(c) on the commencement day, possessed one or more firearms and does not require a licence to acquire other firearms;

    (d) requires a licence merely to acquire cross-bows; or

    (e) is a non-resident who is eighteen years old or older and by or on behalf of whom an application is made for a sixty-day licence authorizing the non-resident to possess firearms that are neither prohibited firearms nor restricted firearms.

Further exception

(5) Subsection (3) does not apply to an individual in respect of whom an order is made under section 113 of the Criminal Code (lifting of prohibition order for sustenance or employment) and who is exempted by a chief firearms officer from the application of that subsection.

Special Cases - Persons


8. (1) An individual who is less than eighteen years old and who is otherwise eligible to hold a licence is not eligible to hold a licence except as provided in this section.

Minors hunting as a way of life

(2) An individual who is less than eighteen years old and who hunts or traps as a way of life is eligible to hold a licence if the individual needs to hunt or trap in order to sustain himself or herself or his or her family.

Hunting, etc.

(3) An individual who is twelve years old or older but less than eighteen years old is eligible to hold a licence authorizing the individual to possess, in accordance with the conditions attached to the licence, a firearm for the purpose of target practice, hunting or instruction in the use of firearms or for the purpose of taking part in an organized competition.

No prohibited or restricted firearms

(4) An individual who is less than eighteen years old is not eligible to hold a licence authorizing the individual to possess prohibited firearms or restricted firearms or to acquire firearms or cross-bows.

Consent of parent or guardian

(5) An individual who is less than eighteen years old is eligible to hold a licence only if a parent or person who has custody of the individual has consented, in writing or in any other manner that is satisfactory to the chief firearms officer, to the issuance of the licence.


9. (1) A business is eligible to hold a licence authorizing a particular activity only if every person who stands in a prescribed relationship to the business is eligible under sections 5 and 6 to hold a licence authorizing that activity or the acquisition of restricted firearms.

Safety courses

(2) A business other than a carrier is eligible to hold a licence only if

    (a) a chief firearms officer determines that no individual who stands in a prescribed relationship to the business need be eligible to hold a licence under section 7; or

    (b) the individuals who stand in a prescribed relationship to the business and who are determined by a chief firearms officer to be the appropriate individuals to satisfy the requirements of section 7 are eligible to hold a licence under that section.


(3) A business other than a carrier is eligible to hold a licence only if every employee of the business who, in the course of duties of employment, handles or would handle firearms, prohibited weapons, restricted weapons, prohibited devices or prohibited ammunition is the holder of a licence authorizing the holder to acquire restricted firearms.


(4) In subsection (3), ``firearm'' does not include a partially manufactured barrelled weapon that, in its unfinished state, is not a barrelled weapon

    (a) from which any shot, bullet or other projectile can be discharged; and

    (b) that is capable of causing serious bodily injury or death to a person.


(5) Subsection (1) does not apply in respect of a person who stands in a prescribed relationship to a business where a chief firearms officer determines that, in all the circumstances, the business should not be ineligible to hold a licence merely because of that person's ineligibility.

Exception for museums

(6) Subsection (3) does not apply in respect of an employee of a museum

    (a) who, in the course of duties of employment, handles or would handle only firearms that are designed or intended to exactly resemble, or to resemble with near precision, antique firearms, and who has been trained to handle or use such a firearm; or

    (b) who is designated, by name, by a provincial minister.

International and interprovincia l carriers

10. Sections 5, 6 and 9 apply in respect of a carrier whose business includes the transportation of firearms, prohibited weapons, restricted weapons, prohibited devices or prohibited ammunition from one province to any other province, or beyond the limits of a province, as if each reference in those sections to a chief firearms officer were a reference to the Registrar.

Special Cases - Prohibited Firearms, Weapons, Devices and Ammunition

Prohibited firearms, weapons, devices and ammunition - businesses

11. (1) A business that is otherwise eligible to hold a licence is not eligible to hold a licence authorizing the business to possess prohibited firearms, prohibited weapons, prohibited devices or prohibited ammunition except as provided in this section.

