Maximum amount

13. Notwithstanding anything in this Act or any agreement entered into under section 5, the aggregate amount of outstanding student loans on which no interest is payable by the borrowers under subsection 7(1) may not exceed five billion dollars, except as otherwise provided by an appropriation Act or other Act of Parliament.


Alternative payment

14. (1) Where the government of a province has, at least twelve months before the beginning of a loan year, notified the Minister in writing that a provincial student financial assistance plan will be in operation in that province in that loan year and that it does not wish, or no longer wishes, to participate in the plan established by this Act and the regulations, the Minister shall pay to the province, not later than six months after the end of that loan year and each following loan year in which it does not participate in the plan, an alternative amount for the loan year, calculated as provided in this section.

Non-participat ing provinces

(2) The government of a province that, on the coming into force of this section, is not participating in the student loan plan established by the Canada Student Loans Act is deemed to have notified the Minister as described in subsection (1) in respect of the loan year in which this section comes into force.

Opting in, or opting back in

(3) The government of a province that is not participating in the plan established by this Act and the regulations but later wishes to participate may do so by so notifying the Minister in writing at least six months, or such shorter period as the Minister may fix, before the beginning of the loan year in which it wishes to participate.

Calculation of alternative amount

(4) The alternative amount for a province for a loan year (in this subsection referred to as the ``current loan year'') is the amount, as determined by the Minister after consultation with the Chief Statistician of Canada, obtained by

    (a) multiplying

      (i) the net per capita costs for participating provinces for the loan year beginning on August 1, 1990,


      (ii) the product obtained by multiplying the estimated number of persons in that province who, on the first day of the current loan year, have attained eighteen years of age and have not attained twenty-five years of age by the escalator determined under subsection (5), for each loan year in the period beginning on August 1, 1991 and ending on July 31 of the current loan year; and

    (b) subtracting from the product obtained under paragraph (a) the net costs for that province for the current loan year.


(5) For the purposes of subparagraph (4)(a)(ii),

    (a) subject to paragraph (b), the escalator for a loan year is a fraction of which

      (i) the numerator is the net per capita costs for participating provinces for that loan year, and

      (ii) the denominator is the net per capita costs for participating provinces for the previous loan year; and

    (b) the escalator for the first loan year in which a provincial student financial assistance plan will be in operation in the province, as stated in the notice under subsection (1), is a fraction of which

      (i) the numerator is the net per capita costs for participating provinces for that first loan year, and

      (ii) the denominator is the net per capita costs for the previous loan year for provinces that are participating provinces in that first loan year.


(6) In this section,

``net costs''
« coût net »

``net costs'', for a province for a loan year, means the amount by which

      (a) the estimated aggregate of all amounts paid by the Minister in that loan year

        (i) to lenders under this Act, the regulations or an agreement entered into under section 5, to lenders under the Canada Student Loans Act or the regulations made under that Act, and to collection agencies, in respect of student loans or guaranteed student loans made pursuant to certificates of eligibility issued or caused to be issued in any loan year by the appropriate authority for that province, and

        (ii) to persons pursuant to regulations made under paragraph 15(p),


        (iii) any amounts paid pursuant to paragraph 5(e) or pursuant to regulations made under paragraph 15(o), and

        (iv) any provincial share paid pursuant to an agreement or arrangement made under subparagraph 18(b)(ii),


      (b) the estimated aggregate of all amounts received by or on behalf of Her Majesty in right of Canada in that loan year, including any amount received pursuant to the Financial Administration Act, in respect of loans referred to in paragraph (a), excluding

        (i) any amounts received pursuant to paragraph 5(e) or pursuant to regulations made under paragraph 15(o), and

        (ii) any amounts received by or on behalf of Her Majesty in right of Canada in respect of a provincial share paid pursuant to an agreement or arrangement made under subparagraph 18(b)(ii);

``net per capita costs''
« coût net par tête »

``net per capita costs'', for participating provinces for a loan year, means a fraction of which

      (a) the numerator is the amount by which the total program net costs for that loan year exceed the aggregate of the net costs for that loan year for all provinces that are not participating provinces in that loan year, and

      (b) the denominator is the estimated number of persons in the participating provinces who, on the first day of the loan year, have attained eighteen years of age and have not attained twenty-five years of age;

``total program net costs''
« coût net total du programme »

``total program net costs'', for a loan year, means the amount by which

      (a) the aggregate of all amounts paid by the Minister in that loan year

        (i) to lenders under this Act, the regulations or an agreement entered into under section 5, to lenders under the Canada Student Loans Act or the regulations made under that Act, and to collection agencies, in respect of student loans or guaranteed student loans made pursuant to certificates of eligibility issued or caused to be issued in any loan year by the appropriate authorities for participating provinces, and

        (ii) to persons pursuant to regulations made under paragraph 15(p),


        (iii) any amounts paid pursuant to paragraph 5(e) or pursuant to regulations made under paragraph 15(o), and

        (iv) any provincial share paid pursuant to an agreement or arrangement made under subparagraph 18(b)(ii),


      (b) the aggregate of all amounts received by or on behalf of Her Majesty in right of Canada in that loan year, including any amount received pursuant to the Financial Administration Act, in respect of loans referred to in paragraph (a), excluding

        (i) any amounts received pursuant to paragraph 5(e) or pursuant to regulations made under paragraph 15(o), and

        (ii) any amounts received by or on behalf of Her Majesty in right of Canada in respect of a provincial share paid pursuant to an agreement or arrangement made under subparagraph 18(b)(ii).


