented a candidate in that electoral district in the last election.

Contents of list of electors

(2) The list of electors mentioned in subsection (1)

    (a) shall set out, for each elector, the surname, given names, civic address and mailing address; and

    (b) shall be arranged, in the form specified by the Chief Electoral Officer, according to streets and civic addresses. If that is not suitable, the list shall be arranged according to the alphabetical order of surnames.


(3) This section does not apply if the date mentioned in subsection (1) falls during an electoral period, or if the poll at a general election was held during the three months preceding that date.

Updating the Register

Sources of information

71.014 (1) The Register of Electors shall be updated from

    (a) information

      (i) that electors have given the Chief Electoral Officer, or

      (ii) that is held by a federal department or body and that electors have expressly authorized to be given to the Chief Electoral Officer; and

    (b) information that the Chief Electoral Officer considers reliable and necessary for updating the surname, given names, sex, date of birth, civic address and mailing address of electors included in the Register, and that

      (i) is held under a provincial Act mentioned in Schedule IV, or

      (ii) comes from any other source mentioned in Schedule IV.

Amendments to Schedule IV

(2) The Chief Electoral Officer may at any time amend Schedule IV by adding, changing or deleting the name of a provincial Act or of any other source of information, but no such amendment comes into force until notice thereof is published in the Canada Gazette.

Duty of returning officer

71.015 Between the date of issue of the writ and polling day, each returning officer shall update the Register of Electors from the information that he or she obtains pursuant to this Act.

New electors

71.016 (1) The Chief Electoral Officer shall, before listing a new elector in the Register of Electors, send the elector the Chief Electoral Officer's information relating to that elector and ask the elector if he or she wishes to be listed in the Register of Electors.

Obligation of elector

(2) An elector referred to in subsection (1) who wishes to be listed in the Register of Electors must confirm, correct or complete the information, in writing, and give it to the Chief Electoral Officer along with a signed certification that the elector has Canadian citizenship.


(3) This section does not apply in respect of the listing of a new elector that is

    (a) done pursuant to the elector's own request;

    (b) done at the time the Register of Electors is established under section 71.011; or

    (c) based on a list of electors established under provincial law, to the extent that that list contains the surname, given names, sex, date of birth, civic address and mailing address of each elector.

Listing requests

71.017 (1) Any person may at any time request the Chief Electoral Officer to list that person in the Register of Electors, by providing

    (a) a signed certification that he or she is qualified as an elector;

    (b) his or her surname, given names, sex, date of birth, civic address and mailing address; and

    (c) satisfactory proof of identity.

Optional information

(2) In addition to the information referred to in subsection (1), the Chief Electoral Officer may invite the person to give any other information that the Chief Electoral Officer considers necessary to implement any agreements entered into under section 71.024, but the person is not required to do so.


71.018 An elector may give the Chief Electoral Officer any changes to the information in the Register of Electors relating to that elector, and the Chief Electoral Officer shall make the necessary corrections to the Register of Electors.


71.019 The Chief Electoral Officer may at any time

    (a) contact an elector to verify the Chief Electoral Officer's information relating to that elector; and

    (b) request the elector to confirm, correct or complete the information within sixty days after receiving the request.

Deletion of names

71.02 The Chief Electoral Officer may delete from the Register of Electors the name of any person who

    (a) is not an elector;

    (b) requests in writing to have his or her name deleted; or

    (c) fails to reply to a request referred to in paragraph 71.019(b) within the sixty days.


71.021 If an elector so requests the Chief Electoral Officer in writing, information in the Register of Electors relating to that elector shall be used only for federal electoral or referendum purposes.

Access to personal information

71.022 If an elector so requests the Chief Electoral Officer in writing, the Chief Electoral Officer shall send the elector all the information in the Chief Electoral Officer's possession relating to that elector.