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SECO Canadian Delegation to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Parliamentary Assembly

The expanded Bureau of the OSCE PA met on this day to conduct business. Dr. Hedy Fry, the Director of the Canadian delegation to the OSCE PA attended the meeting in her capacity as the Special Representative on Gender Issues. The group received various reports and discussed the findings contained therein. The group also planned for upcoming meetings of the OSCE PA. A final determination of whether the upcoming Annual Session in July of 2021 will be an entirely virtual affair or whether it will be a hybrid meeting with some participants meeting in person in Vienna will be made at the next meeting of the Bureau. During the meeting, Dr. Fry spoke in support of the Call for Action initiative. She noted that the OSCE PA has a contribution to make regarding the revitalization of the OSCE and called for the discussion to continue. She also expressed concern regarding the deteriorating security situation in the OSCE region. She fears that repressive policies that discriminate against women, LGBTQ persons and persons who belong to minority groups and that limit the ability of migrants to relocate may lead to conflict and violence. She urged the OSCE PA to formulate an action plan to foster accountability. Finally, she spoke of how the Covid-19 pandemic has accentuated the issues facing women and minority groups, like the LGBTQ community.

SECO Canadian Delegation to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Parliamentary Assembly

The Winter Meeting provides an opportunity for OSCE parliamentarians to hold discussions on timely issues, to be briefed by high-level OSCE officials, and to meet with representatives of the OSCE's governmental side. It consists of meetings of the Standing Committee, each General Committee, and a joint session of the three General Committees.

SECO Canadian Delegation to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Parliamentary Assembly

The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Parliamentary Assembly co-hosted a commemorative event with the French Delegation to the OSCE PA to mark the 30th anniversary of the Charter of Paris for a New Europe. Canadian participants included Senators Pierre Dalphond, Josée Forest-Niesing and Lucie Moncion, as well as Mr. Luc Berthold, M.P. and Ms. Andréanne Larouche, M.P.

SECO Canadian Delegation to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Parliamentary Assembly

More than 40 heads of national delegations and the elected members of the Bureau met on July 7, 2020 to a Standing Committee meeting. The Standing Committee meets three times a year to guide the work of the Assembly and would have met in Vancouver this week had the 2020 Annual Session not been cancelled due to the pandemic. Dr. Hedy Fry, C.P., M.P., Head of the Canadian OSCE PA Delegation and Special Representative on Gender Issues, noted Canada’s regret that it was not able to host the Annual Session this year. “As the OSCE PA convenes via videoconferencing today, we are reminded that we should have been gathering in Vancouver, Canada for the 2020 Annual Session from July 2 to 7,” Fry said. “The COVID-19 global pandemic has redefined how we, as parliamentarians, interact and communicate. Yet in a way, we have become more connected and our voices more relevant. As we continue to face new challenges and find new opportunities to fulfill the PA’s mission, I truly hope we, Canada, will be able to host a future Annual Session here in Vancouver.”

SECO Canadian Delegation to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Parliamentary Assembly

The AdHoc Committee on Migration held a second meeting as a series in a regular discussion with the European Commission on key issues related to migration and asylum policy. Ms. Paraskevi Michou, Director-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations discussed the current state of affairs followed by a question and answer period with members of the committee. Dr. Hedy Fry, P.C., M.P., participated in the meeting.

SECO Canadian Delegation to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Parliamentary Assembly

Dr. Hedy Fry, P.C., M.P., attended a meeting of the AdHoc Committee on Migration on Friday July 3. As part of the Committee’s regular discussions with the European Commission on key issues related to migration and asylum policy and as well as the situation in frontline countries, members of the committee invited top European Commission official Ms. Monique Pariat, Director-General for Migration and Home Affairs.

SECO Canadian Delegation to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Parliamentary Assembly

On June 15, 2020, Dr. Hedy Fry, M.P., hosted a web dialogue in her capacity as Special Representative on Gender Issues to the OSCE PA entitled: "Gendered Impacts of COVID-19". Dr. Fry opened the discussion by highlighting the exacerbation of gender-related vulnerabilities as a result of the pandemic, and called for upscaling efforts in advancing the gender agenda. Following her remarks, the PA’s President Mr. George Tsereteli and SG Roberto Montella emphasized on the importance the OSCE PA attaches to mainstreaming gender-related policies and highlighted the Secretariat’s efforts in advancing equal representation among staff and members’ activities. Many Canadian delegates also participated in this event including Senators Patricia Bovey, René Cormier, Josée Forest-Niesing and Rosa Galvez.

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