Logo Canadian Section of ParlAmericas (ParlAmericas)


List of Participants

Members of the Board of Directors


§  Randy Hoback, M.P. (CANADA)

North America

§  Senator Michael L. MacDonald (CANADA)

§  Deputy Adriana González Carrillo (MEXICO)

Central America

§  Maria Jeannette Ruiz Delgado, Member of the Legislative Assembly (COSTA RICA)

South America

§  Deputy Ignacio Urrutia Bonilla (CHILE)

§  Senator Alberto Grillón Conigliaro (PARAGUAY)

Representative of the Group of Women Parliamentarians

§  Dr. Jennifer Simons, Speaker of the National Assembly (SURINAME)

ParlAmericas Technical Secretariat

§  Gina Hill (Director General)

§  Viviane Rossini (Program Manager)

§  Marcelo Virkel, (Project Coordinator)

§  Katie Hermon, (Consultant to the Group of Women)

Other Guests and Participants

§  Michel Rathier (ParlAmericas Associate)

§  Guyanne L. Desforges (Parliament of Canada)

§  Saima Cabenda (Head of Secretariat, Suriname)

§  Ruth de Windt, (Deputy Secretary General, Suriname)

Board of Directors Members Absent

§  Deputy Victor Juliao III , First Vice President (PANAMA)

§  Linda Machuca Moscoso, Second Vice President, President of the Group of Women Parliamentarians and Member of the National Assembly (ECUADOR)

§  Representative Germán Alcides Blanco Álvarez (COLOMBIA)

§  Hugh Buchanan, Member of Parliament (JAMAICA)

