Interparliamentary Activities and Reports
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Results: 591 - 600 of 962
January 18, 2022
First Meeting Among Members of the Executive Committees of ParlAmericas’ Networks
By videoconference
Canadian Section of ParlAmericas (CPAM)
On 18 January 2022, the First Meeting among Members of the Executive Committees of ParlAmericas’ Networks occurred virtually. Canadian Senators René Cormier and Rosa Galvez participated.
Members of the three Executive Committees of the ParlAmericas networks for gender equality, climate change and open parliament met to plan future work and inter-network collaboration. Paraguayan Senator Blanca Ovelar, President of ParlAmericas, provided opening remarks, followed by the presidents of the three networks, who presented their respective networks’ priorities. Senator Galvez, who is President of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network on Climate Change (PNCC), as well as Vice-Chair of the Canadian Section of ParlAmericas (CPAM), second Vice-President of ParlAmericas’ Board of Directors and Treasurer of the ParlAmericas Corporation, outlined the priorities for the Parliamentary Network on Climate Change. These priorities included addressing challenges related to water resources, deforestation, and the melting of the cryosphere. She also spoke about the value of collaborating and of finding synergies across the three thematic areas. The discussions continued with members discussing ways in which the networks could continue to strengthen collaboration with one another.
December 16, 2021
CPA Post-Election Virtual Seminar for the Parliament of the Bahamas
By videoconference
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
From December 15 to 17 2021, the CPA Headquarters Secretariat hosted a virtual post-election seminar for newly elected and returning members of the Parliament of the Bahamas. The Honourable Marilou McPhedran, Senator, was invited to provide remarks during a workshop on Women in Parliament held on December 16, 2021. The workshop provided the opportunity for Parliamentarians to discuss women’s representation and share experiences about working in Parliament.
In her presentation, Senator McPhedran discussed women’s representation in Canada’s Parliament, as well as ways to foster a gender-sensitive workplace. During her remarks, Senator McPhedran explained that by introducing family-friendly measures, parliaments can help overcome barriers faced by female elected officials and make workplaces more gender sensitive. During the questions and comments portion of the workshop, Senator McPhedran highlighted Canadian initiatives related to women’s participation in politics including Equal Voice, an organization dedicated to supporting women in politics, and its Daughters of the Vote Program.
December 13 - 15, 2021
29th Annual Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum (APPF)
By videoconference
Canada-China Legislative Association (CACN) and Canada-Japan Inter-Parliamentary Group (CAJP)
December 10, 2021
18th ParlAmericas Plenary Assembly (plenary session)
By videoconference
Canadian Section of ParlAmericas (CPAM)
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