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Search results for pêches

House bill C-45

39th Parliament, 1st session
April 3, 2006 to September 14, 2007
Historical information
An Act respecting the sustainable development of Canada's seacoast and inland fisheries

Short title: Fisheries Act, 2007

Bill type
House Government Bill
Hon. Loyola Hearn
Current status
At second reading in the House of Commons
Latest activity
Debate at second reading on June 5, 2007 (House of Commons)
Found in bill text:
[...] Agent des pêches, garde-pêche et inspecteur 74.       
[...] Pouvoirs de l’agent des pêches et du garde-pêche 79.       
[...] Office des pêches du Canada 150.       
[...] Loi sur les pêches 250.       
[...] « pêche » S’entend au sens de la Loi de 2007 sur les pêches

House bill C-33

37th Parliament, 3rd session
February 2, 2004 to May 23, 2004
Historical information
An Act to amend the Fisheries Act
Bill type
House Government Bill
Hon. Geoff Regan
Current status
At second reading in the House of Commons
Latest activity
Debate at second reading on May 12, 2004 (House of Commons)
Found in bill text:
[...] C-33 C-33 Third Session, Thirty-seventh Parliament, 52-53 Elizabeth II, 2004 Troisième session, trente-septième législature, 52-53 Elizabeth II, 2004 HOUSE OF COMMONS OF CANADA CHAMBRE DES COMMUNES DU CANADA BILL C-33 PROJET DE LOI C-33 An Act to amend the Fisheries Act Loi modifiant la Loi sur les pêches First reading, April 30, 2004 Première lecture le 30 avril 2004 The Minister of Fisheries and Oceans 90228 Le ministre des Pêches et des Océans 3rd Session, 37th Parliament, 52-53 Elizabeth II, 2004 3e session, 37e législature, 52-53 Elizabeth II, 2004 House of Commons of Canada Chambre des communes du Canada BILL C-33 PROJET DE LOI C-33 An Act to amend the Fisheries Act Loi modifiant la Loi sur les pêches R.S., c.
[...] L’article 2 de la Loi sur les pêches est modifié par adjonction, selon l’ordre alphabétique, de ce qui suit :Notes explicatives Article 1 : Nouveau.
[...] Le gouverneur en conseil peut prendre des règlements d’application de la présente loi, notamment : (g.01) in the case of a licence issued to an aboriginal organization, respecting the designation of persons who may fish and the fishing vessels that may be used under the licence and any other matter concerning designations, including the method of designation and who may designate those persons and vessels; g.01) dans le cas d’un permis délivré à une organisation autochtone, concernant la désignation des personnes autorisées à pêcher et des bateaux de pêche qui peuvent être utilisés au titre du permis, ainsi que toute question qui y est liée, notamment les modalités et le responsable de la désignation; (g.02) authorizing the person who issues a licence to an aboriginal organization to specify as a term or condition of the licence any matter respecting the designation of persons who may fish or of fishing vessels that may be used under the licence, including the method of designation and
[...] who may designate those persons and vessels; g.02) autorisant la personne qui délivre un permis à une organisation autochtone à préciser, dans les conditions qui y sont attachées, toute question liée à la désignation des personnes autorisées à pêcher ou des bateaux de pêche qui peuvent être utilisés au titre du permis, notamment les modalités et le responsable de la désignation; (g.03) prescribing types of licences, and establishing a list of regulations, for the purpose of section 11; g.03) établissant les catégories de permis et désignant les règlements pour l’application de l’article 11; (2) Section 43 of the Act is amended by striking out the word “and” at the end of paragraph (l), by adding the word “and” at the end of paragraph (m) and by adding the following after paragraph (m): (2) L’article 43 de la même loi est modifié par adjonction, après l’alinéa m), de ce qui suit : (n) prescribing an entity for the purpose of the definition “aboriginal organization” in section 2.

