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Interparliamentary Activities and Reports

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UIPU Canadian Group of the Inter-Parliamentary Union

The Honourable David McGuinty, P.C., M.P., President of the Canadian Group of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (UIPU) and the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Executive Committee Vice-President for the Twelve Plus geopolitical group, remotely participated in the sixth sitting of the 286th session of the International Executive Committee of the IPU. The meeting took place on November 25, 2021 as part of the 143rd IPU Assembly in Madrid, Spain. Members of the Executive considered new initiatives to strengthen the organization’s accountability and transparency, as well as reviewed the work of its Sub-Committee on Finance, including the proposed consolidated budget for 2022. The Executive also examined the IPU’s calendar of future activities, which includes both in-person and virtual events. The meeting was the last for Mr. McGuinty as a member of the Executive Committee. The IPU President thanked him for his four years of dedicated service and offered best wishes for his continued contribution to the IPU specifically and parliamentary diplomacy more broadly.

RUUK Canada-United Kingdom Inter-Parliamentary Association
UIPU Canadian Group of the Inter-Parliamentary Union

The Honourable David McGuinty, P.C., M.P., President of the Canadian Group of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (UIPU) and the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Executive Committee Vice-President for the Twelve Plus geopolitical group, remotely participated in the fifth sitting of the 286th session of the International Executive Committee of the IPU. The meeting took place on November 24, 2021 as part of the 143rd IPU Assembly in Madrid, Spain. Members of the Executive finalized the draft IPU Strategy 2022-2026, as well as other matters related to the membership of the organization. Its recommendations were submitted to the Governing Council for endorsement by that body.

UIPU Canadian Group of the Inter-Parliamentary Union

On 22 November 2021, the Hon. David McGuinty, P.C., MP, President of the Canadian Group of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (UIPU), and the Hon. Salma Ataullahjan, Senator, attended a virtual meeting of the Twelve Plus Group. During this meeting, the Group voted for candidates to fill two vacancies on the Executive Committee of the Inter-Parliamentary Union and one vacancy on the organization’s High-Level Advisory Group on Countering Terrorism and Violent Extremism. MP McGuinty and Senator Ataullahjan were both voting members.

CCOM Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association

On November 22, 2021, the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) Headquarters Secretariat hosted a roundtable discussion for members of the National Assembly of Belize through its Technical Assistance Program. The objective of the roundtable, entitled Gender Equality Policy, was to engage participants in a discussion on how to build and maintain a gender sensitive parliament to encourage greater representation of women in parliamentary decision-making. As a member of the Canadian Branch of the CPA, the Honourable Marilou McPhedran, Senator, led the roundtable discussion.

Senator McPhedran’s presentation focused on Canada’s approach to Gender-Based Analysis Plus (GBA+). She started by defining GBA+ and its importance within the context of policy making. Senator McPhedran then presented various opportunities for parliamentarians to advance GBA+ and gender-sensitive initiatives, including its application to legislation, budgeting, committee work and to the parliamentary environment more generally. Senator McPhedran also underscored some of the challenges faced by parliamentarians and policy makers when trying to apply GBA+, including those pertaining to the availability of data and the resources required to conduct parliamentary studies that adequately represent the groups effected by proposed legislation.

UIPU Canadian Group of the Inter-Parliamentary Union

On 17 November 2021, the Hon. David McGuinty, P.C., MP, President of the Canadian Group of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (UIPU) attended a virtual meeting of the Executive Committee of the Inter-Parliamentary Union. Participants discussed the situation of certain parliaments, as well as the preparations for the 143rd Assembly and 208th session of the Governing Council.

UIPU Canadian Group of the Inter-Parliamentary Union

On 15 November 2021, the Hon. David McGuinty, P.C., MP, President of the Canadian Group of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (UIPU), and the Hon. Marilou McPhedran, Senator, attended a meeting of the steering committee of the Twelve Plus Group. Participants discussed several matters, including the programme of activities for the 143rd Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (including potential emergency items), the Group’s financial matters, sanctions against parliamentarians by foreign governments and questions related to IPU membership. They were also briefed on key issues discussed at the Executive Committee of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, including the adoption of a new Strategy for 2022-2026, the financial situation of the organization and its recent mission to Venezuela.

UIPU Canadian Group of the Inter-Parliamentary Union

On November 12, 2021, a delegation from the Canadian Group of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (UIPU) comprising Senator Rob Black, Senator Amina Gerba and Senator Mohamed-Iqbal Ravalia attended a webinar entitled “The WTO negotiations agenda at the MC12: Towards a sustainable recovery” as part of the Parliamentary Conference on the World Trade Organization (WTO). Jointly organized by the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and the European Parliament, the event was planned to coincide with the Twelfth WTO Ministerial Conference (MC12) scheduled to take place at the end of November 2021. Ambassador Dacio Castillo, Chair of the WTO’s General Council, delivered the webinar’s keynote address. In light of the passage of time since any outcome was achieved at a ministerial conference, as well as ongoing challenges in the multilateral trading system, he underscored the importance of MC12 in enabling the membership to reach critical decisions and set out a concrete direction for the organization. Participants also heard from Mr. Rajesh Aggarwal from the International Trade Centre and Ms. Anoush der Boghossian from the WTO Trade and Gender Focal Point. As part of the discussions, the participants were challenged to consider the roles parliamentarians could play in advancing such priorities as e-commerce and a green global recovery and services, as well as reforming the WTO to better integrate gender issues into its agenda.