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Interparliamentary Activities and Reports

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SECO Canadian Delegation to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Parliamentary Assembly

The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Parliamentary Assembly (OSCE PA) held a virtual event on empowering young political actors in policymaking to address regional and global challenges. The event was part of the OSCE PA’s Call for Action – Helsinki+50 initiative, which aims to revitalize dialogue and the spirit of multilateralism within and beyond the OSCE. The Canadian Delegation to the OSCE PA was represented by Senators Marilou McPhedran and Kim Pate. During the event, Senator McPhedran spoke about the importance of enhancing youth political participation. She shared data on youth political participation in parliaments worldwide and discussed some of the systemic challenges that make it difficult for young people to participate in politics and parliaments.

CCOM Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association

The CPA’s International Executive Committee (EXCO) meets twice a year, in the spring and just before the annual meeting. This year, the fall meeting was held virtually. The CPA’s constitution authorizes it to control and manage the activities and business of the association. The international executive committee has about 35 members and is led by the chairperson of the CPA. The committee is made up of the officers of the CPA and three representatives from each region (except Africa, which has six representatives given its size).

The Canadian Branch was represented by the Hon. Yuen Pau Woo, Senator.

CPAM Canadian Section of ParlAmericas

On September 24, 2021, two Canadian parliamentarians participated in the 57th Meeting of ParlAmericas’ Board of Directors:

• Marc G. Serré, M.P., Chair of the Canadian Section of ParlAmericas (CPAM), Member of ParlAmericas’ Board of Directors (North America) and Chair of the ParlAmericas Corporation; and

• The Honourable Rosa Galvez, Senator, Vice-Chair of CPAM, President of ParlAmericas’ Parliamentary Network on Climate Change (PPCC), 2nd Vice-President of ParlAmericas’ Board of Directors and Treasurer of the ParlAmericas Corporation.

Board members approved the minutes of their previous meeting, following which Mr. Serré reported on the business of the ParlAmericas Corporation Board of Directors and Senator Galvez presented the ParlAmericas Corporation’s financial report. Blanca Ovelar, Senator, President of the Board of Directors, then led a discussion about ParlAmericas’ annual workplan and Alisha Todd, Executive Director of ParlAmericas’ International Secretariat, provided a progress update. Board members then reviewed the draft declaration to be presented at the 13th Gathering of ParlAmericas’ Parliamentary Network on Gender Equality (PNGE). Finally, members of the Board considered ParlAmericas’ future activities, noting the upcoming 18th Plenary Assembly planned for November and December 2021.

CPAM Canadian Section of ParlAmericas

On September 13, 22 and October 4, 2021, a delegation of Canadian parliamentarians participated in the 13th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Network on Gender Equality (PNGE). The three online events were conducted in ParlAmericas’ official languages: English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese. The 13th Gathering of the PNGE explored the ways in which strengthening social supports and services can contribute to addressing the root causes of gender inequality and other forms of social vulnerability, building on conversations spurred by the COVID-19 pandemic on enhancing social protection systems. The question of data was a crosscutting focus of the Gathering, with particular attention to the availability and use of disaggregated data to address the differentiated needs of women and vulnerable groups during the pandemic. The Gathering provided spaces for knowledge-sharing on good practices for more systematic collection of disaggregated data with a view to preventing the gaps in social protection during future crises and to ensuring an overall strengthening of the social safety net. The Honourable Mobina S. B. Jaffer, Senator, was elected as Vice-President (North America) on the Executive Committee of the PNGE.

CPAM Canadian Section of ParlAmericas

On September17, 2021, the Honourable Rosa Galvez, Senator, Vice-Chair of the Canadian Section of ParlAmericas (CPAM), President of ParlAmericas’ Parliamentary Network on Climate Change (PNCC), 2nd Vice-President of ParlAmericas’ Board of Directors and Treasurer of the ParlAmericas Corporation, chaired a meeting of the PNCC’s Executive Committee. Senator Galvez provided welcoming remarks and other members of the Executive Committee introduced themselves.

The following Executive Committee members attended the meeting: Costa Rican Deputy Paola Vega Rodríguez, the PNCC’s Vice-President (Central America); Ecuadoran Assembly Member Luis Bruno Segovia Mejía, the PNCC’s First Vice-President (South America); Surinamer Member of Parliament Radjendrekoemar Debie, the PNCC’s Second Vice-President (South America); and Trinidadian Senator Anthony Vieira, the PNCC’s Vice-President (The Caribbean).

ParlAmericas’ International Secretariat outlined planned and possible activities for the PNCC during the remainder of 2021–22, and, following a discussion about these activities, Executive Committee members provided updates on their legislature’s recent activities relating to the environment and climate change. Finally, they reviewed their priority themes and actions for the coming months.

