Logo Canadian Section of the Inter-Parliamentary Forum of the Americas (FIPA)

Appendix 1


Legislative Assembly of the Republic of Costa Rica

Standing Special Committee on International Relations and Foreign Trade


Regional workshop
for Central and South American parliamentarians

Trade liberalization: the WTO, the Doha Round and development challenges

San José, Costa Rica
6 to 8 November 2008

Current context and challenges for the multilateral trade system:

On 1 January 2008, the multilateral trade system celebrated its 60th birthday. At the same time, the Doha Round for Development, intended to ensure that the system enables developing countries to benefit more from trade liberalization, is going through a period of uncertainty about its immediate future.

One of the main goals of the current WTO talks in the framework of the Doha Program for Development is to create new trading opportunities as well as ensure more balance between the standards of the multilateral trade system in favour of developing countries. These talks are at a decisive stage. Despite the progress made recently in the talks, the basic conflicts between the main players are still present. The closer we get to the end of the Round, the more profound the differences in interpretation about the level of ambition and what each member has to offer.

The goal of the workshop is to promote better understanding of the multilateral trade system and encourage interest in it: inform parliamentarians about the basic operation of the WTO, the fundamental questions on the multilateral and regional trade agenda, and the status of talks on the Doha Agenda for Development. This activity will also provide a forum where participants can discuss and exchange ideas and views about the contents of the talks and their possible effects on countries in the region, as well as other topics of regional interest. It will also encourage a discussion of the potential role of parliaments, international organizations and trade in promoting development.

Given that, in most countries, parliaments play a decisive role in creating the legal framework related to trade and in ratifying international agreements, another goal will be to enhance the transparency of the WTO and give legislators, as representatives of their citizenry, opportunities to obtain information firsthand on the latest developments seen in the WTO talks, exchange opinions and experiences with colleagues from other parliaments and interact with officials from the WTO and the Inter-Parliamentary Forum of the Americas (FIPA), in order to form a clearer idea of the challenges and opportunities at stake in the Doha talks.

In the light of the preceding, the WTO and FIPA are jointly organizing a Regional Workshop for Central and South American Parliamentarians on the topic “Trade liberalization: the WTO, the Doha Round and development challenges”, to be held in San José, Costa Rica, 6 to 8 November 2008.

Conference site:

Radisson Europa Hotel and Conference Center

P.O. Box 538 Calle Blancos
Calle Blancos 2120
San José, Costa Rica

Persons in charge of organizing the event:

Said El Hachimi
External Relations Division
World Trade Organization
Telephone: + 41 22 739 63 82
E-mail: Said.ElHachimi@wto.org

María Pérez-Esteve
External Relations Division
World Trade Organization
Telephone: + 41 22 739 55 46
E-mail: maria.perez-esteve@wto.org

Emmanuelle Pelletier
Executive Secretary
Inter-Parliamentary Forum of the Americas (FIPA)
Telephone: +1 613 594-5222, Fax: + 1 613-594-4766
E-mail: PelleE@parl.gc.ca

Luis Alvarez Soto
Office Chief
Deputy Mayi Antillón Guerrero
Chair of the International Affairs Committee
Legislative Assembly of the Republic of Costa Rica
Telephone: + 506 2243-2007/2243-2006, Fax: + 506 2243-2991
Cell phone: + 506 8335-1871



Legislative Assembly of the Republic
of Costa Rica

Standing Special Committee on International Relations and Foreign Trade


Regional workshop
for Central and South American parliamentarians

Trade liberalization: the WTO, the Doha Round and development challenges

San José, Costa Rica
6 to 8 November 2008



8:00 a.m.        9:00 a.m.        Opening ceremony

Marco Vinicio Ruiz, Minister of Foreign Trade of Costa Rica, or another representative of the government of Costa Rica
Representative of the Legislative Assembly of Costa Rica
Representative of the Inter-Parliamentary Forum of the Americas
Representative of the WTO Secretariat

9:00 a.m.        9:30 a.m.        Group photo, coffee break

9:30 a.m.        10:30 a.m.     Session 1: Basic principles of the Multilateral Trade System and Introduction to the WTO’s Doha Program for Development

WTO Secretariat

10:30 a.m.     12:30 p.m.     Session 2: The Doha Program for Development: Current status of the talks - Agriculture

WTO Secretariat

12:30 p.m.     2:00 p.m.        Lunch

2:00 p.m.        3:30 p.m.        Session 3: The Doha Program for Development: Current status of the talks - Non-agricultural market access (NAMA)

WTO Secretariat

3:30 p.m.        4:00 p.m.        Coffee break

4:00 p.m.        5:00 p.m.        Roundtable between parliamentarians concerning the topics raised

Moderator: Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Legislative Assembly of Costa Rica


8:30 a.m.        10:00 a.m.     Session 4: The Doha Program for Development: Current status of the talks - Other topics included: trade in services, rules, trade facilitation, etc.

WTO Secretariat

10:00 a.m.     10:30 a.m.     Coffee break

10:30 a.m.     12:30 p.m.     Session 5: The development dimension of the Doha Program: Aid for trade, etc.

WTO Secretariat
Regional expert

12:30 p.m.     2:00 p.m.        Lunch

2:00 p.m.        3:30 p.m.        Session 6: The multilateral system and the new regional trade agreements

Regional expert

3:30 p.m.        4:00 p.m.        Coffee break

4:00 p.m.        5:00 p.m.        Roundtable between parliamentarians concerning the topics raised

Moderator: Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Legislative Assembly of Costa Rica


8:30 a.m.        10:30 a.m.     Session 7: Development challenges and trade liberalization: Poverty reduction

Regional expert

10:30 a.m.     11:00 a.m.     Coffee break

11:00 a.m.     12:00 p.m.     Session 8: Development challenges and trade liberalization: Gender issues

Regional expert

12:00 p.m.     1:30 p.m.        Lunch

1:30 p.m.        3:30 p.m.        Roundtable: Trade’s parliamentary dimension

WTO representative
Regional expert or FIPA representative
Moderator: Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Legislative Assembly of Costa Rica

3:30 p.m.        4:00 p.m.        Evaluation of the workshop and recommendations for future activities

4:00 p.m.        4:30 p.m.        Final remarks and closing

WTO Secretariat
FIPA representative


