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Parliamentary Associations

List of Associations

Activities Calendar

March 14 - 17, 2011

Visit of the Sub-Committee on Transatlantic Relations of the Political Committee (PCTR)

Ankara, Turkey

Canadian NATO Parliamentary Association (NATO PA)

March 14, 2011

Meeting of the Steering Committee of the Twelve Plus Group

Paris, France

Canadian Group of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU)

March 12 - 18, 2011

Bilateral Visit

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

Canada-United Kingdom Inter-Parliamentary Association

March 11 - 19, 2011

Co-Chairs' Annual Visit to China

Beijing, Chonqing, Kunming and Dali, China

Canada-China Legislative Association

March 7 - 18, 2011

60th Westminster Seminar on Practice and Procedure

London, United Kingdom

Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)

Recent Activities

Joint Interparliamentary Council

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