





Resolution # 1

(Sponsored by the Russian Federation, New Zealand and Indonesia)


The 15th Annual Meeting of the Asia Pacific Parliamentary Forum,

Taking into consideration the significance of inter-civilization and interfaith dialogue for the future of the mankind in the modern world;

Declaring adherence to such a dialogue in a most constructive manner among all nations;

Realizing the need for its further deepening and promotion;

Admitting that this dialogue provides for strengthening ethical principles in the activities of the world community, crucial for its efficient and coordinated work to withstand new threats and challenges to mankind, including the conflicts in which the religion factor plays a significant role;

Calling on the parliamentarians of the countries of the Asia Pacific region to contribute to further promotion of inter-civilization and interfaith dialogue, cross-cultural influence, tolerance build-up, strengthening of the principles of interested and benevolent interaction among the world religions based on respect of spiritual and cultural traditions of different religious communities and civil societies;

Supporting the efforts aimed at combating poverty and strengthening political, social and economic stability in the Asia Pacific and other regions of the world;

Expressing concern about the growth of terrorism in the world, condemning acts of terrorism and extremism in any form, including the ones committed under religious slogans;

Welcoming efforts made by the UN and regional international organizations of the Asia Pacific region with the aim of promoting just peace, security and prosperity, and fostering principles of mutual respect, tolerance and global peaceful co-existence;

Recognizing that in this modern world, religion and religious activities have been at times deliberately exploited by many radical forces to spread out the divides, prejudice and hatred among civilizations; 

Standing for inviolability and rigorous observance of the rights of believers of different creeds, including religious-based and ethnic-based groups, – a guarantee of peaceful coexistence of religions;

Approving the search for mutually acceptable solutions using multilateral diplomacy as a tool to protect the interests of the countries and nations engaged in various complicated internal and external situations;

Appealing to parliaments of the countries of the Asia Pacific Region to support the provisions stipulated in the outcome documents of such international conventions as the World Summit of Religious Leaders (Moscow, 3–5.07.2006), the International Conference "Cross-Cultural Dialogue and Religious Cooperation" (Nizhni Novgorod, 7–9.09.2006), the International Conference "Cross-Civilization Dialogue" (Island of Rhodes, 27.09–01.10.2006) aimed at counteracting terrorism and establishing a more just world order based on religious and cultural tolerance, in the context of the APPF Resolution on Combating Terrorism adopted during the 13th Annual Assembly;

Stress the importance of the participation in the dialogue of all parties involved in religious conflicts, including those who are often categorized as hard liners.

Calling for development of civil cultural and educational institutes of the modern society, promotion of humanitarian exchanges

Proposes to:

§  Recommend that all APPF members should follow the provisions of the present Resolution;

§  Encourage the parliamentarians of Asia-Pacific countries to take more active part in promotion of education, science, information technologies, in protection of the environment, in development of different areas of culture, to facilitate a stronger effect of the fundamental factors of mankind solidarity and global implementation of the universal Unity in Diversity principle;

§  Stress the need for APPF member states to ensure that their national curricula at all levels of education provide students with opportunities to acquire knowledge of and respect for all cultures, religions and civilizations, and exclude radicalization of the educational process in religious educational establishments both in APPF member countries and other regions of the world;

§  Promote in every possible way understanding and perception by the followers and adherents of all religions and people of various countries of the necessity to avoid extremes in rhetoric and conduct as well as to display responsibility and restraint in interrelations, especially when religious feelings are involved;

§  Take into account Russia’s positive experience in this area to be used in other regions of the world, considering Russia as a Eurasian state with long-established conditions for peaceful co-existence of various ethnic groups, traditional religions and other religious organizations;

§  Consider within APPF a standing workgroup to introduce positive experiences of inter-civilization and interfaith dialogue into international relations, among other things, and disseminate its ideas at the regional and international levels;

§  Encourage the governments of APPF member countries to organize various activities aimed at promoting inter-civilization and interfaith dialogue;

§  Recommend that APPF participants should undertake consistent efforts to ensure active involvement of non-government and other organizations into inter-civilization and interfaith dialogue;

§  Expand the channels of information exchange among the APPF member countries on inter-civilization and interfaith dialogue issues;

§  Conduct regular meetings of parliamentarians at the national and international level, including the UN framework, in order to reinforce and develop inter-parliamentary contacts;

§  Appeal to the UN and some other international organizations to pay more attention to issues of concern to the world religions in order  to promote inter-civilization and interfaith dialogue;

§  Recommend to use more widely and popularize positive experience of religious organizations in conducting international fora on counteracting terrorism and religious extremism and to make more extensive use of mass media to promote good understanding between cultures and civilizations on the whole;

§  Forward the text of the Resolution to the leaders of APPF member-countries.






Resolution # 2

(Sponsored by the Russian Federation, Australia, Indonesia and the Philippines)


The 15th Annual Meeting of the Asia Pacific Parliamentary Forum,

Reiterating that energy security is of critical importance for ensuring sustainable economic development,

Noting the existence of challenges associated with the fast-growing energy consumption and of the need to reduce the impact on the environment,

Calling upon the countries of the region to continue their efforts in facilitating transborder energy trade and investment in the energy sector, developing new and renewable sources of energy and adequate technologies to provide for more environmentally-friendly usage of fossil fuel, enhancing energy efficiency and energy saving, increasing emergency alertness and reinforcing protection of the key elements of the energy infrastructure,

Urging  to continue the search for solutions to challenges in this area by developing strategic approaches and advanced technologies, facilitating more environmentally- friendly usage of energy, which will enable economies to meet the growing energy demands with less impact on the climate, especially on vulnerable communities, such as Pacific islands and other remote areas,

Noting that energy security is one of the most critical issues of the modern world and that the adequate supply of energy to a large extent predetermines the direction and prospects of socio-economic development, and the nature of interaction among countries,

Underlining that energy serves as a base for economic growth and a prerequisite for enhancing the quality of life in developed and developing countries, and possession of energy resources and access to them is one of the most sensitive issues on the world political agenda,

Stating that the energy security issue can sometimes become especially critical due to instability of international energy markets because of depletion of some traditional and, until recently, easily available sources of energy; shortage of investment in various energy sectors, mainly in exploration of new deposits and processing facilities; the growth of demand for energy due to fast-growing needs for  new consuming countries; political instability in several major energy producing regions, as well as vulnerability of the energy system to natural disasters, terrorist acts, and to threats thereof,

Welcoming intensive negotiations conducted in the course of the G-8 Summit and the Dialogue Meeting between G8 and developing countries in St. Petersburg on 15-17 July 2006 and the Declaration on East Asian Energy Security adopted at the Second East Asia Summit on 15 January 2007 in Cebu, the Philippines, which brought a deeper understanding of the need for the general approach to energy security issues based on keeping the interests of energy consumers and energy producers in balance,

Concluding that due to the global nature of issues in the energy area and a growing mutual dependence among the producing countries, transit countries and consuming countries, it is necessary to develop partnerships consistently fulfilling the assumed responsibilities and mutual agreements by all concerned parties in order to strengthen energy security and, correspondingly, ensure sustainable economic development:

Resolves to:

1. Welcome the efforts of the governments of the APPF member countries in such areas as enhancement of transparency, predictability and stability in the global energy market; the development of investment environment in the energy sector; the improvement of energy efficiency and energy saving by developing and using  advanced technologies; the transfer of technologies and exchange of best practices; the diversification of types of energy; the provision for physical security of vitally  important energy infrastructure; the adoption of comprehensive measures aimed at reducing the energy shortage in some countries; addressing problems caused by negative phenomena associated with climate change having regard to  the growing global production potential, sustainable forms of growth and concentration of environmentally-unfriendly industries in certain regions, which prevail in the modern world;

