(a) the remaining unapplied portion of the forgiven amount at that time in respect of the obligation shall be applied (to the extent designated in a prescribed form filed with the debtor's return of income under this Part for the taxation year that includes that time) to reduce immediately after that time the adjusted cost bases to the debtor of capital properties (other than shares of the capital stock of corporations of which the debtor is a specified shareholder at that time, debts issued by corporations of which the debtor is a specified shareholder at that time, interests in partnerships that are related to the debtor at that time, depreciable property that is not of a prescribed class, personal-use properties and excluded properties) that are owned by the debtor immediately after that time;

    (b) an amount may be applied under this subsection to reduce, immediately after that time, the capital cost to the debtor of a depreciable property of a prescribed class only to the extent that

      (i) the capital cost immediately after that time to the debtor of the property (determined without reference to the settlement of the obligation at that time)


      (ii) its capital cost immediately after that time to the debtor for the purposes of paragraphs 8(1)(j) and (p), sections 13 and 20 and any regulations made for the purpose of paragraph 20(1)(a) (determined without reference to the settlement of the obligation at that time); and

    (c) for the purposes of paragraphs 8(1)(j) and (p), sections 13 and 20 and any regulations made for the purpose of paragraph 20(1)(a), no amount shall be considered to have been applied under this subsection.

Reduction of adjusted cost bases of certain shares and debts

(10) Where a commercial obligation issued by a debtor is settled at any time in a taxation year and amounts have been designated by the debtor under subsections (5), (7), (8) and (9) to the maximum extent permitted in respect of the settlement, subject to subsection (18) the remaining unapplied portion of that forgiven amount shall be applied (to the extent that it is designated in a prescribed form filed with the debtor's return of income under this Part for the year) to reduce immediately after that time the adjusted cost bases to the debtor of capital properties, owned by the debtor immediately after that time, that are shares of the capital stock of corporations of which the debtor is a specified shareholder at that time and debts issued by corporations of which the debtor is a specified shareholder at that time (other than shares of the capital stock of corporations related to the debtor at that time, debts issued by corporations related to the debtor at that time and excluded properties).

Reduction of adjusted cost bases of certain shares, debts and partnership interests

(11) Where a commercial obligation issued by a debtor is settled at any time in a taxation year and amounts have been designated by the debtor under subsections (5), (7), (8), (9) and (10) to the maximum extent permitted in respect of the settlement, subject to subsection (18) the remaining unapplied portion of that forgiven amount shall be applied (to the extent that it is designated in a prescribed form filed with the debtor's return of income under this Part for the year) to reduce immediately after that time the adjusted cost bases to the debtor of

    (a) shares and debts that are capital properties (other than excluded properties and properties the adjusted cost bases of which are reduced at that time under subsection (9) or (10)) of the debtor immediately after that time; and

    (b) interests in partnerships that are related to the debtor at that time that are capital properties (other than excluded properties) of the debtor immediately after that time.

Capital gain where current year capital loss

(12) Where a commercial obligation issued by a debtor (other than a partnership) is settled at any time in a taxation year and amounts have been designated by the debtor under subsections (5), (7), (8) and (9) to the maximum extent permitted in respect of the settlement,

    (a) the debtor shall be deemed to have a capital gain for the year from the disposition of capital property (or, where the debtor is non-resident at the end of the year, taxable Canadian property), equal to the lesser of

      (i) the remaining unapplied portion of the forgiven amount at that time in respect of the obligation, and

      (ii) the amount, if any, by which the total of

        (A) all of the debtor's capital losses for the year from the dispositions of properties (other than listed personal properties and excluded properties), and

        (B) 4/3 of the amount that would, because of subsection 88(1.2), be deductible under paragraph 111(1)(b) in computing the debtor's taxable income for the year, if the debtor had sufficient income and taxable capital gains for the year,

      exceeds the total of

        (C) all of the debtor's capital gains for the year from the dispositions of such properties (determined without reference to this subsection), and

        (D) all amounts each of which is an amount deemed by this subsection to be a capital gain of the debtor for the year as a consequence of the application of this subsection to other commercial obligations settled before that time; and

    (b) the forgiven amount at that time in respect of the obligation shall be considered to have been applied under this subsection to the extent of the amount deemed by this subsection to be a capital gain of the debtor for the year as a consequence of the application of this subsection to the settlement of the obligation at that time.

