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Interparliamentary Activities and Reports

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CAEU Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association

41st Interparliamentary Meeting with the European Parliament’s Delegation for Relations with Canada Ottawa, Canada

The Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association (CAEU) hosted the 41st Interparliamentary Meeting (IPM) with the European Parliament’s Delegation for Relations with Canada (D-CA) in Ottawa on 17 December 2022.

The IPM consisted of four panels and question-and-answer sessions on the following subjects:

• the Fifth anniversary of the Comprehensive and Economic Trade Agreement and the Strategic Partnership Agreement;

• the regulation of large technology firms;

• Canada-EU energy security and climate change cooperation;

• global displacement.

The CAEU participants were: Mr. Francesco Sorbara, M.P. and President; the Hon. Tony Loffreda, Senator; the Hon. Victor Oh, Senator; the Hon. Lucie Moncion, Senator; the Hon. David Wells, Senator; Stéphane Bergeron, M.P.; and Marie-France Lalonde, M.P.

The D-CA participants were: Stéphanie Yon-Courtin (Chair, France); Damian Boeselager (Germany); Ondrej Kovarík (Czechia); Dorien Rookmaker (Netherlands); and Hildegard Bentele (Germany).

The following external participants also took part in the IPM:

• Patrick Leblond, Associate Professor at the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, University of Ottawa;

• Achim Hurrelmann, Political Science Professor and Co-Director of Centre for European Studies, Carleton University;

• Robert Hage, Fellow at the Canadian Global Affairs Institute, former Director General for Europe at Global Affairs Canada;

• Brad Callaghan, Associate Deputy Commissioner of the Policy, Planning and Advocacy Directorate at the Competition Bureau;

• Vanessa Corkal, Senior Policy Advisor at the International Institute for Sustainable Development; and

• Rema Jamous Imseis, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Canada Representative.

CPAM Canadian Section of ParlAmericas

The 19th Plenary Assembly was dedicated to exploring the importance of parliamentary engagement in the inter-American system and the need for parliamentary insights on the issues of hemispheric importance discussed in these spaces.

The 14th Gathering of the Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality, entitled Legislative Perspectives for Inclusive Economic Growth: Investing in the Care Economy, provided a space for parliamentary delegates and subject matter experts to exchange reflections and good practices on legislative initiatives related to care work and the economy.