House bill C-310

37th Parliament, 2nd session
September 30, 2002 to November 12, 2003
Historical information
An Act to establish the rights of fishers including the right to be involved in the process of fisheries stock assessment, fish conservation, setting of fishing quotas, fishing licensing and the public right to fish and establish the right of fishers to be informed of decisions affecting fishing as a livelihood in advance and the right to compensation if other rights are abrogated unfairly

Short title: Fishers' Bill of Rights

Bill type
Private Member’s Bill
Hon. Greg Francis Thompson
Current status
Outside the Order of Precedence
Latest activity
Introduction and first reading on November 20, 2002 (House of Commons)
Found in bill text:
[...] fishers in decisions respecting that right; Now, Therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:   Attendu : que l’objectif premier d’une politique des pêches est de maintenir des pêches productives et durables; que les Canadiens dont la pêche est le gagne-pain sont ceux qui connaissent le mieux la préservation des pêches productives et durables et qu’ils sont les premiers concernés; que les meilleures décisions sur la protection, la mise en valeur et l’exploitation des stocks de poissons ne peuvent être prises qu’avec le concours des pêcheurs qui exploitent ces stocks; qu’il est nécessaire de veiller à ce que les pêcheurs soient associés aux décisions concernant les pêches; que devraient avoir droit à une indemnisation les pêcheurs dont les droits sont abrogés par une décision à laquelle les pêcheurs n’ont pas participé; que le droit de pêche du public devrait également être protégé par
[...]   « droit de pêche du public » Le droit reconnu en common law concernant la pêche par des particuliers, y compris les pêcheurs qui n’en font pas commerce
[...] « pêcheur » Personne qui gagne sa vie par la pêche ou dont c’est la principale entreprise
[...]   « droit de pêche du public » “public right to fish” « pêcheur » “fisher” Paramountcy 3.
[...] Participation des pêcheurs aux décisions concernant les pêches Compensation, appeals and notice 5.

House bill C-469

37th Parliament, 2nd session
September 30, 2002 to November 12, 2003
Historical information
An Act to recognize Canada's recreational hunting and fishing heritage and to establish the National Fish and Wildlife Heritage Commission

Short title: National Heritage Hunting and Fishing Act

Bill type
Private Member’s Bill
Robert Bertrand
Current status
At second reading in the House of Commons
Latest activity
Placed in the Order of Precedence on November 6, 2003 (House of Commons)
Found in bill text:
[...] Il établit la Commission du patrimoine national chasse et pêche chargée de faire des recommandations au ministre, notamment en ce qui a trait à la promotion des activités liées au poisson et à la faune.
[...] Titre abrégé : Loi sur le patrimoine national chasse et pêche.  
[...]   « Commission » La Commission du patrimoine national chasse et pêche constituée par l’article 4
[...] Droit de chasser et de pêcher Establishment 4. (1) There is hereby established a Commission to be known as the National Fish and Wildlife Heritage Commission.   4. (1) Est constituée la Commission du patrimoine national chasse et pêche.  
[...] sportives; b) la promotion de la participation du public aux programmes de protection du poisson et de la faune; c) la promotion de la participation des jeunes aux activités liées au poisson et à la faune, y compris la chasse et la pêche; d) la promotion du tourisme axé sur les activités liées au poisson et à la faune, y compris la chasse et la pêche; e) la promotion de nouvelles possibilités d’activités liées au poisson et à la faune, y compris la chasse et la pêche; f) la protection des ressources naturelles du Canada contre l’introduction d’espèces dommageables ou susceptibles de nuire au poisson ou à la faune; g) toute autre question que lui renvoie le ministre.  

