Header Image Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association

Appendix: List of officials and individuals met

A.   Members of the National Assembly

·         Right Honourable Djibril Cavayé Yéguié, President of the National             Assembly

·         Members of commissions:

§  Hon. Zondol Herssesse, Commission on Constitutional Laws, Human Rights and Liberties, Justice, Legislation and Ordinances and Administration

§  Hon. Rosette Julienne Moutymbo, spouse Ayiyi, Finance and Budget Commission

§  Hon. Ayah Paul Abine, Foreign Affairs Committee

§  Hon. Sali Dairou, National Defense and Security Commission

§  Hon. Florence Eugénie Bassa Botiba, Economic Affairs, Planning and Regional Development Commission

§  Hon. MBoui Joseph, Education, Vocational Training and Youth Commission

§  Hon. Ngala Esther Ntala, Cultural, Social and Family Affairs Commission

§  Hon. Lekene Donfack, Production and Trade Commission

§  Hon. Boutouli née Biang Paulette, Resolutions and Petitions Commission

·         Members of the Cameroon–Canada Parliamentary Friendship Group:

§  Hon. Thaddeus Ondigui, Chair

§  Hon. Florence Bassa Botiba

§  Hon. Louis Roger Essola Etoa

§  Hon. Laurent Mballa Ambassa

§  Hon. Andrew Kwei Mngo

§  Hon. Daniel Kalbalssou

§  Hon. Joseph Mbah Ndam

§  Hon. Oscar Edimo Ndoumbe

B.   Administrative Services of the National Assembly

·         Mr. Victor Yene Ossomba, Secretary General

C.   Members of the government

·         H.E. Amadou Ali, Minister delegate at the Presidency, in charge of relations with assemblies

·         H.E. Pierre Moukoko Mbonjo, Minister for External Relations

·         H.E. Henri Eyebe Ayissi, Minister delegate at the Presidency, in       charge of the Supreme State Audit Office

·         H.E. Philémon Yang, Prime Minister

·         H.E. Jules Doret Ndongo, Minister delegate to the Minister of            Territorial Administration and Decentralization, in charge of        decentralized territorial districts

·         Rev. Dr. Dieudonné Massi Gams, Chair of the National Anti-            Corruption Commission

D.   Other

·         Dr. Samuel Fonkam Azu’u, President of ELECAM

·         Mr. Jacques Etamé, Mayor of Édéa

·         Mr. Stéphane Bassene, Plant Manager, Rio Tinto Alcan

·         Mr. Bernard-Raymond Guimdo Dongmo, Associate Professor

E.   Ambassadors, High Commissioners and First Secretaries

·         H.E. Bharat Joshi, British High Commissioner to Cameroon

·         H.E. Raul Mateus Paula, Ambassador, Head of the European Union    Delegation in Cameroon

·         H.E. Marcelino Cabanas Ansorena, Ambassador of Spain to      Cameroon

·         H.E. Klaus-Ludwig Keferstein, Ambassador of the Federal Republic     of Germany to Cameroon

·         H.E. Tsutomu Arai, Ambassador of Japan to Cameroon

·         Mr. Jean-Charles Allard, First Secretary, Embassy of France

·         Mr. Gregory D. Thome, First Secretary, Embassy of the United States

F.    United Nations Centre for Human Rights and Democracy in        Central Africa (Cameroon section)

·         Mr. Abdoulaye Traoré

·         Mr. Kieren Cosda

·         Ms. Dorothée Ndoh

·         Ms. Solange Aimée Ondobo

G.   Representatives of civil society organizations and the press

·         Mr. Mamy Rabioanarijiaona, Coordinator of the CHOC project     (Change Habits - Oppose Corruption)

·         Ms. Cyrille Rolande Bechon, Nouveaux droits de l’Homme

·         Mr. Michel Togue

·         Mr. Isaac Justin Mabouth, Commission Justice et Paix

·         Ms. Nelly Tsimegne Fotsing

·         Mr. Armand Essogo (Cameroon Tribune)

·         Mr. Ashu Nyenti (CRTV – Radio)

·         Mr. Aimé Robert Bihina (CRTV – Television and Union de la press        francophone)

