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CAEU Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association

The Standing Committee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region (SCPAR) held a regular meeting on 10 February 2022 via videoconference. New members from the Canadian delegation – Ms. Yvonne Jones, Member of Parliament (MP) for Labrador, and Mr. Bob Zimmer, MP for Prince George–Peace River–Northern Rockies – and other new members introduced themselves. This meeting marked Ms. Aaja Chemnitz Larsen’s (MP, Greenland, Parliament of Denmark) first meeting as Chair and Ms. Lisa Murkowski’s (Senator, Alaska, United States) first meeting as Vice Chair.

Members reported on the priorities of the Arctic regions of their respective countries including:

• sustainable economic development to benefit Arctic residents, along with increased investments;

• the need for mental health services in remote communities;

• climate change and its impacts on all aspects of life in the Arctic; and

• the development or release of country-specific Arctic strategies.

SCPAR members provided an update on the COVID 19 pandemic. Vaccination campaigns in Arctic regions seem successful in most countries, with high rates of fully vaccinated residents. Common challenges experienced by Arctic residents included: social isolation and financial burdens due to restrictions limiting gatherings and the operation of businesses and movement between communities and countries, particularly for Indigenous peoples; and an increase in the need for mental health services.

The next meeting of SCPAR is planned for 12 May 2022 to potentially be hosted in Washington D.C., United States.

CAEU Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association

Mr. Scott Simms, M.P., President, CAEU; the Hon. David Wells, Senator; the Hon. Percy Downe, Senator; the Hon. Larry Bagnell, M.P.; the Hon. James Maloney, M.P.; Mr. Stéphane Bergeron, M.P. and Mr. Don Davies, M.P. , participated, despite connectively issues , in a videoconference call with the European Parliament’s Delegation for Relations with Canada (D-CA). D-CA participants included Ms. Stéphanie Yon-Courtin, (Chair, France), Mr. Javier Moreno Sánchez (Vice-Chair, Spain), Ms. Sandra Kalniete (Latvia) and Mr. Javier Zarzalejos (Spain). Professor Leah West from Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada, and Mr. Lutz Gueller, Head of Strategic Communications for the European External Action Service, were also present. The meeting began with an exchange of views on the cooperation between Canada and the European Union (EU) in addressing foreign interference and disinformation, and how social media can be regulated. Professor West outlined Canadian actions in these areas, while Mr. Gueller described European efforts. On behalf of the Special Committee on Foreign Interference in all Democratic Processes in the European Union, including Disinformation, Mr. Zarzalejos (Vice-President) and Ms. Kalniete (Rapporteur) shared some of the early findings of the committee. Other topics of discussion included recent developments in Canada–EU political and economic relations, such as the export of COVID-19 vaccines, the COVAX initiative for global equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines, and the need for transparent public procurement. Participants also discussed the recent work done by the Joint Committee of the Canada–European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement on March 25, 2021.

CAEU Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association

Mr. Larry Bagnell, Member of Parliament for Yukon and Mr. Larry Maguire, Member of Parliament for Brandon-Souris, Manitoba, represented the Canadian Parliament at the meeting of the Standing Committee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region (SCPAR) held virtually on February 25, 2021. The meeting featured a report from the Icelandic member on the work of parliamentarians to have the Government of Iceland respond to recommendations included in past conference statements on topics such as health, economic development and digital broadband among others. Members of SCPAR provided updates on the status of COVID-19 cases in circumpolar regions and advances in vaccination distribution. The social and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic have been significant in most countries. A common issue of concern was that border closures in Nordic countries have been problematic as many people work and live in different countries. Further, border closures have hindered the mobility of Sami across their traditional territories. Members from the European Parliament, the Kingdom of Denmark and the Russian Federation provided updates on their strategies for the Arctic. A new study from Greenland highlighted that Greenlanders would like closer collaboration with Iceland, the United States, and Canada. SCPAR members also finalized the themes for the April Conference Statement.