CAPF Canadian Branch of the Assemblée parlementaire de la Francophonie

The purpose of the Association canadienne d’éducation de langue française (ACELF) is to help young people to meaningfully incorporate the French language and francophone culture into their lives. The Canadian Branch of the Assemblée parlementaire de la Francophonie was represented by Senator Éric Forest, as an observer. The ACELF presented its activities for the coming year to its members, tabled its financial statements and elected its new executive. The organization presented the training and educational tools offered to its members, particularly for linguistic security and early childhood education, and expressed a desire for increased co-operation with young people. The ACELF also discussed its various activities and webinars and announced that it had updated its website and blog. In addition, the organization paid tribute to some of its members. In closing, the ACELF invited its members to attend major events in 2022, including a celebration of the 50th Anniversary of its Éducation et francophonie review and its 75th Anniversary.

CPAM Canadian Section of ParlAmericas

On September 13, 22 and October 4, 2021, a delegation of Canadian parliamentarians participated in the 13th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Network on Gender Equality (PNGE). The three online events were conducted in ParlAmericas’ official languages: English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese. The 13th Gathering of the PNGE explored the ways in which strengthening social supports and services can contribute to addressing the root causes of gender inequality and other forms of social vulnerability, building on conversations spurred by the COVID-19 pandemic on enhancing social protection systems. The question of data was a crosscutting focus of the Gathering, with particular attention to the availability and use of disaggregated data to address the differentiated needs of women and vulnerable groups during the pandemic. The Gathering provided spaces for knowledge-sharing on good practices for more systematic collection of disaggregated data with a view to preventing the gaps in social protection during future crises and to ensuring an overall strengthening of the social safety net. The Honourable Mobina S. B. Jaffer, Senator, was elected as Vice-President (North America) on the Executive Committee of the PNGE.

For more information, see the report: Report of the Canadian Section of ParlAmericas

CAJP Canada-Japan Inter-Parliamentary Group
CACN Canada-China Legislative Association

On August 23, 2021, Senator Paul Massicotte, Co-Chair of the Canada–China Legislative Association, participated in the 42nd General Assembly of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) on behalf of both the Canada-China Legislative Association and the Canada-Japan Interparliamentary Group. This virtual meeting was hosted by Brunei Darussalam, which holds the Chair of both ASEAN and AIPA for 2021. The theme of this year’s assembly was “Forging Parliamentary Cooperation in Digital Inclusion Towards ASEAN Community 2025.” Senator Massicotte addressed the assembly by videoconference. He discussed Canada’s contribution to international efforts to fight the COVID-19 pandemic; the importance of digital connectivity, especially for small businesses; and progress toward a potential free-trade agreement between Canada and ASEAN.

CPAM Canadian Section of ParlAmericas

On August 18, 2021, the following members of the Canadian Section of ParlAmericas (CPAM) participated in a virtual meeting organized by CPAM and ParlAmericas’ International Secretariat to commemorate 60 years of diplomatic relations between Canada and Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama:

• Marc G. Serré, M.P., Chair of CPAM, Member on ParlAmericas’ Board of Directors (North America) and Chair of the ParlAmericas Corporation;

• The Honourable Rosa Galvez, Senator, Vice-Chair of CPAM, President of ParlAmericas’ Parliamentary Network on Climate Change (PPCC), 2nd Vice-President of ParlAmericas’ Board of Directors and Treasurer of the ParlAmericas Corporation;

• The Honourable Mobina S. B. Jaffer, Senator;

• The Honourable Marilou McPhedran, Senator; and

• The Honourable Marie-Françoise Mégie, Senator.

Parliamentarians and ambassadors from Canada and the Central American countries noted above met to celebrate key achievements over the past six decades of diplomatic relations and interparliamentary cooperation.

Mr. Serré and María Inés Solís Quirós, Member of Costa Rica’s Legislative Assembly and representative on ParlAmericas’ Board of Directors (Central America), provided welcoming remarks.

Senator Galvez then moderated a panel comprising presentations by parliamentary delegations from Canada, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama. In highlighting common priorities for Canada and Central American countries, a number of presenters spoke about the importance of interparliamentary cooperation in such areas as trade, gender equality and climate action. Senator Jaffer noted the benefits of open and transparent parliaments, and emphasized the role of interparliamentary cooperation in achieving this transparency in all of ParlAmericas’ member countries.

Finally, Fernando Arce, Member of Panama’s National Assembly and one of Central America’s representatives on ParlAmericas’ Board of Directors, and Her Excellency Sofia Cerrato, Ambassador of Honduras to Canada and Dean of the Diplomatic Corps in Canada, provided closing remarks. They underscored the success of collaborations among Canada and Central American countries over the last 60 years.