2. Call upon their governments to take measures both at national and international level that would foster investment in all sectors of the global production and distribution energy chain in order to: introduce advanced energy saving and more environmentally-friendly and efficient technologies and methods, including immobilizing and storing carbonic acid; encourage wider usage of renewable and alternative sources of energy, particularly biomass, wind, solar and hydroelectric; development of joint research in bio-fuel and other renewable sources of energy; raise the volume of newly explored supplies of hydrocarbons faster than depletion of the developed resources and increase the efficiency of oil and gas production as well as development of continental shelf deposits; improve  efficiency of oil, gas and petrochemical processing facilities; develop the global market of liquid natural gas (LNG); build and modernize the energy transportation and storage infrastructure; develop efficient power generating facilities; expand and enhance efficiency, safety and reliability of power transmission and power grids as well as combine them in a unified network integrated in the energy systems of other countries if needed;

3. Call upon the parliaments to support the efforts of the governments of the APPF member countries, choosing to use nuclear energy, to improve the safety by reducing risks in nuclear energy, by bringing them in line with the demands of the regime of nuclear non-proliferation; to have a reliable system of control and safety of storing nuclear materials and safety of respective facilities; to fully abide by the provisions of international conventions and agreements regulating this area and designed to ensure safety of use of nuclear facilities and nuclear energy exclusively for peaceful purposes;

2. Emphasize that all countries using nuclear energy should comply with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) regulations, and be fully consistent with the assumed obligations in the area of nuclear energy and non-proliferation, and noting that any research and development resulting in expansion of membership of the club of nuclear powers would not contribute to the achievement of the declared the goals of security, peace and integration of the countries of the region.





Resolution # 3

(Sponsored  by the People’s Republic of China, Federated States of Micronesia, Australia, Indonesia and Russian Federation)


The 15th Annual Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum,

confirming that in the context of globalization one of the fundamental principles of the Forum is active promotion of a broad and constructive regional partnership to strengthen peace, mutual understanding, democracy, freedom, prosperity, sustainable growth of the well-being of peoples and turning the Asia-Pacific into one big family,

consistently coming out for equal relations among states based on multipolarity and expressing concern in connection with growing attempts to introduce the practice of unilateral actions in international relations,

stressing the importance of further strengthening, on that basis, of stability and security in the world and in the Asia-Pacific region,

welcoming the positive dynamics and concrete results of growing cooperation among the member states of the APPF in the spheres of politics, economics, trade, energy, transport, culture and other areas of contacts between countries, peoples and individuals,

proceeding from the understanding that the world today is facing new global challenges and threats, i.e. international terrorism, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, transnational crime, separatism and ethnic and religious extremism, contradictions between civilizations,

expressing confidence that it is only possible to counter modern threats and challenges through purposeful interaction among all the states in the Asia-Pacific region based on the preference for multilateral approaches and mutual consideration of interests,

noting the concern over the persisting conflict potential in some subregions of the Asia-Pacific region that impedes progressive development of partnership relations and threatens peace and security,

underlining the responsibility of sovereign states for protecting their citizens from regional and global security threats, through effective national measures and international cooperation, on the basis of international law and the Charter of the United Nations,

reaffirming commitment to the common goal of creating an effective and universal collective security system in the Asia-Pacific region,


Resolves to:

- welcome the commitment of the states of the Asia-Pacific region to eliminate the causes of still existing hotbeds of tensions in the region and contribute towards a just resolution of the arising problems through negotiations;

- encourage parliaments within their sphere of competence to contribute to achieving a lasting and just peace in the region and worldwide on the basis of purposes and principles of the UN Charter and International Law, principles of non-interference, non-use of force or the threat to use force;

- to maintain relations of partnership and friendship among the states of the Asia-Pacific region;

- build up collective efforts to bring closer together the peoples inhabiting the Asia-Pacific;


- resolutely condemn terrorism in all its forms and manifestations as criminal activities;

- support efforts by member states and multilateral organizations to combat the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and illegal transfer of small arms and light weapons, including Man Portable Air Defense Systems (MANPADS);

- note the importance of bilateral and multilateral negotiating processes which contribute to greater mutual confidence in the Asia-Pacific region as well as jointly working out measures at the national, regional and subregional levels that are adequate to the tasks of effectively confronting modern challenges and threats;

- call on member countries to deepen interaction in the fields of politics and security to strengthen peaceful climate and stability in the region through promotion of multilateral dialogue;

- expand interaction in the interests of creating necessary conditions for phased advance towards creating an integrated collective security system in the Asia-Pacific region with due regard for the specific characteristics of its individual subsystems using for these purposes the authoritative multilateral interstate and informal structures that have taken shape in the region, including the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), the ASEAN Dialogue Partnership System, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum (APEC), the Asia Cooperation Dialogue (ACD), the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building in Asia (CICA), the Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific (CSCAP), the North-East Asia Cooperation Dialogue (NEACD), the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) with a view for a peaceful and prosperous Asia-Pacific Region;


- call on parliaments to seek new opportunities for cooperation and dialogue with their regional partners for the purpose of strengthening mutual understanding and exchange of opinions on issues of mutual concern.







Resolution # 4

(Sponsored by the Russian Federation, New Zealand, Indonesia)


The 15th Annual Meeting of the Asia Pacific Parliamentary Forum,

Reaffirming the APPF member countries’ commitment on the need to prevent and overcome the spread of avian flu influenza and the risk of the virus made during the 14th Annual Meeting of APPF, i.e. through the promotion of cooperation between member countries and increase capacity building to prevent and contain an emerging epidemic and initiate early intervention in response to potential outbreaks;

Noting the growing interdependence and deepening of globalization in the International community,

Noting that the danger of pandemic diseases has become more and more alarming, infectious diseases being one of the critical factors of human ill health and death,

Expressing concern about the fact that this situation is aggravated by emerging of new and regeneration of traditional diseases such as Lass and Ebol viral hemorrhagic fevers, Avian influenza and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS),

Stating that the Avian influenza virus is currently pandemic in several areas of Indonesia where, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), 75 cases of this disease have already been confirmed, and of Vietnam, and also in some places in Cambodia, China and Thailand,

Proceeding from the fact that the growing damage caused by infectious diseases severely impacts upon socioeconomic situation as a whole,

Acknowledging the importance of efficient measures taken at the local, regional and international levels in order to reduce general risks of Avian influenza disease,

Welcoming the practice by the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) member countries to detect the cases of infection with Avian influenza and notify each other about them, along with close cooperation and coordination of actions to withstand the disease,

Reaffirming the important role of the World Health Organization (WHO) as the global specialized organization to promote health and security from disease.

Welcoming the operation of the Global Net for Notification and Urgent Response to infective episodes with the coordinating role of the World Health Organization (WHO) as well as the establishment of the International Partnership for Avian and pandemic influenza in September 2005.

