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Parliamentary Associations

List of Associations

Activities Calendar

November 20, 2008

Visit to Canada of members of the Standing Committee of the Jiangxi Provincial People's Congress of the People's Republic of China

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada


November 20 - 21, 2008

Congress of Parliamentarians: "Towards a Gender-Sensitive Legislative Agenda for Development in the Americas"

Bogotá, Colombia

Canadian Section of the Inter-Parliamentary Forum of the Americas (FIPA)

November 19 - 21, 2008

Pacific NorthWest Economic Region (PNWER) - Economic Leadership Forum

Whistler, British Columbia, Canada

Canada-United States Inter-Parliamentary Group

November 16 - 22, 2008

International Development: Aid Effectiveness

London, United Kingdom

Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)

Recent Activities

Joint Interparliamentary Council

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