House bill C-310

37th Parliament, 3rd session
February 2, 2004 to May 23, 2004
Historical information
An Act to establish the rights of fishers including the right to be involved in the process of fisheries stock assessment, fish conservation, setting of fishing quotas, fishing licensing and the public right to fish and establish the right of fishers to be informed of decisions affecting fishing as a livelihood in advance and the right to compensation if other rights are abrogated unfairly

Short title: Fishers' Bill of Rights

Bill type
Private Member’s Bill
Hon. Greg Francis Thompson
Current status
Outside the Order of Precedence
Latest activity
Reinstated from previous session on February 2, 2004 (House of Commons)
Found in bill text:
[...] fishers in decisions respecting that right; Now, Therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:   Attendu : que l’objectif premier d’une politique des pêches est de maintenir des pêches productives et durables; que les Canadiens dont la pêche est le gagne-pain sont ceux qui connaissent le mieux la préservation des pêches productives et durables et qu’ils sont les premiers concernés; que les meilleures décisions sur la protection, la mise en valeur et l’exploitation des stocks de poissons ne peuvent être prises qu’avec le concours des pêcheurs qui exploitent ces stocks; qu’il est nécessaire de veiller à ce que les pêcheurs soient associés aux décisions concernant les pêches; que devraient avoir droit à une indemnisation les pêcheurs dont les droits sont abrogés par une décision à laquelle les pêcheurs n’ont pas participé; que le droit de pêche du public devrait également être protégé par
[...]   « droit de pêche du public » Le droit reconnu en common law concernant la pêche par des particuliers, y compris les pêcheurs qui n’en font pas commerce
[...] « pêcheur » Personne qui gagne sa vie par la pêche ou dont c’est la principale entreprise
[...]   « droit de pêche du public » “public right to fish” « pêcheur » “fisher” Paramountcy 3.
[...] Participation des pêcheurs aux décisions concernant les pêches Compensation, appeals and notice 5.

House bill C-463

37th Parliament, 3rd session
February 2, 2004 to May 23, 2004
Historical information
An Act to amend the Income Tax Act
Bill type
Private Member’s Bill
Gerald Keddy
Current status
Outside the Order of Precedence
Latest activity
Reinstated from previous session on February 2, 2004 (House of Commons)
Found in bill text:
[...] Le texte, qui modifie la Loi de l’impôt sur le revenu, étend l’application des dispositions de roulement en cas de transfert de biens agricoles au transfert de biens de pêche, afin d’inciter les intéressés à transférer les biens de pêche à un membre de leur famille.   2nd Session, 37th Parliament, 51-52 Elizabeth II, 2002-2003 House of Commons of Canada Bill C-463   2e session, 37e législature, 51-52 Elizabeth II, 2002-2003 Chambre des communes du Canada Projet de loi C-463       An Act to amend the Income Tax Act   Loi modifiant la Loi de l’impôt sur le revenu     R.S., c. 1 (5th Supp.)
[...]   « participation dans une société de personnes familiale —agricole ou de pêche » “interest in a family farm partnership or a family fishing partnership”   (6) Subsection 70(10) of the Act is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order:   (6) Le paragraphe 70(10) de la même loi est modifié par adjonction, selon l’ordre alphabétique, de ce qui suit :     “fishing business” « entreprise de pêche »         “fishing property” « bien de pêche » “fishing business” means a fishing operation to which a person contributes time, labour and attention to a sufficient extent that the contribution is determinant in the successful operation of the business.
[...]   « bien de pêche » S’entend notamment de tout bateau, radio, radar ou autre équipement de navigation utilisé dans une entreprise de pêche, sauf s’il sert principalement à des fins d’agrément
[...] « entreprise de pêche » Exploitation de pêche à laquelle une personne consacre de son temps, de son travail et de son attention dans une mesure suffisante pour que sa contribution soit un facteur déterminant dans la rentabilité de l’entreprise
[...] referred to in clause (C), or (E) a corporation a share of the capital stock of which was a share of the capital stock of a family farm corporation or a family fishing corporation of the individual, a beneficiary referred to in clause (C) or a spouse, common-law partner, child or parent of the individual or of a beneficiary referred to in clause (C),   « bien agricole ou bien de pêche admissible » S’agissant d’un bien agricole ou d’un bien de pêche d’un particulier à un moment donné, à l’exception d’une fiducie qui n’est pas une fiducie personnelle, l’un des biens suivants appartenant à ce moment donné au particulier, à son époux ou conjoint de fait ou à une société de personnes dont une participation est une participation dans une société de personnes familiale — agricole ou de pêche — du particulier ou de son époux ou conjoint de fait : a) un bien immeuble qui a été utilisé dans le cadre de l’exploitation d’une entreprise agricole ou d’une entreprise de pêche au Canada

