(ii) was issued by the debtor for an amount,

    equal to the portion of the amount of such interest that was deductible or would, but for subsection 18(2) or (3.1) or section 21, have been deductible in computing the debtor's income for a taxation year;

    (c) subsections (3) to (5) and (7) to (13) apply in numerical order to the forgiven amount in respect of a commercial obligation;

    (d) the applicable fraction of the unapplied portion of a forgiven amount at any time in respect of an obligation issued by a debtor is

      (i) in respect of a loss for a taxation year that ends after 1989, 3/4,

      (ii) in respect of a loss for a taxation year that ended before 1988, 1/2, and

      (iii) in respect of a loss for any other taxation year, the fraction required to be used under section 38 for that year;

    (e) where an applicable fraction (as determined under paragraph (d)) of the unapplied portion of a forgiven amount is applied under subsection (4) to reduce at any time a loss for a taxation year, the portion of the forgiven amount so applied shall, except for the purpose of reducing the loss, be deemed to be the quotient obtained when the amount of the reduction is divided by the applicable fraction;

    (f) where 3/4 of the unapplied portion of a forgiven amount is applied under subsection (7) to reduce cumulative eligible capital, except for the purpose of reducing the cumulative eligible capital, the portion of the forgiven amount so applied shall be deemed to be 4/3 of the amount of the reduction;

    (g) the amount paid in satisfaction of a debt issued by a corporation and payable to a person shall

      (i) where any part of the consideration given to the person for the settlement of the debt consists of a share (other than an excluded security) issued by the corporation to the person, be deemed to be equal to the total of

        (A) the fair market value of the share at the time it was issued, and

        (B) the amount, if any, that can reasonably be considered to be the increase, as a consequence of the settlement of the debt, in the fair market value of other shares of the capital stock of the corporation owned by the person, and

      (ii) in any other case, be deemed to include the amount described in clause (i)(B);

    (h) where any part of the consideration given by a debtor to another person for the settlement at any time of a particular commercial debt obligation issued by the debtor and payable to the other person consists of a new commercial debt obligation issued by the debtor to the other person

      (i) an amount equal to the principal amount of the new obligation shall be deemed to be paid by the debtor at that time, because of the issue of the new obligation, in satisfaction of the principal amount of the particular obligation, and

      (ii) the new obligation shall be deemed to have been issued for an amount equal to the amount, if any, by which

        (A) the principal amount of the new obligation


        (B) the amount, if any, by which the principal amount of the new obligation exceeds the amount for which the particular obligation was issued;

    (i) where 2 or more commercial obligations issued by a debtor are settled at the same time, those obligations shall be treated as if they were settled at different times in the order designated by the debtor in a prescribed form filed with the debtor's return of income under this Part for the debtor's taxation year that includes that time or, if the debtor does not so designate any such order, in the order designated by the Minister;

    (j) for the purpose of determining, at any time, whether 2 persons are related to each other or whether any person is controlled by any other person, it shall be assumed that

      (i) each partnership and each trust is a corporation having a capital stock of a single class of voting shares divided into 100 issued shares,

      (ii) each member of a partnership and each beneficiary under a trust owned at that time the number of issued shares of that class that is equal to the proportion of 100 that

        (A) the fair market value at that time of the member's interest in the partnership or the beneficiary's interest in the trust, as the case may be

      is of

        (B) the fair market value at that time of all members' interests in the partnership or all beneficiaries' interests in the trust, as the case may be, and

      (iii) where a beneficiary's share of the income or capital of a trust depends on the exercise by any person of, or the failure by any person to exercise, any discretionary power, the fair market value at any time of the beneficiary's interest in the trust is equal to

        (A) where the beneficiary is not entitled to receive or otherwise obtain the use of any of the income or capital of the trust before the death after that time of one or more other beneficiaries under the trust, nil, and

        (B) in any other case, the total fair market value at that time of all beneficiaries' interests under the trust;

    (k) where an obligation is denominated in a currency (other than Canadian currency), the forgiven amount at any time in respect of the obligation shall be determined with reference to the relative value of that currency and Canadian currency at the time the obligation was issued;