Considering that under the World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreements on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS Agreement), the parties to the Agreement formalized in August 2003, can allow the production of patented medicines in cases of public health emergency;

Noting that HIV/AIDS eradication is one of the Millennium Development Goals defined by the United Nations;

Welcoming that a significant amount of resources have already been committed to respond to avian influenza and that regional cooperation initiatives are underway to strengthen capacity, develop partnerships, share information and improve coordination on avian influenza prevention and control, and pandemic preparedness and response;

Recognizing that the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Animal Health Organization (OIE), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and, in the Pacific, the Secretariat for the Pacific Community (SPC) are working jointly to contain the threat of highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses and that international collaboration will be critical in preventing the spread of avian influenza;


Resolves to:

1. Call the APPF member countries to carry on the arrangements for urgent response to epidemics and create a strategic stock of antiviral medications,

2. Encourage the efforts of governments of the APPF member countries in such areas as evaluation of the state of national preparedness for pandemics, measures for early detection and diagnosis of infectious diseases,

3. Welcome working out measures at the local, regional and international levels for prevention of pandemics and other infectious diseases, establishment of epidemiological centers,

4. Call the APPF member countries for strengthening cooperation in monitoring the infectious diseases, extending access to their prevention and treatment as well as minimization of epidemic consequences of natural disasters and man-caused (technogenic) catastrophes,

5. Approve support by the APPF member countries of the efforts of the World Health Organization (WHO), the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and other international institutions to stop spreading of infectious diseases on a global scale,

6. Call the APPF member countries to be strictly consistent with the new standards of the World Health Organization (WHO) aimed at enhancing the safety of international trade of poultry and poultry products,

7.Urge APPF member countries to work in close collaboration with WHO and the international scientific community including WHO Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network and the APEC Emerging Infectious Network to effectively contain and cure infectious diseases on the basis of scientific research;

8. Stress the importance of enhancing cooperation between the veterinary and healthcare sectors of the countries in the region,

9. Call the APPF member countries to encourage wide dissemination among the rural population of the information on the links between the animal diseases, people conduct and the risk of getting infected,

10. Call the international community to increase supplies of beneficial medication and medical equipment to the countries in need, sending specialists there, implementation of modern medical technologies taking into account the decisions made in 2006 at the G-8 Summit in St. Petersburg,

11. Welcome the efforts of mass media to inform timely the general public of the countries in the region regarding the danger of emergence of epidemic situation and about the measures to eliminate infection threats.

12.Urge APPF member countries to align all policies, programs and initiatives on the prevention and control of HIV/AIDS within the framework of the United Nations Millennium of the year 2000, which set the time frame "...to halve, halt and begin to reverse..." the spread of HIV/AIDS;

13.Urge APPF member countries to support the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria with the goal of eradicating HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria;

14.Encourage developed countries to assist developing countries to improve their capacity to utilize AIDS funds efficiently and effectively and to monitor performance and impact;

15.Prioritize the management and eradication of avian influenza in domestic poultry through the provision of adequate funding and resources to ensure that all avian influenza outbreaks are contained at the national level.






Resolution # 5

(Sponsored by the Russian Federation, Australia, China, Indonesia, Mexico)


The 15th Annual Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum,

Referring to the APPF resolutions aimed at combating terrorism unanimously adopted at the previous annual meetings as well as the respective resolutions of the United Nations Security Council and the United Nations General Assembly,

Underlining that terrorism poses one of the most serious threats to peace and security,

Taking into account that terrorist activities directly threaten the fundamental human right - the right to life as well as social stability and economic development of the countries,

Noting that a broader dialogue and better mutual understanding among different civilizations, cultures and religions are indispensable in combating terrorism,

Confirming the central coordinating role of the United Nations in the international efforts to counteract terrorism,

Welcoming further development of regional counterterrorism cooperation, namely in the framework of APEC, ASEAN, the ASEAN Regional Forum, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and the Collective Security Treaty Organization,

Stressing that combating and preventing of terrorism must be conducted in compliance with the purposes and principals of the UN Charter and other established rules of international law,

Reaffirming that the efficient steps to combat terrorism and the observance of human rights are the two goals which do not contradict, but complement and reinforce each other,

Noting that the threats arising as the result of regional conflicts are dangerous not only for the member countries and their neighbors but may spread into a wider geographic area,

Understanding the impact that organized crime and drug trafficking has on the welfare of the people,


Resolves to:

1. Unanimously and strongly condemn acts of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations irrespective of their motivation, place of execution and nature of perpetrators;

2. Emphasize the necessity of continuing collective efforts in order to strengthen and enhance the legal basis of international cooperation to combat terrorism, drug trafficking  and transnational organized crime;

3. Note the importance of the work carried out by the APPF members on improving national legislations on combating terrorism, drug trafficking  and transnational organized crime and bringing them into accord with each other, and calls them to accelerate this work;

4. Call upon the APPF members to expand cooperation in combating terrorism, drug trafficking  and transnational organized crime so that each person involved in financing, planning, preparing or executing acts of terrorism, drug trafficking  and transnational organized crime or rendering assistance to terrorist acts, drug trafficking  and transnational organized crime, should be brought to justice basing on the principle “either extradite or prosecute”;


5. Underline the necessity of extending the intergovernmental exchange of information on terrorists and terrorist organizations, drug trafficking  and transnational organized crime, their activities, plans, movements and financing;

6. Note the utmost importance of totally preventing access of terrorists to weapons of mass destruction;

7. Emphasize vital importance of uncompromising fight with transnational organized crime, illicit turnover of narcotic drugs, legalization of criminal incomes, illicit arms trade, which are the nutrient medium for terrorist activities;

8. Reaffirm the need for increased cooperation between member states to combat transnational crime, such as money laundering, trade in illicit drugs, people smuggling and human trafficking, which will reinforce and complement counter-terrorism efforts

9. Call upon APPF members to consolidate efforts to avoid double standards and prevent any discrimination on racial, cultural or religious basis in the framework or under pretext of combating terrorism;

10. Support escalation of antiterrorist efforts by regional organizations as the important component of global strategy of counteraction to threats and challenges to the security of XXI century being formed under the aegis of the United Nations;

11. Emphasize the necessity of entering into force of the International Convention on Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism as soon as possible and urge for instant coordination and adoption by the UN of the Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism which could significantly reinforce the legal basis of counter-terrorism cooperation;

12. Call on all states to ensure that any measures taken to combat terrorism comply with their obligations under international law, in particular human rights law, refugee law and international humanitarian law and calls for the establishment of national parliamentary monitoring systems to follow up the implementation of these instruments;

13. Call on Governments, Parliaments, and international community to identify and address the root causes of terrorism, including but not limited to, prolong unresolved conflict, lack of rules of law, and violation of human rights, ethic, national and religious discrimination, political exclusion, socio-economic marginalization and lack of good governance, while recognizing that this can not justify acts of terrorism;

14. Promote dialogue, tolerance and understanding among civilizations, cultures, peoples and religions, and promote mutual respect for and prevent the defamation of religions, religious values, beliefs and cultures.






Resolution # 6

(Sponsored by the Russian Federation, China, Japan and Republic of Korea)


The 15th Annual Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum,

Proceeding from the fact that proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and of means of their delivery poses serious threat for peace and stability in North East Asia,

Expressing firm commitment to the necessity of maintaining international regime of non-proliferation of nuclear weapons,

Disapproving the nuclear test conducted by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea on October 9, 2006 as the action that represents threat to international peace and stability and undermines the nuclear non-proliferation regime,

Referring  to the resolution on the Announcement by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea of its Nuclear Weapons Test and the Strengthening of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Regime adopted at the 115th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union on October 18, 2006.

Emphasizing the significance of progress of the Six-Party Talks,

Supporting the positive attitudes to political and diplomatic settlement of the nuclear problem, displayed by all parties of the Six-Party Talks,

Supporting the recent development of all-round diplomatic efforts, especially within the framework of the Six-Party Talks aimed on improvement of the whole security situation on the Korean Peninsula and in North East Asia,

Referring to the respective UN Security Council resolutions, including Resolution 1718,

Underlining the importance that DPRK responds to other security and humanitarian concerns of the international community,

Noting the significance of the strengthening of regional and international cooperation for maintenance of peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula;


Resolves to:

Call upon North Korea to return to the NPT, to promptly abandon all the nuclear weapons and existing nuclear programs in a complete, verifiable and irreversible manner, including the acceptance of the IAEA inspections;

Support United Nations Security Council Resolution 1718 and urge United Nations member States to fully implement the Resolution;

Express strong support for the Six Party Talks process as the most realistic means, and call upon the six parties concerned to take all  indispensable efforts to realize the Joint Statement dated September 19, 2005;

Call upon the APPF member countries to expand the efforts aimed at strengthening peace and stability in Asia Pacific Region;

Confirm adherence of the APPF member countries to peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula and to back up to its denuclearized status;

Decide to maintain constant operative exchange of views and to carefully watch the situation with regard to the DPRK nuclear programs.