House bill C-115

35th Parliament, 1st session
January 17, 1994 to February 2, 1996
Historical information
An Act respecting fisheries
Bill type
House Government Bill
Current status
At second reading in the House of Commons
Found in bill text:
[...] Schedule I.1 to the Financial Administration Act is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order in column I: Atlantic Fisheries Tribunal Office des pêches de l'Atlantique Pacific Fisheries Tribunal Office des pêches du Pacifique and by adding a corresponding reference to the ``Minister of Fisheries and Oceans'' in column II.
[...] The schedule to the Privacy Act is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order under the heading ``Other Government Institutions'': Atlantic Fisheries Tribunal Office des pêches de l'Atlantique Pacific Fisheries Tribunal Office des pêches du Pacifique 1991, c. 30 Public Sector Compensation Act 199.
[...] Schedule I to the Public Sector Compensation Act is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order under the heading ``Other Portions of the Public Service'': Atlantic Fisheries Tribunal Office des pêches de l'Atlantique Pacific Fisheries Tribunal Office des pêches du Pacifique R.S., c.
[...] Part I of Schedule I to the Public Service Staff Relations Act is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order: Atlantic Fisheries Tribunal Office des pêches de l'Atlantique Pacific Fisheries Tribunal Office des pêches du Pacifique R.S., c.
[...] Part II of Schedule I to the Public Service Superannuation Act is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order: Atlantic Fisheries Tribunal Office des pêches de l'Atlantique Pacific Fisheries Tribunal Office des pêches du Pacifique R.S., c.

House bill C-62

35th Parliament, 2nd session
February 27, 1996 to April 27, 1997
Historical information
An Act respecting fisheries
Bill type
House Government Bill
Current status
At second reading in the House of Commons
Found in bill text:
[...] Schedule I to the Access to Information Act is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order under the heading ``Other Government Institutions'': Atlantic Fisheries Tribunal Office des pêches de l'Atlantique Pacific Fisheries Tribunal Office des pêches du Pacifique R.S., c.
[...] The schedule to the Privacy Act is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order under the heading ``Other Government Institutions'': Atlantic Fisheries Tribunal Office des pêches de l'Atlantique Pacific Fisheries Tribunal Office des pêches du Pacifique 1991, c. 30 Public Sector Compensation Act 200.
[...] Schedule I to the Public Sector Compensation Act is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order under the heading ``Other Portions of the Public Service'': Atlantic Fisheries Tribunal Office des pêches de l'Atlantique Pacific Fisheries Tribunal Office des pêches du Pacifique R.S., c.
[...] Part I of Schedule I to the Public Service Staff Relations Act is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order: Atlantic Fisheries Tribunal Office des pêches de l'Atlantique Pacific Fisheries Tribunal Office des pêches du Pacifique R.S., c.
[...] Part II of Schedule I to the Public Service Superannuation Act is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order: Atlantic Fisheries Tribunal Office des pêches de l'Atlantique Pacific Fisheries Tribunal Office des pêches du Pacifique R.S., c.

House bill C-469

37th Parliament, 3rd session
February 2, 2004 to May 23, 2004
Historical information
An Act to recognize Canada's recreational hunting and fishing heritage and to establish the National Fish and Wildlife Heritage Commission