Prescribed purposes

(2) A business other than a carrier is eligible to hold a licence authorizing the business to possess prohibited firearms, prohibited weapons, prohibited devices or prohibited ammunition if the business needs to possess them for a prescribed purpose.


(3) A carrier is eligible to hold a licence authorizing the carrier to possess prohibited firearms, prohibited weapons, prohibited devices or prohibited ammunition.

Prohibited firearms - individuals

12. (1) An individual who is otherwise eligible to hold a licence is not eligible to hold a licence authorizing the individual to possess prohibited firearms except as provided in this section.

Grandfathered individuals - pre-January 1, 1978 automatic firearms

(2) An individual is eligible to hold a licence authorizing the individual to possess automatic firearms that, on the commencement day, were registered as restricted weapons under the former Act if the individual

    (a) on January 1, 1978 possessed one or more automatic firearms;

    (b) on the commencement day held a registration certificate under the former Act for one or more automatic firearms; and

    (c) beginning on the commencement day was continuously the holder of a registration certificate for one or more automatic firearms.

Grandfathered individuals - pre-August 1, 1992 converted automatic firearms

(3) An individual is eligible to hold a licence authorizing the individual to possess automatic firearms that have been altered to discharge only one projectile during one pressure of the trigger and that, on the commencement day, were registered as restricted weapons under the former Act if the individual

    (a) on August 1, 1992 possessed one or more automatic firearms

      (i) that had been so altered, and

      (ii) for which on October 1, 1992 a registration certificate under the former Act had been issued or applied for;

    (b) on the commencement day held a registration certificate under the former Act for one or more automatic firearms that had been so altered; and

    (c) beginning on the commencement day was continuously the holder of a registration certificate for one or more automatic firearms that have been so altered.

Grandfathered individuals - Prohibited Weapons Order, No. 12

(4) An individual is eligible to hold a licence authorizing the individual to possess firearms that were declared to be prohibited weapons under the former Act by the Prohibited Weapons Order, No. 12, made by Order in Council P.C. 1992-1690 of July 23, 1992 and registered as SOR/92-471 and that, on October 1, 1992, either were registered as restricted weapons under the former Act or were the subject of an application for a registration certificate under the former Act if the individual

    (a) before July 27, 1992 possessed one or more firearms that were so declared;

    (b) on the commencement day held a registration certificate under the former Act for one or more firearms that were so declared; and

    (c) beginning on the commencement day was continuously the holder of a registration certificate for one or more firearms that were so declared.

Grandfathered individuals - Prohibited Weapons Order, No. 13

(5) An individual is eligible to hold a licence authorizing the individual to possess firearms that were declared to be prohibited weapons under the former Act by the Prohibited Weapons Order, No. 13, made by Order in Council P.C. 1994-1974 of November 29, 1994 and registered as SOR/94-741 and that, on January 1, 1995, either were registered as restricted weapons under the former Act or were the subject of an application for a registration certificate under the former Act if the individual

    (a) before January 1, 1995 possessed one or more firearms that were so declared;

    (b) on the commencement day held a registration certificate under the former Act for one or more firearms that were so declared; and

    (c) beginning on the commencement day was continuously the holder of a registration certificate for one or more firearms that were so declared.

Grandfathered individuals - pre-February 14, 1995 handguns

(6) A particular individual is eligible to hold a licence authorizing the particular individual to possess handguns that have a barrel equal to or less than 105 mm in length or that are designed or adapted to discharge a 25 or 32 calibre cartridge and for which on February 14, 1995 a registration certificate under the former Act had been issued to or applied for by that or another individual if the particular individual

    (a) on February 14, 1995

      (i) held a registration certificate under the former Act for one or more of those handguns, or

      (ii) had applied for a registration certificate that was subsequently issued under the former Act for one or more of those handguns;

    (b) on the commencement day held a registration certificate under the former Act for one or more of those handguns; and

    (c) beginning on the commencement day was continuously the holder of a registration certificate for one or more of those handguns.

