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Bill S-7

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1st Session, 37th Parliament,
49 Elizabeth II, 2001
senate of canada
An Act to amend the Broadcasting Act
1991, c. 11
Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:
1. The Broadcasting Act is amended by adding the following after section 9:
Award of costs
9.1 (1) The Commission may award interim or final costs of and incidental to proceedings before it and may fix the amount of the costs or direct that the amount be taxed.
Payment of costs
(2) The Commission may order by whom and to whom any costs are to be paid and by whom they are to be taxed, and may establish a scale for the taxation of costs.
2. Subsection 10(1) of the Act is amended by deleting the word “and” at the end of paragraph (j) and by adding the following paragraph:
(j.1) establishing the criteria for the awarding of costs; and
Published under authority of the Senate of Canada