Header Image Canada-China Legislative Association


List of people who met with the Co-Chairs of the
Canada-China Legislative Association during the
2010 Co-Chairs’ Annual Visit to China

Beijing, Xining, Lhasa and Chengdu, China


Zheng Silin, Vice-Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National People’s Congress and Chair of the China-Canada Legislative Association

Ang Mao, Vice-Chair of the Standing Committee of the Qinghai People’s Congress

Xinza Danzengquzha, Vice-Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR)

Wang Yukun, Vice-Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Sichuan Provincial People’s Congress

Luo Linshu, Chairman of the Foreign and overseas Chinese Committee of the Sichuan Provincial People’s Congress

Tang Hong, Vice Director General of the Sichuan Provincial People’s Congress Department of Foreign Affairs

Zhao Jinjun, Vice-Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC)

Xia Jihui, Director General, Office of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the  Nstional Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC)

Yuan Pu, Director General, China Centre for Business Cooperation and Coordination (CCBCC); Secretary General, China International Cooperation Association of Small and Medium Enterprises (CICASME)

Han Jian, Director of the Secretariat, China Centre for the Promotion of SME Development, Ministry of Industry and information Technologies of the People’s Republic of China, China International Cooperation Association of SME’s (CICASME)


Hua Jianmim, Vice-Chair of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress

Ji Baocheng, President / Professor Renmin University, Member of the Academic Degree Committee of the State Council; Vice-President of the Chinese Association of Higher Education; Vice-President of the China Education Association for International Exchanges

Wang Liming, Member of Law Committee of the National People’s Congress and Vice-President of Renmin University

