An Act to amend the Canadian Wheat Board Act

[Assented to 24th November, 1994]

R.S., c. C-24; R.S., cc. 37, 38 (4th Supp.); 1988, c. 65; 1991, cc. 33, 46, 47; 1993, c. 44

      Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:

R.S., c. 38 (4th Supp.), s. 8

1. Subsection 33(2) of the Canadian Wheat Board Act is replaced by the following:

Distribution of balance

(2) Subject to sections 33.1 to 33.5, the Board shall, on or after January 1 of the year commencing after the end of any pool period, distribute the balance remaining in its account in respect of wheat produced in the designated area purchased by it from producers during the pool period, after making the deductions therefrom provided for in subsection (1) and the payments provided for in subsection (1.1), among holders of certificates issued by the Board pursuant to this Part during the pool period, by paying on surrender to it of each certificate, unless the Board, by order, waives the surrender, to the person named therein, the appropriate sum determined by the Board as provided in this Act for each tonne of wheat referred to therein according to grade.

2. The Act is amended by adding the following after section 33:

Deductions for Research

Deductions for research

33.1 (1) For the purpose of providing additional funding for plant breeding research into new and improved wheat varieties, the Board shall, with the approval of the Governor in Council and at such rate as is fixed by the Governor in Council, make a deduction from the amount to be paid under subsection 33(2) to each holder of a certificate from the balance remaining in the Board's account in respect of wheat.

Special account

(2) The Board shall establish a special account for each pool period and all deductions under subsection (1) in respect of a pool period shall be credited to the special account for that pool period.

Payment to research funding agency

(3) Subject to subsection (4), not later than one hundred and eighty days after the end of each pool period, the Board shall pay the balance in the special account for that pool period to such agency, in this section and sections 33.2 to 33.4 referred to as the ``research funding agency'', as is designated by the Governor in Council for the purpose of funding research activities.

Deduction and adjustment for costs

(4) Before making a payment under subsection (3), the Board shall

    (a) take from the special account an amount equal to the costs the Board estimates it incurred and will incur in relation to the making and the administration of the deductions for the pool period in respect of which the account relates; and

    (b) add to or remove from the account, as the case may be, the difference between the costs actually incurred by the Board in relation to the making and the administration of the deductions for the preceding pool period and the amount taken by it pursuant to paragraph (a) in respect of that preceding pool period.

Distribution by agency

(5) Subject to subsection (6) and section 33.2, the research funding agency shall distribute moneys received by it pursuant to subsection (3) to persons and plant breeding centres engaged in research activities into new and improved wheat varieties with whom it has entered into research contracts.

Deduction and adjustment for costs

(6) Before making a distribution under subsection (5), the research funding agency shall, subject to such agreement as the Minister may enter into with the research funding agency,

    (a) take from the moneys received pursuant to subsection (3) an amount equal to the costs that it estimates it incurred and will incur in relation to the application of this Part in respect of the pool period to which the moneys relate; and

    (b) add to or remove from those moneys, as the case may be, the difference between the costs actually incurred by the agency in relation to the application of this Part in respect of the preceding pool period and the amount taken by it pursuant to paragraph (a) in respect of that preceding pool period.

Reserve account

33.2 (1) The research funding agency shall establish a reserve account into which a portion, determined in accordance with such rate as may be fixed by the Governor in Council, of the moneys received by it pursuant to subsection 33.1(3) shall be deposited.

Use of reserve account

(2) The research funding agency may use the reserve account to fund existing research contracts referred to in subsection 33.1(5) where no deductions are made under subsection 33.1(1) in respect of any pool period or, where such deductions are made, the deductions are insufficient to cover those contracts.

Annual report

33.3 The research funding agency shall, as soon as possible after March 31 in each year and in any event not later than three months after that date, submit to the Minister an annual report, in such form as the Minister may prescribe, of its affairs and operations in relation to this Part during the twelve month period ending on December 31.

Deductions are voluntary

33.4 (1) The holder of a certificate may choose to be exempted from the application of section 33.1 for any particular pool period by filing with the Board, before such date as is fixed by the Governor in Council, a notice stating that no deduction should be made in respect of that holder.

Pool period commencing August 1, 1993

(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), the Board shall make deductions under section 33.1 in respect of the pool period commencing on August 1, 1993 as though no holder of a certificate had filed a notice referred to in subsection (1), but any holder of a certificate who files such a notice with the research funding agency before February 28, 1995 shall, in accordance with the terms and conditions established by the Governor in Council, be paid by the research funding agency an amount equal to the amount deducted for that pool period in respect of that holder.


33.5 The Governor in Council may exempt holders of certificates from the deduction under section 33.1 on the basis of

    (a) the class of wheat sold by them; or

    (b) the province or region where the wheat was produced.