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Interparliamentary Activities and Reports

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CAFR Canada-France Inter-Parliamentary Association

On February 16, 2021, members of the Canada–France Inter-Parliamentary Association (CAFR) Executive Committee attended a virtual meeting with the French ambassador, Kareen Rispal, and other members of the French diplomatic corps. Representing the CAFR were its Chair, Marie France Lalonde, MP, and two Vice-Chairs, the Honourable Senator René Cormier, and Jacques Gourde, MP. The other Executive Committee members in attendance were senators Jean Guy Dagenais and Pierre Dalphond, and Steven Blaney, MP.

The Ambassador began by providing an overview of the relationship between Canada and France, noting that the relationship is excellent, but that trade between the two countries could be increased. The Ambassador went on to discuss the COVID-19 situation in France and the measures taken by the French government to contain the health crisis and stimulate the economy. Members of the Executive were given the opportunity to ask questions. The discussion then moved on to the role the digital sector will play in France’s economic revitalization plan, as well as possible areas of collaboration between France and Canada in this regard. Other topics of discussion were the French tax on digital companies, the French presidential election coming up in 2022, domestic and international terrorism, France’s relationship with China and ideas for potential partnerships between different regions of France and Canada. Lastly, the issue of protectionism as it relates to the Canada–European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) and vaccine supply was raised.

UIPU Canadian Group of the Inter-Parliamentary Union

The Honourable David McGuinty, P.C., M.P., President of the Canadian Group of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (UIPU) and the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Executive Committee Vice-President for the Twelve Plus geopolitical group, and Sven Spengemann, M.P., member of the Bureau of the IPU Committee on Democracy and Human Rights, were invited to an informal virtual meeting of the Twelve Plus Group’s Steering Committee on 15 February 2021. They joined other delegates from Belgium, France, Romania, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine and the United Kingdom who also hold offices on the four standing committees of the IPU. Arda Gerkens (Netherlands) chaired the meeting, her first since being elected to the position by the Twelve Plus Group membership on 26 October 2020. Attendees were briefed on developments at the IPU’s recent Executive Committee meetings. They also discussed various administrative matters in anticipation of future decision-making meetings of the geopolitical group.

The Twelve Plus Group is a collective of 47 IPU member states that caucus together to discuss key issues and coordinate action regarding IPU matters.

CCOM Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association

Canada as a whole makes up one of the regions of the CPA, and its 14 branches correspond to the provincial and territorial legislative assemblies and the federal Parliament. Within the Canadian region, legislators can take part in a wide range of exchange programs, conferences and seminars. The Canadian region also has its own publication, Canadian Parliamentary Review. The Regional Council is the decision-making body for the Canadian region. Ms. Yasmin Ratansi, M.P., Chair of the Canadian Branch, is a member of the Regional Council.

ICCI Joint Interparliamentary Council

February 8, 2021

Joint Interparliamentary Council (ICCI) Meeting -- # 184 -- By videoconference

CANA Canadian NATO Parliamentary Association

The Honourable Vernon White, Senator, attended the Ukraine-NATO Interparliamentary Council (UNIC) meeting on February 8, 2021. The Council meets twice a year to discuss issues concerning both Ukraine and NATO. The latest edition was an opportunity to discuss Ukraine’s political situation and recent developments to allow for constructive exchanges between the various NATO member countries and to reiterate their support for the Ukrainian people.

UIPU Canadian Group of the Inter-Parliamentary Union

The Honourable David McGuinty, P.C., M.P., President of the Canadian Group of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (UIPU) and the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Executive Committee Vice-President for the Twelve Plus geopolitical group, participated in the third sitting of the 285th session of the International Executive Committee which took place virtually on 8 February 2021. Members continued their consideration of the legislative situation in Venezuela as well as recent developments in Myanmar. They also received an update regarding efforts to achieve universal membership. The International Executive Committee also approved various administrative matters for recommendation to the Governing Council at its next session.

CPAM Canadian Section of ParlAmericas

The Sub-committee on Open Parliament held its second virtual meeting and discussed its objectives and activities.

CANA Canadian NATO Parliamentary Association

The Honourable Pierre-Hugues Boisvenu, Cheryl Gallant, MP, and Julie Dzerowicz, MP, attended the first virtual edition of the Transatlantic Forum, normally held in person in Washington, D.C. The purpose of this special 2021 edition of the Forum was to inform participants of the directions that the new U.S. administration intends to take regarding its NATO participation. U.S. Congress members took the floor to discuss various considerations and their impact over the next four years on their country’s participation in the NATO Parliamentary Assembly and the ties that bind the United States to other NATO member countries.