Resolution # 7

(Sponsored by Australia, Japan and Mexico)


The 15th Annual Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum,

Noting the development of interdependence and the deepening of globalization in the international community;

Recognizing the current trends toward economic integration in various regions of the world, including the Asia-Pacific;

Reaffirming the important role that the World Trade Organization (WTO) plays in promoting and strengthening the multilateral trading system;

Noting Hanoi Declaration and Statement on the Doha Development Agenda of the WTO issued at the Fourteenth APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting in November 2006 and the Resolution on Economy and Trade adopted at the Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the APPF in January 2006; and

Noting that regional effort and cooperation are steadily growing as a complement to the existing international regime for the purpose of achieving stability in the currency and money market as economic interdependence deepens in the Asia-Pacific region;


Resolves to:

1. Render utmost support for an open, equitable, and rules-based multilateral trading system, which is essential to sustain global economic growth. In this sense, call upon APPF countries to uphold the effort to resume the WTO Doha Round negotiations suspended in July 2006 and to conclude the negotiations as soon as possible;

2. Call upon all countries and regions to develop existing and emerging regional trade agreements as means to complement and strengthen the multilateral trading system centered on the WTO, in such a way that will be transparent and profitable to the entire world;


3. Welcome the moves toward economic integration, such as EPA(Economic Partnership Agreement)/FTA(Free Trade Agreement) negotiations among countries in the region, as a positive contribution to the prosperity of the entire region; wish for economic integration in the Asia-Pacific region to be deepened on the basis of these movements and in a way consistent with the WTO; and call upon APPF nations to endeavor to advance substantial EPA/FTA negotiations;


Wish for the Asia-Pacific region to develop into a region that is advanced in terms of trade and investment through the facilitation of such activities by improving trade rules related to intellectual property rights and investment in regional trade agreements.







Resolution # 8

(Sponsored by Japan and the Philippines)

The 15th Annual Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum,

Recognizing that the building of an “Asia Pacific Regional Community” will contribute to peace in the region, as well as to further economic and cultural prosperity;

Recalling the APPF’s 1997 Declaration of Vancouver and “seven principles” and the 2001 Declaration of Valparaiso and the “Pacific Basin Charter,” as well as APEC’s 1994 Bogor Declaration and the 1995 Action Agenda adopted in the Osaka Meeting;

Convinced that the strengthening of economic ties through multi-layered regional cooperation, which includes APEC, the East Asia Summit, ASEAN+3, a system of ASEAN relations with dialogue partners, and through a network of bilateral and multilateral free trade agreements will contribute to the emergence of common regional goals, to the future establishment of a regional community, and to the unification of the region;

Noting the global importance of the Asia-Pacific Region, recognizing the developmental potential of the “region of possibilities,” including greater tolerance and respect for foreign guest workers and foreign companies, calling to mind the importance of regional values, such as religious and cultural diversity, tolerance and moderation, and simultaneously confirming that the community to be built in this region must not be exclusive or closed, but rather must be an “open community” in which universal values, global norms and the principles of transparency and openness are duly respected;


1. Welcome the East Asia Summit, which was inaugurated in 2005 and held its second annual meeting in January 2007, as having a constructive role to play in building a community in this region, and to encourage the promotion of regional cooperation through a multi-layered framework of regional cooperation that includes APEC, ASEAN+3 and a system of ASEAN relations with dialogue partners;

2. Call upon governments and parliaments of APPF member States to encourage efforts to promote initiatives for the conclusion of free trade agreements and economic partnership agreements in progress in the region and joint research projects, with full respect for the economic and cultural identity of each country;

3. Urge all APPF member States to duly respect the political systems and economic development stages of the countries of the region, as well as the region’s cultural, religious and linguistic diversity, and at the same time to nurture an awareness of common destiny in the region and to act to maintain a sense of unity.

4. Call on APPF Members to recognize that the globalization and the economic integration process of the Asia-Pacific Region is occurring and that its effects, such as migrant workers, will be a continuing phenomena; 

Call upon all APPF member States, acting on a foundation of shared universal values, to promote the development of mutual understanding, mutual trust and amity in the region’s politics, security, economic and culture, to appreciate and to respect different cultures through the encouragement of exchange programs, to promote “open regional cooperation,” and to make the greatest possible effort to build the “Asia Pacific Regional Community” as a “common house” for the region.








Resolution # 9

(Sponsored by Indonesia and Russian Federation)


The 15th Annual Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum,

Expressing condolences and sympathy to those who suffer significant human, social and economic losses and damages from the unprecedented tsunami disaster and earthquake as well as typhoons, cyclones/hurricanes, floods and landslides in various Asia Pacific countries;

Deeply concerned about the additional socio-economic burden they have to bear, due to the number, scale and impact of natural disasters and other disaster situations;

Bearing in mind that critical need may come up for mutual assistance in the mitigation of the effects of natural disasters and for quick action to rescue and help victims of natural disasters invoking the spirit of mutual help and cooperation;

Welcoming the timely and extraordinary contribution made by the international community to help areas affected by natural disasters with humanitarian assistance and the solidarity, brotherhood, sense of humanity, kind support and constructive cooperation shown by it;

Reaffirming that humanitarian assistance must be provided in accordance
with the principles of humanity, neutrality and impartiality;

Aware of the importance and the constructive nature of the activity of institutes and mechanisms created by the countries of the region to enhance preparedness and support the efforts of affected countries to mitigate and respond to natural disasters in all their phases and to reduce loss of life and other social, economic and global environmental assets;

Recognizing the need for appropriate and people-centered early warning and the spreading of information and disaster management plans at all levels, including at the concrete community level, which has so far obtained only few attention from the international community and national governments;

Noting the importance of the availability of funds in the region for immediate disbursement, and the appropriateness of contributions to support timely and effective responses to humanitarian emergencies and international efforts to increase the pool of resources available;

Bearing in mind that major natural disasters affecting one of economies can also affect other countries;

Recalling that the national sovereignty, territorial integrity of states must be fully respected in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations; and in this context, the consent of the affected country and in principle on the basis of an appeal by the affected country must be taken into account in providing humanitarian assistance;


Resolves to:

  1. Reaffirm that it is the primary responsibility of states to protect the people and property on their territories from natural disasters;
  2. Stress the significance of developing and strengthening institutions, mechanisms and capacities at the sub-national, national, regional as well as the international levels to support community capacities to reduce disaster risk; 
  3. Call on all regional and international institutions such as the UN bodies, ARF, SCO, APEC bodies to conduct close coordination and co-operation on disaster management and emergency response;
  4. Encourage member countries to support and complement existing regional and international institutions on disaster management and emergency response in risk identification and monitoring, disaster prevention and preparedness, emergency response and disaster relief, and capacity building.
  5.  Note the significance and necessity of enhancing the planning and organization methods, evaluation of efficiency of the work done, consistent analysis carried out by the governments of the countries hit by natural disasters, UN, international and regional financial institutions, other organizations of the outcomes of the efforts taken for minimization of their impacts, identification of flaws and defining specific for each case systems of priorities in organizing restoration works, consistent updating of respective national data bases;
  6.  Appeal to the governments of the countries in Asia-Pacific region and to call upon them to extend cooperation in such areas as counteracting natural disasters, development of a risks reduction strategy, in particular in regard to warning, preparedness for responding to disasters, building multi-level national warning systems to be integrated in the national development programs to enhance the ability of the population to reduce the risks of natural disasters for their personal security, safety of housing, the socioeconomic infrastructure and natural resources;
  7. Emphasize the necessity for the countries in the region to develop cooperation in training national staff and responding to natural disasters in general;
  8. Find the initiative of the Russian Federation to set up an International Agency for Emergencies under the auspices of the UN timely and relevant;
  9. Call the countries of the Asia-Pacific region to extend their support for the Asian Disaster Prevention Center;
  10.  Welcome the recent initiative in the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization for Cooperation to set up an Asian regional center for counteracting natural disasters and mitigation of consequences of emergencies;
  11.  Affirm that the parliaments of all APPF member countries are ready to continue their efforts in rendering necessary assistance to the countries hit by natural disasters.