(7) Amounts paid or received in relation to subparagraph 5(a)(viii) or section 7, 10 or 11, or in relation to programs established by regulations made under paragraph 15(l), (m), (n) or (p) or under section 11 of the Canada Student Loans Act, shall be included in the calculations described in the definitions ``net costs'' and ``total program net costs'' in subsection (6) only if the government of the province satisfies the Minister, by written notice received by the Minister before the beginning of the loan year in question, that, in relation to the matter in question, the provincial student financial assistance plan has substantially the same effect as the plan established by this Act and the regulations.



15. The Governor in Council may make regulations

    (a) defining the words and expressions referred to in subsection 2(2);

    (b) providing for the assignment between lenders of agreements between borrowers and lenders, and prescribing the conditions and consequences of such assignments;

    (c) providing for the transfer between branches of a lender of agreements between borrowers and that lender, and prescribing the conditions and consequences of such transfers;

    (d) providing for the manner of completing certificates of eligibility, and prescribing the provisions to be included in those certificates;

    (e) providing for the conditions to be met by a qualifying student before a disbursement in respect of a student loan may be made to the student;

    (f) prescribing the maximum number of weeks or periods of studies that may elapse after which, notwithstanding anything in this Act, the principal amount of a student loan made to a full-time student, and interest thereon, commence to be payable by the borrower;

    (g) prescribing the circumstances in which a borrower is or ceases to be a full-time student;

    (h) respecting the subrogation of Her Majesty in right of Canada to the rights of a lender;

    (i) prescribing the circumstances under which a new loan or a new certificate of eligibility may be denied to a student, or an interest-free period referred to in subsection 7(1) may be terminated by the Minister;

    (j) prescribing student loans to which section 7, 8, 10 or 11 or subsection 12(4) applies;

    (k) providing for the exchange of information and records between persons, bodies or authorities in respect of student loans or other forms of financial assistance to students;

    (l) providing, in respect of student loans made to full-time students, for the gratuitous payment, including the method of calculating it, whether conditionally or unconditionally, by the Minister to lenders of amounts in respect of such loans, and for the discharge of such loans to the extent of those amounts;

    (m) notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, providing for the operation of a student loan program for part-time students, including the determination of a student's status, terms of repayment of the loans, the advancement of loan funds and the maximum number of weeks or periods of studies that may elapse after which the principal amounts of the loans commence to be payable by the borrowers;

    (n) providing for the establishment and operation of a program to provide special interest-free or interest-reduced periods to borrowers, including the terms and conditions of the granting or termination of the periods, the making, continuation or alteration of agreements between borrowers and lenders when the periods are granted or terminated and the authorization of lenders to grant or terminate the periods and otherwise administer the program;

    (o) providing, in respect of any province, for repayment of student loans by borrowers on an income-contingent basis, or for the establishment and operation of a student loan program that is financed by Her Majesty in right of Canada or any agent of Her Majesty in right of Canada and that may provide for the repayment of student loans by borrowers on an income-contingent basis;

    (p) providing for the establishment and operation of grant programs, and additional grant programs for qualifying students whose financial needs are greater than the maximum amount of the financial assistance that may be given to the student, and prescribing classes of persons who are eligible for grants;

    (q) prescribing anything that is to be prescribed by the regulations; and

    (r) generally, for carrying into effect the purposes and provisions of this Act.


Documents and information

16. Any

    (a) form or other document to be used in connection with giving financial assistance to students, or otherwise for the effective operation of this Act, or

    (b) information to be included in any document referred to in paragraph (a), in addition to the information otherwise required by this Act or the regulations to be included in such a document,

must be either determined by the Minister or approved by the Minister.

False statement or information

17. (1) Every person who, in respect of a student loan or other financial assistance to a student, knowingly makes any false statement or misrepresentation in an application or other document or wilfully furnishes any false or misleading information is guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars.

Limitation period

(2) A prosecution for an offence under this Act may not be instituted later than six years after the time when the subject-matter of the complaint arose.


Authority to enter into agreements and arrangements

18. The Minister may

    (a) enter into agreements or arrangements with any department, board or agency of the Government of Canada or any other public or private organization or agency to assist the Minister in carrying out the purposes and provisions of this Act; and

    (b) with the approval of the Governor in Council, enter into agreements or arrangements with the government of any province

      (i) to facilitate the administration or enforcement of this Act or to provide for administrative fees, and

      (ii) to harmonize and administer federal and provincial financial assistance programs for students.

Payment out of C.R.F.

19. Any amount payable by the Minister under this Act, the regulations or an agreement or arrangement entered into under this Act may be paid by the Minister out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund.

Report to Parliament

20. The Minister shall, each calendar year, prepare a report with respect to the administration of this Act during the loan year that ended in the immediately preceding calendar year, and shall cause a copy of the report to be laid before each House of Parliament on any of the first fifteen days on which that House is sitting after the report is completed.