Short title: National Heritage Hunting and Fishing Act

Bill type
Private Member’s Bill
Robert Bertrand
Current status
At second reading in the House of Commons
Latest activity
Introduction and first reading on February 2, 2004 (House of Commons)
Found in bill text:
[...] Il établit la Commission du patrimoine national chasse et pêche chargée de faire des recommandations au ministre, notamment en ce qui a trait à la promotion des activités liées au poisson et à la faune.
[...] Titre abrégé : Loi sur le patrimoine national chasse et pêche.  
[...]   « Commission » La Commission du patrimoine national chasse et pêche constituée par l’article 4
[...] Droit de chasser et de pêcher Establishment 4. (1) There is hereby established a Commission to be known as the National Fish and Wildlife Heritage Commission.   4. (1) Est constituée la Commission du patrimoine national chasse et pêche.  
[...] sportives; b) la promotion de la participation du public aux programmes de protection du poisson et de la faune; c) la promotion de la participation des jeunes aux activités liées au poisson et à la faune, y compris la chasse et la pêche; d) la promotion du tourisme axé sur les activités liées au poisson et à la faune, y compris la chasse et la pêche; e) la promotion de nouvelles possibilités d’activités liées au poisson et à la faune, y compris la chasse et la pêche; f) la protection des ressources naturelles du Canada contre l’introduction d’espèces dommageables ou susceptibles de nuire au poisson ou à la faune; g) toute autre question que lui renvoie le ministre.  

House bill C-398

38th Parliament, 1st session
October 4, 2004 to November 29, 2005
Historical information
An Act respecting education benefits for spouses and children of certain deceased federal enforcement officers

Short title: Education Benefits Act

Bill type
Private Member’s Bill
Borys Wrzesnewskyj
Current status
Outside the Order of Precedence
Latest activity
Introduction and first reading on May 19, 2005 (House of Commons)
Found in bill text:
[...] de la Loi sur le système correctionnel et la mise en liberté sous condition, ou tout fonctionnaire fédéral qui est directeur, sous-directeur, instruc-teur, gardien, geôlier ou garde ou autre fonctionnaire ou employé permanent d’une prison qui n’est pas un pénitencier au sens de la partie I de cette loi; b) tout fonctionnaire fédéral qui est membre de la Gendarmerie royale du Canada, tout agent de police, huissier ou autre personne employée par le gouverne-ment fédéral ou une société d’État, au sens de l’article 83 de la Loi sur la gestion des finances publiques, à la préservation et au maintien de la paix publique ou à la signification ou à l’exécution des actes judiciaires au civil; c) tout fonctionnaire ou personne possé-dant les pouvoirs d’un agent des douanes ou d’un préposé de l’accise lorsqu’il exerce des fonctions liées à l’application de la Loi sur les douanes, de la Loi sur l’accise ou de la Loi de 2001 sur l’accise; d) toute personne désignée à titre de garde-pêche
[...] en vertu de la Loi sur les pêches lorsqu’elle exerce des fonctions liées à l’application de cette loi, ou celle désignée à titre d’agent des pêches en vertu de cette loi lorsqu’elle exerce des fonctions liées à l’application de cette loi ou de la Loi sur la protection des pêches côtières;   « agent fédéral de l’autorité » “federal enforcement officer”   (c) an officer or a person having the powers of a customs or excise officer when performing any duty or function in the enforcement of the Customs Act, the Excise Act or the Excise Act, 2001; (d) a person designated as a fishery guardian under the FisheriesAct when performing any duty or function in the enforcement of that Act or a person designated as a fishery officer under the Fisheries Act when performing any duty or function in the enforcement of that Act or the Coastal Fisheries Protection Act;   e) tout dirigeant ou employé de l’Agence Parcs Canada constituée par la Loi sur l’Agence Parcs Canada, tout employé