Resolution # 10

(Sponsored by Mexico and New Zealand, China and Micronesia)


The 15th Annual Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum,

Recognizing that climate change and its adverse effects are serious and urgent issues for the world community to address,

Recognizing that human activities have increased, and continue to increase, concentration of  greenhouse  gases in the atmosphere,  , causing an increase in the average temperature on Earth, a decrease in ice masses and rising sea level and average sea temperature,

Concerned about the enormous economic, social and environmental cost the world will have to face if progress is not made towards agreeing and effectively implementing policies to minimize the effects of climate change,

Concerned that all countries, in particular developing countries, including the least developed countries and small island developing States in the Asia Pacific region, face the adverse impacts of climate change,

Recognizing that the global nature of climate change requires the widest possible cooperation and participation by all countries, including all member states of APPF,   in an effective and appropriate international response, based on the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities,

Acknowledging that the actions available to each country will be influenced by their own national circumstances, including their capacities and their respective economic and social conditions.

Recognizing the efforts that have already been undertaken internationally to address climate change scientifically, technically, economically and socially, including under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and its Kyoto Protocol, and other initiatives, within the framework of the UNFCCC and its Kyoto Protocol,

Reaffirming the important role that the UNFCCC and its Kyoto Protocol play in fostering international cooperation and action on climate change,

Acknowledging actions that are being implemented and planned by Kyoto protocol Annex 1 APPF member states in order to meet their commitments, and appreciating the important policies, programmes and measures implemented voluntarily by non-Annex 1 APPF member states to achieve sustainable development, which contributes to mitigate the negative effect of climate change,

Welcoming the progress represented by decisions made at the 12th Session of the Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the 2nd Session of the Conference of Parties serving as a meeting of the parties to the Kyoto Protocol, which took place in Nairobi, Kenya in November 2006, in which a second review of the Kyoto Protocol was agreed upon for 2008 in addition to the definition of rules for the Adaptation Fund to help developing countries   adapt to climate change,



1.    Call on Governments of APPF member countries, and other Governments in the Asia- Pacific region, to strengthen their national efforts and international cooperation to address the challenge of climate change, including (where they have not to date undertaken such action) the ratification of the Kyoto Protocol, which establishes quantified emissions reductions commitments for Annex 1 countries,

2.    Specifically, urge the Governments of APPF member countries to participate actively and engage constructively  in the negotiations of the Ad-hoc Working Group on further commitments for Annex 1 parties under the Kyoto protocol, as further development of an effective, long-term UNFCCC framework to meet the objective of stabilizing greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system; and encourage those Governments to share information and experiences on adapting to climate change. 

3.    Encourage APPF member countries to act with resolve and urgency to meet the interrelated and multiple goals of addressing climate change, reducing air pollution and improving the global environment, while contributing to sustainable development,

4.    Encourage APPF member countries to assist developing countries, in particular small island developing states, least developed states and other states which are particularly vulnerable to climate change, in addressing their adaptation needs relating to the adverse effects of climate change,

5.    Encourage all APPF member countries to participate in efforts to develop internationally acceptable greenhouse gas emission accounting standards and systems; to prepare a national inventory in accordance with the relevant guidelines of the Kyoto protocol which can be used as a basis for regional climate change policy (respecting the sovereignty and independence of the States at all times); to generate and disseminate information on successful policy initiatives including forest and fuel mitigation (e.g. the creation of carbon sinks),

6.    Encourage all APPF member countries to develop, deploy and transfer environmentally sound technologies including support for   scientific, technological and technical research to develop fuels that would be an alternative to fossils and less damaging to ecosystems and the environment; to promote and disseminate the transfer of technologies, practices and processes that control, reduce or prevent greenhouse gas emissions in all relevant sectors; to promote and support the full, open and opportune exchange of pertinent scientific, technological, technical, and socio-economic and legal information on climate change, as well as the economic and social consequences of different response strategies,

Encourage all APPF member countries to maximize public awareness of climate change, for example through training and education, stimulating the greatest possible amount of participation in that process, including, where relevant, the involvement of non-governmental organizations.







Resolution # 11

(Sponsored by Japan and Indonesia)



Reaffirming the strong commitment of the APPF member countries on poverty alleviation made during the 14th Annual Meeting of APPF in which the APPF parliamentarians pay attention to poverty alleviation in various fields and to all resolutions that have been adopted to date by regional and international institutions, especially by the United Nations;

Aspiring to the building of a society that guarantees the right to life and the enjoyment of happiness of all people on this earth,

Deeply concerned about the fact that there are—mostly in the developing countries—roughly 1.1 billion people living on less than one dollar a day, 300 million children suffering starvation, more than 30,000 children dying of malnutrition or other causes each day, and approximately 100 million children unable to go to school,

Recognizing economic globalization has produced capitals in some regions of the world, but has regrettably been of little benefit to the poorest nations,

Noting, on the other hand, that even in the developed countries, there is concern about a widening economic divide in their peoples,

Reaffirming that there is a need for further efforts by parliamentarians to protect human life from poverty and to guarantee people’s right to life,



1.    Encourage the parliaments and the governments of the APPF member countries to urge their governments to intensify their measures to eradicate poverty, and to create a framework in which to share the experiences and information on the policies and efforts of each country;

2.    Encourage the parliaments and the governments of the APPF member countries to strengthen the efforts of each country to achieve the UN Millennium Development Goals, and to call on the developed countries to provide, with the understanding of their people, proactive assistance to those countries that need it;

3.    Urge the developed countries to provide efficient official development assistance tailored to the conditions of developing countries and to honor the commitment they have made several times to devote 0.7 per cent of their GNP to official development assistance.

4.    Call for all APPF member countries to involve all parties and institutions such as NGOs and community-based and grassroots organizations to take policy of participatory development as a foundation of the poverty alleviation strategy;

5.    Request the parliaments and the governments of the APPF member countries to promote international and regional cooperation for the achievement of the goal on health and medical care within the framework of  the UN Millennium Development Goals, i.e. reducing infant and maternal mortality, overcoming epidemics, in terms of  protecting human life and guaranteeing the right to life;

6.    Urge the parliaments and the governments of the APPF member countries to develop their social systems so that all children have access to education regardless of their gender, income and other economic status, and to share experiences and best practices in the region, in consideration of the importance of education;

Call on both developed and developing countries to alleviate poverty through economic development measures such as credit facilities for micro, small and medium-enterprises and debt relief, and through projects in field such as the improvement of education, capacity building of economic community and health systems and services.