    (l) where an amount is paid in satisfaction of the principal amount of a particular commercial obligation issued by a debtor and, as a consequence of the payment, the debtor is legally obliged to pay that amount to another person, the obligation to pay that amount to the other person shall be deemed to be a commercial obligation that was issued by the debtor at the same time and in the same circumstances as the particular obligation;

    (m) for greater certainty, the amount that can be applied under this section to reduce another amount may not exceed that other amount;

    (n) except for the purposes of this paragraph, where

      (i) a commercial debt obligation issued by a debtor is settled at any time,

      (ii) the debtor is at that time a member of a partnership, and

      (iii) the obligation was, under the agreement governing the obligation, treated immediately before that time as a debt owed by the partnership,

    the obligation shall be considered to have been issued by the partnership and not by the debtor;

    (o) notwithstanding paragraph (n), where a commercial debt obligation for which a particular person is jointly liable with one or more other persons is settled at any time in respect of the particular person but not in respect of all of the other persons, the portion of the obligation that can reasonably be considered to be the particular person's share of the obligation shall be considered to have been issued by the particular person and settled at that time and not at any subsequent time;

    (p) a commercial debt obligation issued by an individual that is outstanding at the time of the individual's death and settled at a subsequent time shall, if the estate of the individual was liable for the obligation immediately before the subsequent time, be deemed to have been issued by the estate at the same time and in the same circumstances as the obligation was issued by the individual; and

    (q) where a commercial debt obligation issued by an individual would, but for this paragraph, be settled at any time in the period ending 6 months after the death of an individual (or within such longer period as is acceptable to the Minister and the estate of the individual) and the estate of the individual was liable immediately before that time for the obligation

      (i) the obligation shall be deemed to have been settled at the beginning of the day on which the individual died and not at that time,

      (ii) any amount paid at that time by the estate in satisfaction of the principal amount of the obligation shall be deemed to have been paid at the beginning of the day on which the individual died,

      (iii) any amount given by the estate at or before that time to another person as consideration for assumption by the other person of the obligation shall be deemed to have been given at the beginning of the day on which the individual died, and

      (iv) paragraph (b) shall not apply in respect of the settlement to interest that accrues within that period,

    except that this paragraph does not apply in circumstances in which any amount is because of the settlement included under paragraph 6(1)(a) or subsection 15(1) in computing the income of any person or in which section 79 applies in respect of the obligation.

Reductions of non-capital losses

(3) Where a commercial obligation issued by a debtor is settled at any time, the forgiven amount at that time in respect of the obligation shall be applied to reduce at that time, in the following order,

    (a) the debtor's non-capital loss for each taxation year that ended before that time to the extent that the amount so applied

      (i) does not exceed the amount (in subsection (4) referred to as the debtor's ``ordinary non-capital loss at that time for the year'') that would be the relevant loss balance at that time for the obligation and in respect of the debtor's non-capital loss for the year if the description of E in the definition ``non-capital loss'' in subsection 111(8) were read without reference to the expression ``the taxpayer's allowable business investment loss for the year'', and

      (ii) does not, because of this subsection, reduce the debtor's non-capital loss for a preceding taxation year;

    (b) the debtor's farm loss for each taxation year that ended before that time, to the extent that the amount so applied

      (i) does not exceed the amount that is the relevant loss balance at that time for the obligation and in respect of the debtor's farm loss for the year, and

      (ii) does not, because of this subsection, reduce the debtor's farm loss for a preceding taxation year; and

    (c) the debtor's restricted farm loss for each taxation year that ended before that time, to the extent that the amount so applied

      (i) does not exceed the amount that is the relevant loss balance at that time for the obligation and in respect of the debtor's restricted farm loss for the year, and

      (ii) does not, because of this subsection, reduce the debtor's restricted farm loss for a preceding taxation year.

Reductions of capital losses

(4) Where a commercial obligation issued by a debtor is settled at any time, the applicable fraction of the remaining unapplied portion of a forgiven amount at that time in respect of the obligation shall be applied to reduce at that time, in the following order,

    (a) the debtor's non-capital loss for each taxation year that ended before that time to the extent that the amount so applied

      (i) does not exceed the amount, if any, by which

        (A) the relevant loss balance at that time for the obligation and in respect of the debtor's non-capital loss for the year


        (B) the debtor's ordinary non-capital loss (within the meaning assigned by subparagraph (3)(a)(i)) at that time for the year, and

      (ii) does not, because of this subsection, reduce the debtor's non-capital loss for a preceding taxation year; and

    (b) the debtor's net capital loss for each taxation year that ended before that time, to the extent that the amount so applied

      (i) does not exceed the relevant loss balance at that time for the obligation and in respect of the debtor's net capital loss for the year, and

      (ii) does not, because of this subsection, reduce the debtor's net capital loss for a preceding taxation year.