Income inclusion

(13) Where a commercial obligation issued by a debtor is settled at any time in a taxation year, there shall be added, in computing the debtor's income for the year from the source in connection with which the obligation was issued, the amount determined by the formula

(A + B - C - D) x E


A is the remaining unapplied portion of the forgiven amount at that time in respect of the obligation,

B is the lesser of

      (a) the total of all amounts designated under subsection (11) by the debtor in respect of the settlement of the obligation at that time, and

      (b) the total of

        (i) the residual balance at that time in respect of the settlement of the obligation, and

        (ii) the amount, if any, by which the amount determined for C in respect of the settlement exceeds the amount determined for A in respect of the settlement,

C is the total of all amounts each of which is an amount specified in an agreement filed under section 80.04 in respect of the settlement of the obligation at that time,

D is

      (a) where the debtor has designated amounts under subsections (5), (7), (8), (9) and (10) to the maximum extent permitted in respect of the settlement, the amount, if any, by which

        (i) the total of all amounts each of which is an unrecognized loss at that time, in respect of the obligation, from the disposition of a property


        (ii) 4/3 of the total of all amounts each of which is an amount by which the amount determined before that time under this subsection in respect of a settlement of an obligation issued by the debtor has been reduced because of an amount determined under this paragraph, and

      (b) in any other case, nil, and

E is

      (a) where the debtor is a partnership, 1, and

      (b) in any other case, 0.75.

Residual balance

(14) For the purpose of subsection (13), the residual balance at any time in a taxation year in respect of the settlement of a particular commercial obligation issued by a debtor is the amount, if any, by which the total of

    (a) all amounts each of which is an amount that would be applied under any of subsections (3) to (10) and (12) in respect of the settlements of separate commercial obligations issued by directed persons at that time in respect of the debtor if

      (i) those obligations were issued at that time by those directed persons and were settled immediately after that time,

      (ii) an amount equal to the forgiven amount at that time in respect of the particular obligation were the forgiven amount immediately after that time in respect of each of those obligations,

      (iii) amounts were designated under subsections (5), (7), (8), (9) and (10) by those directed persons to the maximum extent permitted in respect of the settlement of each of those obligations, and

      (iv) no amounts were designated under subsection (11) by any of those directed persons in respect of the settlement of any of those obligations, and

    (b) where the debtor is a partnership, all amounts each of which is 1/4 of an amount deducted because of paragraph (c) or (d) in computing the residual balance at that time in respect of the settlement of the particular obligation,

exceeds the total of

    (c) all amounts each of which is 4/3 of the amount that would be included under subsection (13) in computing the debtor's income for the year in respect of the settlement at or before that time of a commercial obligation issued by the debtor if the amounts determined for B and D in subsection (13) were nil,

    (d) all amounts each of which is 4/3 of an amount that would, if the amount determined for D in subsection (13) were nil, be included under subsection (13) in computing the income of any of those directed persons in respect of the settlement of an obligation that is deemed by paragraph 80.04(4)(e) to have been issued by the directed person because of the filing of an agreement under section 80.04 in respect of the settlement at or before that time and in the year of a commercial obligation issued by the debtor,

    (e) all amounts each of which is an amount specified in an agreement (other than an agreement with any of those directed persons) filed under section 80.04 in respect of the settlement at or before that time and in the year of a commercial obligation issued by the debtor, and

    (f) all amounts each of which is the lesser of

      (i) the total of all amounts designated under subsection (11) in respect of the settlement before that time and in the year of another commercial obligation issued by the debtor, and

      (ii) the residual balance of the debtor at that previous time.

Members of partnerships

(15) Where a commercial debt obligation issued by a partnership (in this subsection referred to as the ``partnership obligation'') is settled at any time in a fiscal period of the partnership that ends in a taxation year of a member of the partnership,

    (a) the member may deduct, in computing the member's income for the year, such amount as the member claims not exceeding the relevant limit in respect of the partnership obligation;

    (b) for the purpose of paragraph (a), the relevant limit in respect of the partnership obligation is the amount that would be included in computing the member's income for the year as a consequence of the application of subsection (13) and section 96 to the settlement of the partnership obligation if the partnership had designated amounts under subsections (5), (7), (8), (9) and (10) to the maximum extent permitted in respect of each obligation settled in that fiscal period and if income arising from the application of subsection (13) were from a source of income separate from any other sources of partnership income; and

    (c) for the purposes of this section and section 80.04,

      (i) the member shall be deemed to have issued a commercial debt obligation that was settled at the end of that fiscal period,