Resolution # 12

(Sponsored by Australia)


The 15th Annual Meeting of the Asia- Pacific Parliamentary Forum,

Reaffirming the importance of global peace and security and stability in the Asia Pacific region under generally recognized principles and rules of international law, particularly those concerning friendly relations and cooperation among states;

Recognizing that in an increasingly globalized world, countries share a greater stake in regional and international peace and stability;

Aware that dialogue and cooperation within the Asia Pacific region on political and security issues enhances mutual understanding among nations, avoids misunderstanding and conflicts, and contributes to peace and stability in the region;

Committed to states working together to promote bilateral, regional, and multilateral dialogue and cooperation within the Asia Pacific on security issues;

Welcoming constructive engagement by all states in regional for a in the Asia Pacific region with the aim of bringing about peace, stability and prosperity;

Supportive of efforts by fora such as APEC, the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), the East Asia Summit (EAS), the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) and the ASEAN Security Community (ASC) in promoting regional stability and creating a regional political, economic and security architecture;

Noting the stated aims of the conference to “turn the Asia Pacific nations into a big family”;

Resolves to:

Call upon all member states to strengthen their cooperation in the field of political and security matters for the purpose of promoting a peaceful climate and stability in the region;

Promote the importance of open and inclusive regional dialogue for Asia Pacific security;

Uphold efforts that promote peace at a regional and a global level, through dialogue and cooperation;

Recognize ARF as the pre-eminent regional forum for security dialogue in the Asia Pacific region;

Encourage member states to utilize fully the potential of other regional fora, such as APEC, EAS, PIF, and ASC, which are contributing to regional welfare and security in accordance with their specific mandates;

Encourage parliaments to develop parliamentary diplomacy activities and to strengthen bilateral and multilateral cooperation;

Urge parliamentarians to use all the mechanisms of parliamentary and inter parliamentary diplomacy to promote peace and security in the region and worldwide.








Resolution # 13

(Sponsored by New Zealand)


The 15th Annual Meeting of the Asia- Pacific Parliamentary Forum,

Reaffirming the important role that the WTO plays in the promotion and strengthening of the multilateral trade system and observing with interest the results of the ministerial discussions of Doha about global trade liberalisation;

Recognising that the benefits of negotiations tending to consolidate a world trade system must be available for all members of the WTO;

Congratulating Viet Nam on its recent accession to the WTO;

Recalling the work program adopted by the WTO Ministerial Conference in Hong Kong in December 2006 that has helped to further advanced the breakthroughs contained in the July Package – as adopted by the WTO General Council  on 31 July 2004;

Noting with concern the temporary suspension of the Doha Round negotiations in July 2006;

Welcoming the recent consensus by WTO member governments to resume discussions with a view to a successful and timely conclusion to the Doha Round in 2007;

Commending APEC leaders on their 18 November 2006 statement at the 14th APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting, which  reaffirms leaders’ collective and individual commitments to concluding an ambitious and balanced WTO Doha Agreement, and commits leaders to moving beyond their current positions in key areas of the Round;

Commending also APEC leaders’ direction to undertake further studies on ways and means to promote regional economic integration, including a Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific as a long-term prospect, while at the same time affirming their commitments to the Bogor Goals and the successful conclusion of the WTO Doha Round of negotiations;

Recalling the goal the WTO to integrate both developed and developing countries into a freer and more equitable global trade system; 

Recognizing that Parliaments, as representatives of their people, can positively contribute to advancing trade liberalization negotiations by expressing the support of their people for international agreements that seek to ensure strong and stable economies, which in turn bring about the security, prosperity and social benefits their people desire;


Resolves to:

  1. Urge the governments of the member nations of APPF which are also part of the World Trade Organization to make substantive progress in negotiations in all areas of the Doha Round (particularly on the three pillars of the negotiation defined in the Framework Agreement of July of 2004: elimination of subsidies to agricultural exports; substantial reduction of measures of internal support, sources of distortion of competition, and market access) and preserving an adequate balance between gains made by developed and developing countries;
  2. Reiterate the commitment of the APPF parliaments towards the promotion of an open, fair and balanced multilateral trading system based on accountable, inclusive and transparent rules, that will benefit both developing and developed countries, and that will encourage sustainable development and contribute significantly to reducing world poverty;   
  3. Urge the parliamentarians of Asia Pacific countries through cooperation in regional and international inter-parliamentary mechanisms to be more active in promoting Doha Development Agenda and maintaining the momentum of the resumed discussions in order to create conditions conducive to a timely and successful conclusion of the Doha Round;
  4. Encourage Asia Pacific countries to enhance cooperation and consultation in trade liberalization negotiations in order to reduce trade barriers to facilitate economic reforms in developing countries and gradually narrow the gap between developed and developing countries;
  5. Encourage all countries, particularly developed countries, to open up their agricultural markets; reduce, with the aim of ultimately eliminating, tariffs and non – tariff barriers and increase technical assistance to developing and least developed countries, so as to assist them in  actively and effectively participating in Doha negotiations, implementing WTO rules and furthering the process of economic adjustment.







Resolution # 14

(Sponsored by Japan, the Russian Federation, Micronesia,

Indonesia and Canada)

Participants of 15th Annual Session of Asia Pacific Parliamentary Forum,

            Expressing deep concerns in connection with the crisis situation in the Middle East and numerous victims among the peaceful population, caused by its permanent degradation;

Believing that the reason for the chronic instability in the region is connected with the unsettled Arab-Israeli conflict, as well as the crisis in Iraq, and a complicated internal political situation in Lebanon, and tension around Syria; being concerned with new challenges to the Middle East, including the threat of proliferation of nuclear weapons;

Being convinced that the final peace settlement of the regional conflicts in the Middle East, where everything is so closely connected, is possible only when applying a complex and comprehensive approach;

Reaffirming that a just and lasting solution of the Arab-Israeli conflict must be based on the Madrid “Land for Peace” principle, the UN Security Council resolutions 242, 338, 1397, and 1515, previously reached  agreements, including the ones reached in Oslo, and the Middle East Road Map;

Referring to the resolutions on the Middle East peace process, adopted during 10th (2002), 11th (2003) and 14th (2006) APPF annual sessions;

Welcoming conflicting parties efforts aimed at avoiding further bloodshed and restoring trust in Arab-Israeli relations, and pointing out in this context importance of Israeli-Palestinian   Cease Fire Agreement reached in November 2006, and also the UN Security Council resolution 1701, which was adopted in August 2006 and became a significant step on a way to settling the Israel-Lebanon conflict;

Expressing support for international efforts to establish a peace dialogue along all tracks of the Middle East peace process and, in particular, efforts of “the Quartet” of international mediators (Russia, the US, the EC and the UN), as well as regional parties with the end of finding ways to establish comprehensive and just peace in the Middle East upon the universally recognized international legal basis;



  1. To call upon the Israelis and the Palestinians to undertake active practical and responsible actions in support of their commitment to full-scale peace settlement on the Road Map basis, their desire to strengthen regular contacts to this end, including those on the high level, decisively reject violence, suppress all manifestations of terrorism, go back to the logic of looking for political solutions;
  2. To confirm that the core of the Middle East peace process is the settlement of the Palestinian problem, which should be solved on the basis of the idea of coexistence of the two independent and sovereign states, Palestine and Israel, living side by side in peace and security. This aim can be achieved through direct and immediate negotiations between two parties;
  3. To declare that the inter-Palestinian consent is an important factor of the progress towards peace and security in the area of the Middle East conflict, the resolution of problems on the Palestinian territories, the key to implementation of just expectations of the Palestinian people and, above all, creation of an independent viable state through negotiations with Israel;
  4. To support efforts to immediately overcome the consequences of the crisis situation in the Lebanese affairs, to ensure national consent, to continue the internal dialogue in Lebanon  and search for mutually acceptable compromises;
  5. To stress that the way to sustainable and total normalization in Iraq can be achieved through a broad and real internal dialogue involving representatives of all leading ethnic-faith groups and political forces, aimed at reaching the true national conciliation and agreement;
  6. To support active cooperation including a dialogue between parliamentarians from different countries within the efforts being taken by the international community, including “the Quartet”, and the regional participants, the Gulf states among them, on unblocking the Arab-Israeli conflict along both Israeli-Palestinian and other tracks.