House bill C-225

41st Parliament, 1st session
June 2, 2011 to September 13, 2013
Historical information
An Act to amend the Fisheries Act (closed containment aquaculture)
Bill type
Private Member’s Bill
Fin Donnelly
Current status
Outside the Order of Precedence
Latest activity
Introduction and first reading on June 15, 2011 (House of Commons)
Found in bill text:
[...] Bill C-225 Click here for the entire document (34Kb) C-225 C-225 First Session, Forty-first Parliament, Première session, quarante et unième législature, 60 Elizabeth II, 2011 60 Elizabeth II, 2011 HOUSE OF COMMONS OF CANADA CHAMBRE DES COMMUNES DU CANADA BILL C-225 PROJET DE LOI C-225 An Act to amend the Fisheries Act (closed containment aquaculture) Loi modifiant la Loi sur les pêches (aquaculture en parc clos) first reading, June 15, 2011 première lecture le 15 juin 2011 Mr.
[...] SOMMAIRE Le texte modifie la Loi sur les pêches afin d’exiger que, dans les cinq ans suivant l’entrée en vigueur de la présente loi, l’aquaculture de poissons à nageoires à des fins commerciales soit pratiquée en parcs clos.
[...] En outre, il oblige le ministre des Pêches et des Océans à établir, à déposer à la Chambre des communes et à mettre en oeuvre un plan visant à appuyer la transition vers l’utilisation de parcs clos et à protéger les emplois et la sécurité financière des travailleurs du secteur visé.
[...] Dans les dix-huit mois suivant la sanction de la présente loi, le ministre des Pêches et des Océans établit, dépose à la Chambre des communes et met en oeuvre un plan visant à appuyer la transition vers l’utilisation de parcs clos, qui prévoit des mesures de soutien précises à l’intention des personnes morales et des travailleurs du secteur de l’aquaculture de poissons à nageoires touchés par cette transition dans le but de protéger les emplois et la sécurité financière de ces travailleurs, notamment des modalités pour la formation et le soutien du revenu dans le cadre du régime d’assurance-emploi.

House bill C-354

38th Parliament, 1st session
October 4, 2004 to November 29, 2005
Historical information
An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (transfer of fishing property)
Bill type
Private Member’s Bill
Gerald Keddy
Current status
At second reading in the House of Commons
Latest activity
Placed in the Order of Precedence on November 14, 2005 (House of Commons)
Found in bill text:
[...] Le texte, qui modifie la Loi de l’impôt sur le revenu, étend l’application des dispositions de roulement en cas de transfert de biens agricoles au transfert de biens de pêche, afin d’inciter les intéressés à transférer les biens de pêche à un membre de leur famille.
[...] dont il est réputé par l’alinéa b) avoir disposé est réputée avoir été, à ce moment, un bien agricole admissible ou un bien de pêche admissible lui appartenant
[...]   (9.8) Pour l’application des paragraphes (9) et 14(1), de l’alinéa 20(1)b), du paragraphe 73(3) et de l’alinéa d) de la définition de « bien agricole admissible ou bien de pêche admissible » au paragraphe 110.6(1), dans le cas où un bien d’un contribuable a été utilisé à un moment donné par : a) soit par une société dont une action du capital-actions est une action du capital-actions d’une société ― agricole ou de pêche ― familiale du contribuable, de son époux ou conjoint de fait ou de l’un de ses enfants; b) soit par une société de personnes dont l’une des participations est une participation dans une société de personnes ― agricole ou de pêche ― familiale du contribuable, de son époux ou conjoint de fait ou de l’un de ses enfants, dans le cadre de l’exploitation d’une entreprise agricole ou d’une entreprise de pêche au Canada, le bien est réputé avoir été utilisé à ce moment par le contribuable dans son entreprise agricole ou dans son entreprise de pêche.  
[...] « entreprise de pêche » Exploitation de pêche à laquelle une personne consacre de son temps, de son travail et de son attention dans une mesure suffisante pour que sa contribution soit un facteur déterminant dans la rentabilité de l’entreprise
[...] Le paragraphe 108(1) de la même loi est modifié par adjonction, selon l’ordre alphabétique, de ce qui suit :     “qualified fishing property” « bien de pêche admissible » “qualified fishing property” of an individual has the meaning assigned by subsection 110.6(1);   « bien de pêche admissible » S’entend au sens du paragraphe 110.6(1)

