(c) except with the approval of the National Parole Board, no absence with escort otherwise than for medical reasons or in order to attend judicial proceedings or a coroner's inquest may be authorized under either of those Acts.


(3) Notwithstanding the Corrections and Conditional Release Act, in the case of any person convicted of first degree murder or second degree murder who was under the age of eighteen at the time of the commission of the offence and who is sentenced to imprisonment for life without eligibility for parole for a specified number of years pursuant to this Act, until the expiration of all but one fifth of the period of imprisonment the person is to serve without eligibility for parole,

    (a) no day parole may be granted under the Corrections and Conditional Release Act;

    (b) no absence without escort may be authorized under that Act or the Prisons and Reformatories Act; and

    (c) except with the approval of the National Parole Board, no absence with escort otherwise than for medical reasons or in order to attend judicial proceedings or a coroner's inquest may be authorized under either of those Acts.


Full parole

88. Sections 120.1, 120.2 and 120.3 of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act, as enacted by section 34 of this Act, only apply in respect of an offender who receives an additional sentence after the coming into force of those sections.

Accelerated parole reviews

89. Subsections 125(1) and (1.1) of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act, as enacted by section 39 of this Act, apply to all offenders, regardless of the day on which they were sentenced, committed or transferred to penitentiary, including offenders whose cases have, before the day on which those subsections came into force, been referred to the Board pursuant to section 126 of that Act but not including offenders in respect of whose cases the Board has, before the day on which those subsections came into force, made a direction under section 126 of that Act.


90. (1) Sections 129, 130 and 132 of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act, as enacted by sections 44, 45 and 47, respectively, of this Act, apply to every offender sentenced in respect of an offence referred to in any of those provisions regardless of the day on which the offender was sentenced, committed of transferred to penitentiary.

Referral to Board

(2) The Service may, within thirty days after the coming into force of paragraphs 129(2)(a) and (b) of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act, as enacted by subsection 44(2) of this Act, refer to the Board the case of an offender where the Service is of the opinion set out in subparagraph 129(2)(a)(ii) of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act, as enacted by subsection 44(2) of this Act, even if the referral takes place later than six months before the day on which the offender is entitled to be released on statutory release.


(3) The Commissioner may, within thirty days after the coming into force of subsection 129(3) of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act, as enacted by subsection 44(3) of this Act, refer the case of an offender who is serving a sentence of two years or more to the Chairperson of the Board for review under that subsection later than six months before the day on which the offender is entitled to be released on statutory release, where the Commissioner believes on reasonable grounds that the offender is likely, before the expiration of the sentence according to law, to commit a sexual offence involving a child.

Revocation of parole or statutory release

91. The revocation of parole or statutory release provided by subsection 135(9.1) of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act, as enacted by subsection 50(7) of this Act, only applies where the additional sentence is imposed after the coming into force of subsection 135(9.1) of that Act.

Interruption of parole or statutory release

92. (1) Where the sentence of an offender who is on parole or statutory release is interrupted pursuant to subsection 139(2) of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act, as it read immediately before the coming into force of section 54 of this Act, that sentence is not resumed until the later sentence expires or until the parole or statutory release is terminated or revoked.


(2) Where the sentence of an offender who is on parole or statutory release is interrupted pursuant to subsection 139(2) of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act, as it read immediately before the coming into force of section 54 of this Act, and the parole or statutory release is terminated or revoked, the offender shall serve the total of

    (a) the unexpired portion of the sentence the offender was serving while on parole or statutory release, and

    (b) the unexpired portion of any later sentence.


Coming into force

93. This Act, any provision of this Act or any provision of an Act amended or enacted by this Act comes into force on a day or days to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council.