Activities Calendar
SundaySun | MondayMon | TuesdayTue | WednesdayWed | ThursdayThu | FridayFri | SaturdaySat |
November 28 - 29, 2017
Visit to Canada of Mr. Danzenglangjie, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of the Tibet Autonomous Region of the People's Republic of China
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-China Legislative Association (CACN)
November 27 - 29, 2017
US Congressional Visit
Washington, D.C., United States of America
Canada-United States Inter-Parliamentary Group (CEUS)
Visits and Events
There are no activities in the calendar on this day.
Parliamentary Associations
Associations promote the country’s interests abroad on a continuing basis and are composed of both members of the Senate and of the House of Commons.
There are 8 Multilateral Associations and 5 Bilateral Associations.
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