      (ii) the amount deducted under paragraph (a) in respect of the partnership obligation in computing the member's income shall be treated as if it were the forgiven amount at the end of that fiscal period in respect of the obligation referred to in subparagraph (i),

      (iii) subject to subparagraph (iv), the obligation referred to in subparagraph (i) shall be deemed to have been issued at the same time at which, and in the same circumstances in which, the partnership obligation was issued,

      (iv) where the member is a corporation the control of which was acquired at a particular time that is before the end of that fiscal period and before the corporation became a member of the partnership and the partnership obligation was issued before the particular time,

        (A) subject to the application of this subparagraph to an acquisition of control of the corporation after the particular time and before the end of that fiscal period, the obligation referred to in subparagraph (i) shall be deemed to have been issued by the member after the particular time, and

        (B) paragraph (e) of the definition ``relevant loss balance'' in subsection (1), paragraph (f) of the definition ``successor pool'' in that subsection and paragraph (b) of the definition ``unrecognized loss'' in that subsection do not apply in respect of that acquisition of control, and

      (v) the source in connection with which the obligation referred to in subparagraph (i) was issued shall be deemed to be the source in connection with which the partnership obligation was issued.

Designations by Minister

(16) Where a commercial obligation issued by a debtor is settled at any time in a taxation year and, as a consequence of the settlement an amount would, but for this subsection, be deducted under section 61.2 or 61.3 in computing the debtor's income for the year and the debtor has not designated amounts under subsections (5) to (11) to the maximum extent possible in respect of the settlement,

    (a) the Minister may designate amounts under subsections (5) to (11) to the extent that the debtor would have been permitted to designate those amounts; and

    (b) the amounts designated by the Minister shall, except for the purpose of this subsection, be deemed to have been designated by the debtor as required by subsections (5) to (11).

Income inclusion where residual balance a positive amount

(17) Where a commercial obligation issued by a corporation is settled at any time in a taxation year and, as a consequence of the settlement an amount is deducted under section 61.3 in computing the corporation's income for the year, unless the corporation has commenced to wind up on or before the day that is 12 months after the end of the year there shall be added in computing the corporation's income for the year from the source in connection with which the obligation was issued 50% of the lesser of

    (a) the total of all amounts designated under subsection (11) by the corporation in respect of the settlement of the obligation at that time, and

    (b) the amount, if any, by which the lesser of

      (i) the residual balance (within the meaning assigned by subsection (14)) of the corporation at that time in respect of the settlement of the obligation, and

      (ii) the amount, if any, by which the amount deducted under section 61.3 in computing the corporation's income for the year exceeds the amount, if any, deducted because of paragraph 37(1)(f.1) in determining the balance determined under subsection 37(1) in respect of the corporation after the year because of an amount deducted under section 61.3 in computing the corporation's income for the year

    exceeds the total of all amounts included because of this subsection in computing the corporation's income for the year in respect of a settlement before that time of a commercial obligation issued by the corporation.

Partnership designations

(18) Where a commercial obligation issued by a partnership is settled at any time after December 20, 1994, the amount designated under subsection (9), (10) or (11) in respect of the settlement by the partnership to reduce the adjusted cost base of a capital property acquired shall not exceed the amount, if any, by which the adjusted cost base at that time to the partnership of the property exceeds the fair market value at that time of the property.


80.01 (1) In this section,

``commercial debt obligation''
« créance commerciale »

``commercial debt obligation'' has the meaning assigned by subsection 80(1);

``commercial obligation''
« dette commerciale »

``commercial obligation'' has the meaning assigned by subsection 80(1);

« débiteur »

``debtor'' has the meaning assigned by subsection 80(1);

``distress preferred share''
« action privilégiée de renflouement »

``distress preferred share'' has the meaning assigned by subsection 80(1);

``forgiven amount''
« montant remis »

``forgiven amount'' has the meaning assigned by subsection 80(1) except that, where an amount would be included in computing a person's income under paragraph 6(1)(a) or subsection 15(1) as a consequence of the settlement of an obligation if the obligation were settled without any payment being made in satisfaction of its principal amount, ``forgiven amount'' in respect of that obligation has the meaning assigned by subsection 6(15.1) or 15(1.21), as the case may be;

« personne »

``person'' has the meaning assigned by subsection 80(1);

``specified cost''
« coût déterminé »

``specified cost'' at any time to a person of an obligation means,

      (a) where the obligation is capital property of the person at that time, the adjusted cost base at that time to the person of the obligation, and

      (b) in any other case, the cost amount to the person of the obligation.