Resolution # 15

(Sponsored by Mexico, Indonesia, Chile, China)


The 15th Annual Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum,

Underling the importance of addressing the promotion and protection of rights of migrant workers as a global issue.

Recalling the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Familias.

Recalling as well the Resolution on Protection of Migrants, adopted by acclamation by the Sixtieth Session of the UN General Assembly, proclaiming that all immigration policies and initiatives, should promote integral proposals considering causes and consequences of this phenomenon, as well as the total respect for migrants’ human rights.

Recognizing that as a result of globalization, States, societies, economies, and cultures in different regions of the world are increasingly more integrated and interdependent.

Knowing that there are approximately 200 million international migrants; more than twice the number registered 25 years ago, according to the calculations of the Global Commission on International Migration.

Observing that these international human movements respond essentially to motivations associated to a search for better living conditions and expectations for economic benefits though there are other factors involved as well, such as violence and armed conflicts.

Underlining that as long as the international migration increases in magnitude, so do its repercussions in the economic, social, and political areas of most countries.

Considering that while circulation barriers on free capital and goods are being increasingly eliminated, in countries receiving emigrants there is strong border protection and erection of obstacles to prevent the arrival of workers attracted by the employment demand.

Reaffirming the sovereign right of States to take measures they deem appropriate to ensure the safety of their borders in the context of their international law obligations, including human rights law.

Recognizing that, by its nature, international migration leads inevitably to greater ethnic and cultural diversity within countries, which provide benefits and also challenges for receiving States.

Condemning vehemently all manifestations of racism, discrimination, and xenophobia against all migrants and their families.

Convinced that our objective should be to reconsider trade liberalization processes toward transforming globalization into a positive force for all world habitants, as expressed by the UN Millennium Declaration

Underlining that contemporary international migration can no longer be approached as an isolated “issue”.  It must be considered as a process to be channeled globally.  Properly channeled migration can be a positive factor for individuals, businesses and societies.

Recognizing that the global implications this phenomenon represents for our countries require actions and commitments with the outside world – particularly with neighboring regions and countries – which, in the framework of international cooperation might be guided by the principle of shared responsibility.



Call on all parliamentarians and governments of the Asia-Pacific region to:

  1. Recommends governments, which have not yet done so, consider signing and ratifying the International Convention on Protection of the Rights of Migrant Workers and Their Families.
  2. Effectively protect human rights and basic freedoms of all immigrants regardless of their nationality and migratory status.
  3. Implement their migration laws and policies with consideration of the human rights of migrants and their families, regardless of nationality and migratory status in accordance with International Conventions.
  4. Comply effectively with labor legislation, particularly the section on migrant working conditions, remuneration, and hygiene and safety conditions, in conformity with domestic laws.
  5. Encourage the establishment of financial transfer mechanisms that lessen the corresponding rates for sending remittances and neutralize any measure that restricts these invaluable resources for millions of people.







Resolution # 16

(Sponsored by Mexico and Indonesia)


The 15th Annual Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum,

Noting that the trafficking in persons has expanded in an alarming pace during the last decades, in response to the economic asymmetry of countries, as well as the growing logistic and organizational sophistication of transnational criminal networks.

Realizing that inequality, corruption and impunity are factors that increase people’s vulnerability, especially women and children, and turn them into victims of traffickers that form part of organized crime groups that operate at both domestic and International organized crime.

Recognizing that the persistence of trafficking in persons also responds to its economic revenue, which ascends to $10 billion dollars annually, according to the United Nations reports.

Recalling the commitment of governments to improve the capacity to identify, investigate, judge and prosecute those responsible for trafficking in persons, especially women and children, and provide its victims with due assistance and protection in the framework of the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punishing Trafficking in Persons Especially Women and Children, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime.

Recognizing all parameters of trafficking as defined by the Palermo Protocol on Human Trafficking as the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation.

Noting that exploitation includes, at a minimum, the exploitation of the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labor or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude or the removal of organs.

Recognizing that all types of sexual or labor exploitation that imply forced labor or servitude for debts is unacceptable and constitutes a clear transgression of the international human rights regime, as well as the international labor norms.

Distinguishing that the victims, 80% of whom are women and 50% under 18 years of age, ascends to a total of 12 million people according to the International Labor Organization (ILO), who are trafficked and exploited in every region of the planet.

Observing that trafficking in persons contributes to the deepening of the criminalization of the world economy.

Stating that there is a serious risk that the trafficking in persons persists and increases unless the governments, parliaments and civil society of main countries of destination take a firmer political stance to face these problems.

Pointing out that, given the complexity of the trafficking in persons phenomenon, all the governmental efforts to prevent and combat this crime should confront every type of exploitation.


Call on the parliamentarians and governments of the Asia-Pacific region to:

1.    Consider the signature, ratification or accession of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and its Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children, and make use of its dispositions.

2.    Implement legal reforms needed to give consistency to respective national juridical ordinances involving conduct related to human trafficking in order to fulfill our international obligations, acquired with the signing and ratification of the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punishing Trafficking in Persons Especially Women and Children, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime.


3.    Prepare police and intelligence forces to act more effectively against criminal networks, specialized in trafficking in persons.

4.    Foment the exchange of databases and/or intelligence reports on the criminal records of persons that have committed this type of crime according to what is established in bilateral and multilateral agreements on this issue.

5.    Adopt protective measures for victims of trafficking in persons and prevent foreigners who fall victims of illicit trafficking from being subject to immediate deportation to their country of origin.

6.    Promote mass campaigns in communication media, as well as regional conferences to create public consciousness of the trafficking in persons problem







Resolution # 17

(Sponsored by Mexico, Russian Federation and China)


The 15th Annual Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum,

Considering that the international social and political environment has changed radically since the creation of the United Nations more than 60 years ago.

Promoting that the Organization still responds effectively to the ideals and objectives for which it was created.

Pointing out that no State, on its own, has the capacity to face challenges proposed by the development of mankind, its prosperity and international peace and security.

Reaffirming that Member States continue to be the protagonists in decision-making within the Organization, whose roles, responsibilities and rights are fully recognized in the United Nations Charter.

Realizing that a collective security system that favors prevention should be based on the development and prosperity of the States.

Reaffirming the need to improve coordination between different United Nations agencies.

Welcoming the creation of the new  Human Rights Council and its operational principles, including universality, objectivity, non-selection, cooperation and dialogs, which world leaders resolved to create in the Summit Meeting of September 2005.

Sustaining that open negotiation and international consensus is the only way of effectively pushing reforms needed by the Organization.



Call on the governments of Member States to:

  1. Redouble efforts so the General Assembly can perform fully as the main deliberative forum of the United Nations.
  2. Assure that proposed reforms have an integral focus that guarantees balance between development and security agendas in the system’s different organizations, that protection of human rights is promoted and there is strict adherence to international law.
  3. Strengthen the Social Economic Council and its subsidiaries on promoting development and combating poverty as well as strengthening its coordination capacities with specialized agencies from the system.
  4. Strengthen the Security Council to make it a more democratic, representative and transparent organization.
  5. To doubt efforts to achieve full-scale fulfillment of the Security Council decisions and solving the problem of this main UN institution reforming in the interests of increasing its efficiency and representativeness on the basis of the broadest agreement the member states.
  6. Consolidate the Human Rights Council and continue strengthening effective promotion of the international human rights through cooperation and genuine dialogue.
  7. Assure evaluation of measures and accountability so that international human rights laws and international humanitarian laws are respected in the fight against terrorism at all times.
  8. Analyze proposals for financial outlines that assure the Organization’s economic solvency.
  9. Evaluate and modify the Organization’s measures and efficiency to reduce unnecessary administrative expenditures.








