Logo Canadian Section of the Inter-Parliamentary Forum of the Americas (FIPA)

APPENDIX B – RESOLUTIONS OF THE Group of Women Parliamentarians of the Americas

Create a network of political women to support and assist those who participated in the past, and who are participating today in popular election forums with a view to designing empowerment strategies, starting by removing obstacles to effective electoral participation and taking advantage of the political capital accumulated by women who have served in parliament.

Organize, through FIPA, an international school of political training to build skills among women parliamentarians in order to achieve quality parliamentary writs from a gender perspective, in which women parliamentarians develop the skills necessary to draft bills of law that have an impact on their countries and on the to monitor those bills, and to design methods for effective communication with voters, the development of messages, work with the media and other relevant issues of parliamentary development.

Request that at future events, the agenda of the Group of Women Parliamentarians of the Americas establish equal importance for the analysis of gender issues in parliamentarian meetings, particularly in regard to time management, methodology and promotion of participation.

Update the issues to be discussed at the Women’s Meetings, going beyond situational analysis to focus on proposals and strategies.

Implement actions so that the FIPA Women’s Group can establish a closer relationship with other related parliamentary organizations.

Fully subscribe the content of the Quito Declaration issued by the Group of Women Parliamentarians in August 2010.

Supervise the implementation of public policies instituted by our countries that contribute to reconciling domestic and unpaid work with work in public spaces.

Promote new educational practices in our countries so that new generations change their practices and the roles that have been exclusively assigned to women.

Organize other activities in addition to the annual meeting of the FIPA Women’s Group in the different countries.

Build and strengthen the relationships between women parliamentarians in the Americas and networks of Afro-Caribbean, Afro-Latin American and Diaspora women, as well as with networks of indigenous women, in order to discuss, exchange and evaluate the situation of discrimination, violation of human rights, poverty and cultural subordination experienced by women in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Develop follow-up actions for commitments and recommendations assumed by the participants in the parliamentary group.