Next of kin of grandfathered individuals - pre-February 14, 1995 handguns

(7) A particular individual is eligible to hold a licence authorizing the particular individual to possess a particular handgun referred to in subsection (6) that was manufactured before 1946 if the particular individual is the spouse or a brother, sister, child or grandchild of an individual who was eligible under this or that subsection to hold a licence authorizing the individual to possess the particular handgun.

Grandfathered individuals - regulations re prohibited firearms

(8) An individual is, in the prescribed circumstances, eligible to hold a licence authorizing the individual to possess firearms prescribed by a provision of regulations made by the Governor in Council under section 117.15 of the Criminal Code to be prohibited firearms if the individual

    (a) on the day on which the provision comes into force possesses one or more of those firearms; and

    (b) beginning on

      (i) the day on which that provision comes into force, or

      (ii) in the case of an individual who on that day did not hold but had applied for a registration certificate for one or more of those firearms, the day on which the registration certificate was issued

    was continuously the holder of a registration certificate for one or more of those firearms.

Registration Certificates

Registration certificate

13. A person is not eligible to hold a registration certificate for a firearm unless the person holds a licence authorizing the person to possess that kind of firearm.

Serial number

14. A registration certificate may be issued only for a firearm

    (a) that bears a serial number sufficient to distinguish it from other firearms; or

    (b) that is described in the prescribed manner.

Exempted firearms

15. A registration certificate may not be issued for a firearm that is owned by Her Majesty in right of Canada or a province or by a police force.

Only one person per registration certificate

16. (1) A registration certificate for a firearm may be issued to only one person.


(2) Subsection (1) does not apply in the case of a firearm for which a registration certificate referred to in section 127 was issued to more than one person.


Places where prohibited and restricted firearms may be possessed

17. Subject to sections 18 to 20, a prohibited firearm or restricted firearm the holder of the registration certificate for which is an individual may be possessed only at the dwelling-house of the individual, as indicated on the registration certificate, or at a place authorized by a chief firearms officer.

Transporting and using prohibited firearms

18. An individual who holds a licence authorizing the individual to possess prohibited firearms may be authorized to transport a particular prohibited firearm between two or more specified places

    (a) in the case of a handgun referred to in subsection 12(6) (pre-February 14, 1995 handguns), for use in target practice, or a target shooting competition, under specified conditions or under the auspices of a shooting club or shooting range that is approved under section 29; or

    (b) if the individual

      (i) changes residence,

      (ii) wishes to transport the firearm to a peace officer, firearms officer or chief firearms officer for registration or disposal in accordance with this Act or Part III of the Criminal Code,

      (iii) wishes to transport the firearm for repair, storage, sale, exportation or appraisal, or

      (iv) wishes to transport the firearm to a gun show.

Transporting and using restricted firearms

19. (1) An individual who holds a licence authorizing the individual to possess restricted firearms may be authorized to transport a particular restricted firearm between two or more specified places for any good and sufficient reason, including, without restricting the generality of the foregoing,

    (a) for use in target practice, or a target shooting competition, under specified conditions or under the auspices of a shooting club or shooting range that is approved under section 29; or

    (b) if the individual

      (i) changes residence,

      (ii) wishes to transport the firearm to a peace officer, firearms officer or chief firearms officer for registration or disposal in accordance with this Act or Part III of the Criminal Code,

      (iii) wishes to transport the firearm for repair, storage, sale, exportation or appraisal, or

      (iv) wishes to transport the firearm to a gun show.


(2) A non-resident may be authorized to transport a particular restricted firearm between specified places in accordance with section 35.

Carrying restricted firearms and pre-February 14, 1995 handguns

20. An individual who holds a licence authorizing the individual to possess restricted firearms or handguns referred to in subsection 12(6) (pre-February 14, 1995 handguns) may be authorized to possess a particular restricted firearm or handgun at a place other than the place at which it is authorized to be possessed if the individual needs the particular restricted firearm or handgun

    (a) to protect the life of that individual or of other individuals; or

    (b) for use in connection with his or her lawful profession or occupation.