Resolution # 18

(Sponsored by the Philippines, Russian Federation and China)


The 15th Annual Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum,

Recalling 4th APPF Annual Meeting Resolution on Drug Abuse, Trafficking and Money Laundering (APPF 4) and the 6th APPF Annual Meeting Resolution on Corruption (APPF 6/RES 8);

Further recalling the 7th APPF Annual Meeting Resolution on the Exchange of Information and Expertise Between and among Members of the Asia Pacific Parliamentary Forum in Dealing with Corruption, with the End in View of Strengthening their Individual and Joint Capabilities in Dealing with the Same (APPF 7/RES 11);

Aware that terrorism, drug-traffiking and organized crime thrive better in an environment of corruption;

Aware that corruption is prevalent in all nations – rich or poor, developed or developing – albeit in varying degrees, scale and magnitude;

Greatly alarmed by the recent significant growth of corruption and the extent of its impact on the lives of the people in countries in the Asia Pacific Region and other parts of the world;

Concerned of the massive cost of corruption and the extent of damage it has wrought in the economic and political life of nations, particularly among developing countries;

Welcoming the recent efforts of the United Nations in curbing corruption through the UN General Assembly’s adoption of the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) which entered into force on December 14th, 2004;

Noting the considerable attention attributed by global institutions such as the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank to combat corruption;

Realizing that because of the the mass media efforts much is now known about corruption than in the past, however, there is a continuing need to constantly bring to public attention and scrutiny how governments run affairs of the State;

Cognizant that parliaments play the major role in restraining this global threat;


Resolves to:

  1. Call on parliaments to enact effective anti-corruption legislation and oversee its  enforcement;
  2. Encourage conduct of intense dialogues and discussions on anti-corruption initiatives within the international community as well as exchange the best international practices and technical expertise among APPF-member countries to enhance effective resistance to corruption and other forms of organized crimes associated with corruption such as terrorism, drug trafficking and money laundering;
  3. Encourage agents of mass media to take a more pro-active stance in exposing corrupt practices, and new information about corruption that will help governments and  citizens to become more aware in playing their vigilant role against corruption;
  4. Promote, in accordance with fundamental principles of relevant domestic laws, active participation of civil society, non-governmental organizations and community-based organizations in the prevention of and the fight against corruption;
  5. Emphasize importance of a dynamic partnership between government and business associations in order to create an environment marked by greater transparency where private entrepreneurship can thrive;
  6. Recommends to all governments, particularly of APPF member-countries to participate in and adopt international anti-corruption instruments, particularly the United Nations Convention Against Corruption.








Resolution # 19

(Sponsored by the Philippines)

The 15th Annual Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum,

Recalling the Vancouver Declaration of 1997 specifically Item 2: Economy, the  Resolution on Economy and Trade in the 14th Annual Meeting of the APPF (APPF-14/Res/10) and the Resolution on Strengthening Regional and Global Economic Cooperation (APPF-14/Res/09);

Recognizing that the Asia Pacific Region is experiencing increases in trade volume brought about by reduced trade barriers and developing economies;

Recognizing the efforts being undertaken by Asia Pacific countries to modernize and expand their transport and logistics facilities and capacities;

Acknowledging  that the transport and logistics capabilities of the developing countries of the Asia Pacific will still need to further improve at a much faster rate to meet the expected surge of trade volume brought about by the proliferation of free trade areas (FTAs) and regional free trade areas (RTAs);

Noting that transport and logistics requirements are constantly adapting to the needs of the ever-changing global market;

Convinced of the importance of transport and logistics networks as key catalysts in economic development and international competitiveness;

Aware of the necessity of having a speedy and time definite delivery of raw materials and goods in the today’s just-in-time manufacturing process;

Underlining the importance of current efforts in coordinating the ever-growing transport and logistics networks of the Asia Pacific Region;


Resolves to:

  1. Render strong support in efforts that would strengthen transport and logistics cooperation among APPF countries as well as the entire Asia Pacific Region;
  2. Call upon all APPF countries to enhance current agreements on transport and logistics cooperation complementing the steps taken towards economic integration in the Asia Pacific;
  3. Welcome the assistance of partner countries in developing the transport and logistics infrastructure and networks in less-developed areas of the region;
  4. Call on parliaments to support the regional efforts in enhancing multi-modal transport linkages and interconnectivity, while promoting the safe and speedy transport of people and goods;
  5. Call on governments to work towards achieving faster customs clearances and simplified customs procedures;
  6. Encourage APPF countries to prioritize efforts in strengthening and enhancing transport and logistics cooperation with a view of achieving a speedy and smooth flow of goods and people in the Asia Pacific Region





Resolution # 20

(Sponsored by the Republic of Korea and Russian Federation)

            The 15th Annual Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum,

            Noting increasing interdependence and deepening globalization and informatization in the international community,

            Recognizing that the advent of the information society and the subsequent digital divide that has widened due to factors such as income, education, age, and region, are aggravating social and economic inequality,

Stressing that information technologies and means of telecommunication create broad opportunities for further development of human civilization and cooperation for the common good of all States,

Recalling at the same time concern expressed by the UN General Assembly in its resolutions 53/70, 54/49, 55/28, 56/19, 57/53, 58/32, 59/61, 60/45 and 61/54 that these technologies and means can potentially be used for purposes that are inconsistent with the objectives of maintaining international stability and security and may adversely affect the integrity of the infrastructure of States to the detriment of their security in both civil and military fields and  recognizing the necessity to take into consideration this potential in the process of making efforts to build the information society and bridge the digital divide,

            Further noting that in the process of rapid transition into an information society, the digital divide has emerged as a new cause for the widening gap between advanced countries that are leading the trend and developing countries that are lagging behind,

            Concerned that in this information and communications revolution, if the imbalance between advanced and developing countries is left unattended, the gap between these countries, in terms of quality of life and economic strength, will grow even wider,

            Highlighting the discussions undertaken at UNESCO, UNDP and the 2000 World Economic Forum held in Davos under the theme ‘Sustainable Growth and Bridging the Divides: A Framework for Our Global Future’,

            Welcoming the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) held to address the global digital divide,

Acknowledging the leading facilitating role of ITU, UNESCO and UNDP in implementing the WSIS outcomes,

Referring to the fact that the WSIS defined the Internet as  a key element of the information society infrastructure and stressed that the international management of the Internet should be multilateral, transparent and democratic with full involvement of governments, the privet sector, the civil society and international organizations. It should ensure an equitable distribution of resources, facilitate access for all and ensure a stable and secure functioning of the Internet.

            Reaffirming that the digital divide, an issue of paramount importance that needs to be resolved to ensure the transition to an information society, has become the center of global attention,


Resolves to:

1. Invite member States to develop regional and subregional cooperation in implementing the WSIS outcomes in particular to contribute to bridging the digital divide.

2. Urge all member states to scale up efforts to close the digital divide that is ascribable to factors such as income gap, education, age, and region;

3. Encourage member parliaments to support their governments through regional and international workshops and seminars to share information, experience, and best practices concerned with bridging the digital divide;

4. Encourage member states to build global information networks and to implement substantive policies on information utilization education in close cooperation with international organizations including ITU, UNESCO, UNDP, and IPAIT (International Parliamentarians’ Association for Information Technology);

5. Suggest that member states consider a possibility to set up a special fund directed at addressing the digital divide in East Asia;

6. Encourage advanced countries to render support to ensure that developing countries utilize the special fund effectively and efficiently and to monitor the effects and achievements of the fund;

7. Put priority on resolving the digital divide at home by providing sufficient funds and resources.
