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Interparliamentary Activities and Reports

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CCOM Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association

Canada as a whole makes up one of the regions of the CPA, and its 14 branches correspond to the provincial and territorial legislative assemblies and the federal Parliament. Within the Canadian region, legislators can take part in a wide range of exchange programs, conferences and seminars. The Canadian region also has its own publication, Canadian Parliamentary Review. The Regional Council is the decision-making body for the Canadian region. The Canadian Branch was represented by the Honourable Yuen Pau Woo, Senator and Mr. Terry Duguid, M.P.

CCOM Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association

From 22–24 February 2022, the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) UK, in partnership with the non-governmental organization Mission 89, held a virtual workshop to explore techniques to prevent sports trafficking, a form of human trafficking where individuals are “exploited through the false promise of the opportunity to play sports professionally.” Sébastien Lemire, Member of Parliament and member of the Canadian Branch of the CPA attended this workshop.

The first day of the workshop comprised two sessions aiming to provide participants with an understanding of human trafficking through sport. Dr. James Esson, UG Programme Director (Geography and Environment), Reader in Human Geography at Loughborough University, discussed how trafficking through football occurs and identified steps that could be taken to help prevent it. Matthew Edafe, an ambassador for Mission 89, shared his experience of being trafficked for sport in the 1990s.

The second day of the workshop featured breakout rooms where groups of participants discussed their role in addressing sports trafficking. Adeline Dumoulin (CPA UK) and Lerina Bright (Mission 89) facilitated one of the breakout rooms for parliamentarians and parliamentary officials.

CAPF Canadian Branch of the Assemblée parlementaire de la Francophonie

The Assemblée parlementaire de la Francophonie brings together 90 parliaments and branches to discuss topics of interest for the Francophonie. The meeting is informal and is intended to inform the presidents of various topics of interest for the branches.

Marie-France Lalonde, member, and Joël Godin, member and chair of the Parliamentary Affairs Committee, attended the meeting virtually.

Members were informed of the decisions made at the Libreville Bureau meeting held on February 27 and 28. They were also informed of the climate emergency in Madagascar caused by cyclone Batsirai. A second cyclone, Emnati, is expected to touch down soon. A call for solidarity was also made. A call for nominations was also made for the 47th Session and the 9th Francophone Youth Parliament of July 2022.

The members discussed the young Francophone ambassadors’ project, and Marie-France Lalonde called for more clarification between this program and the Francophone Youth Parliament. Joël Godin requested that more detailed planning be done for that project and for a presentation on it at the next Bureau.

The Administrative Secretary General, Damien Cesselin, discussed the consideration of branch contributions to the upcoming APF strategic framework 2023–2026. Methodology will be developed to enable branches to actively participate in the next framework. Joël Godin and Marie-France Lalonde reiterated the Canadian branch’s desire for better defined, measurable objectives and for the latest objective attainment indicators also be included in the development of the new strategic framework.

Mention was also made of a project shared by various APF branches and the Francophone Group of Ambassadors.

SECO Canadian Delegation to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Parliamentary Assembly

The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Parliamentary Assembly (OSCE PA) held an online meeting to discuss policy priorities in the Arctic region. The meeting was chaired by Special Representative on Arctic Issues Bryndis Haraldsdottir (Iceland), and representatives of all eight Arctic countries (Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Russia, Sweden and the United States). The Canadian Delegation to the OSCE PA was represented by Honourable Senators Patricia Bovey and Marilou McPhedran, as well as Ms. Yvonne Jones, M.P., and Mr. Bob Zimmer, M.P. Participants emphasized the effects of climate change on inhabitants of the Arctic, including Indigenous peoples, and on the economy of the region. Ms. Jones characterized climate change as one of the most important challenges for communities in the Canadian Arctic. Participants also discussed the possibility of presenting a resolution on Arctic issues at the OSCE PA 2022 Annual Session, reiterating that the Arctic must remain an area of cooperation.

SECO Canadian Delegation to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Parliamentary Assembly

The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Parliamentary Assembly (OSCE PA) held a virtual event on the contribution of youth to the rule of law, democracy and human rights within the OSCE. The event was chaired by the OSCE PA Special Representative on Youth Engagement, Ms. Farah Karimi. Panellists spoke about the importance of meaningfully including young people in decision making and policy development. The Canadian Delegation to the OSCE PA was represented by Senator Marilou McPhedran and Mr. Bob Zimmer, M.P. During the event, Senator McPhedran spoke about the importance of enhancing international and intergenerational communication. She also discussed her bill to lower the federal voting age from 18 to 16 (Bill S-201).

CAPF Canadian Branch of the Assemblée parlementaire de la Francophonie

The Honourable Dennis Dawson, Senator, attended the meeting of the Working Group on Peacekeeping Missions of the Political Committee of the Assemblée parlementaire de la Francophonie held on 17 February 2022 via videoconference. The purpose of this working group is to oversee the United Nations peacekeeping missions report.

The Rapporteur of the working group went over his discussions with the Boutros-Ghali Peacekeeping Observatory, the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs and the French Ministry for the Armed Forces. He gave an overview of the many peacekeeping missions around the world, several of them in francophone regions.

Senator Dawson suggested that the working group invite Canadian security and peacekeeping experts to share their observations. He raised the use of French in such operations under the authority of the United Nations. On this issue, the Rapporteur pointed to the work of the Boutros-Ghali Observatory and the recently arranged meetings with the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie.

Senator Dawson also said that this ties into the broader issue of respect for multilingualism within international organizations, which is being studied by the Political Committee and the Education, Communication and Cultural Affairs Committee. He concluded by stressing the importance of raising awareness of this issue among all partners and member branches.