Reductions with respect to depreciable property

(5) Where a commercial obligation issued by a debtor is settled at any time, the remaining unapplied portion of the forgiven amount at that time in respect of the obligation shall be applied, in such manner as is designated by the debtor in a prescribed form filed with the debtor's return of income under this Part for the taxation year that includes that time, to reduce immediately after that time the following amounts:

    (a) the capital cost to the debtor of a depreciable property that is owned by the debtor immediately after that time; and

    (b) the undepreciated capital cost to the debtor of depreciable property of a prescribed class immediately after that time.

Restriction with respect to depreciable property

(6) Where a commercial obligation issued by a debtor is settled at any time,

    (a) an amount may be applied under subsection (5) to reduce, immediately after that time, the capital cost to the debtor of a depreciable property of a prescribed class only to the extent that

      (i) the undepreciated capital cost to the debtor of depreciable property of that class at that time


      (ii) the total of all other reductions immediately after that time to that undepreciated capital cost; and

    (b) an amount may be applied under subsection (5) to reduce, immediately after that time, the capital cost to the debtor of a depreciable property (other than a depreciable property of a prescribed class) only to the extent that

      (i) the capital cost to the debtor of the property at that time


      (ii) the amount that was allowed to the debtor before that time under Part XVII of the Income Tax Regulations in respect of the property.

Reductions of cumulative eligible capital

(7) Where a commercial obligation issued by a debtor is settled at any time, 3/4 of the remaining unapplied portion of the forgiven amount at that time in respect of the obligation shall be applied (to the extent designated in a prescribed form filed with the debtor's return of income under this Part for the taxation year that includes that time) to reduce immediately after that time the cumulative eligible capital of the debtor in respect of each business of the debtor (or, where the debtor is at that time non-resident, in respect of each business carried on in Canada by the debtor).

Reductions of resource expenditures

(8) Where a commercial obligation issued by a debtor is settled at any time, the remaining unapplied portion of the forgiven amount at that time in respect of the obligation shall be applied (to the extent designated in a prescribed form filed with the debtor's return of income under this Part for the taxation year that includes that time) to reduce immediately after that time the following amounts:

    (a) where the debtor is a corporation resident in Canada throughout that year, each particular amount that would be determined in respect of the debtor under paragraph 66.7(2)(a), (3)(a), (4)(a) or (5)(a) if paragraphs 66.7(4)(a) and (5)(a) were read without reference to the expressions ``30% of'' and ``10% of'', respectively, as a consequence of the acquisition of control of the debtor by a person or group of persons, the debtor ceasing to be exempt from tax under this Part on its taxable income or the acquisition of properties by the debtor by way of an amalgamation or merger, where the amount so applied does not exceed the successor pool immediately after that time for the obligation and in respect of the particular amount;

    (b) the cumulative Canadian exploration expense (within the meaning assigned by subsection 66.1(6)) of the debtor;

    (c) the cumulative Canadian development expense (within the meaning assigned by subsection 66.2(5)) of the debtor;

    (d) the cumulative Canadian oil and gas property expense (within the meaning assigned by subsection 66.4(5)) of the debtor; and

    (e) the total determined under paragraph 66(4)(a) in respect of the debtor, where

      (i) the debtor is resident in Canada throughout that year, and

      (ii) the amount so applied does not exceed such portion of the total of the debtor's foreign exploration and development expenses (within the meaning assigned by subsection 66(15)) as were incurred by the debtor before that time and would be deductible under subsection 66(4) in computing the debtor's income for that year if the debtor had sufficient income described in subparagraph 66(4)(b)(ii) and if that year ended at that time.

Reductions of adjusted cost bases of capital properties

(9) Where a commercial obligation issued by a debtor is settled at any time and amounts have been designated under subsections (5), (7) and (8) to the maximum extent permitted in respect of the settlement, subject to subsection (18)