House bill C-463

37th Parliament, 2nd session
September 30, 2002 to November 12, 2003
Historical information
An Act to amend the Income Tax Act
Bill type
Private Member’s Bill
Gerald Keddy
Current status
Outside the Order of Precedence
Latest activity
Introduction and first reading on November 3, 2003 (House of Commons)
Found in bill text:
[...] Le texte, qui modifie la Loi de l’impôt sur le revenu, étend l’application des dispositions de roulement en cas de transfert de biens agricoles au transfert de biens de pêche, afin d’inciter les intéressés à transférer les biens de pêche à un membre de leur famille.   2nd Session, 37th Parliament, 51-52 Elizabeth II, 2002-2003 House of Commons of Canada Bill C-463   2e session, 37e législature, 51-52 Elizabeth II, 2002-2003 Chambre des communes du Canada Projet de loi C-463       An Act to amend the Income Tax Act   Loi modifiant la Loi de l’impôt sur le revenu     R.S., c. 1 (5th Supp.)
[...]   « participation dans une société de personnes familiale —agricole ou de pêche » “interest in a family farm partnership or a family fishing partnership”   (6) Subsection 70(10) of the Act is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order:   (6) Le paragraphe 70(10) de la même loi est modifié par adjonction, selon l’ordre alphabétique, de ce qui suit :     “fishing business” « entreprise de pêche »         “fishing property” « bien de pêche » “fishing business” means a fishing operation to which a person contributes time, labour and attention to a sufficient extent that the contribution is determinant in the successful operation of the business.
[...]   « bien de pêche » S’entend notamment de tout bateau, radio, radar ou autre équipement de navigation utilisé dans une entreprise de pêche, sauf s’il sert principalement à des fins d’agrément
[...] « entreprise de pêche » Exploitation de pêche à laquelle une personne consacre de son temps, de son travail et de son attention dans une mesure suffisante pour que sa contribution soit un facteur déterminant dans la rentabilité de l’entreprise
[...] referred to in clause (C), or (E) a corporation a share of the capital stock of which was a share of the capital stock of a family farm corporation or a family fishing corporation of the individual, a beneficiary referred to in clause (C) or a spouse, common-law partner, child or parent of the individual or of a beneficiary referred to in clause (C),   « bien agricole ou bien de pêche admissible » S’agissant d’un bien agricole ou d’un bien de pêche d’un particulier à un moment donné, à l’exception d’une fiducie qui n’est pas une fiducie personnelle, l’un des biens suivants appartenant à ce moment donné au particulier, à son époux ou conjoint de fait ou à une société de personnes dont une participation est une participation dans une société de personnes familiale — agricole ou de pêche — du particulier ou de son époux ou conjoint de fait : a) un bien immeuble qui a été utilisé dans le cadre de l’exploitation d’une entreprise agricole ou d’une entreprise de pêche au Canada

House bill C-391

38th Parliament, 1st session
October 4, 2004 to November 29, 2005
Historical information
An Act to recognize and protect Canada's hunting and fishing heritage

Short title: Heritage Hunting and Fishing Protection Act

Bill type
Private Member’s Bill
Inky Mark
Current status
Outside the Order of Precedence
Latest activity
Introduction and first reading on May 13, 2005 (House of Commons)
Found in bill text:
[...] C-391 First Session, Thirty-eighth Parliament, 53-54 Elizabeth II, 2004-2005  C-391 Première session, trente-huitième législature, 53-54 Elizabeth II, 2004-2005 house of Commons OF CANADA   chambre des communes DU CANADA BILL C-391   PROJET DE LOI C-391 An Act to recognize and protect Canada’s hunting and fishing heritage   Loi reconnaissant et protégeant le patrimoine canadien en matière de chasse et de pêche First reading, May 13, 2005   Première lecture le 13 mai 2005   Summary Sommaire The purpose of this enactment is to protect Canada’s hunting and fishing heritage for all Canadians.
[...] Le texte a pour objet de protéger le patrimoine canadien en matière de chasse et de pêche pour tous les Canadiens.   1st Session, 38th Parliament, 53-54 Elizabeth II, 2004-2005 House of Commons of Canada Bill C-391   1re session, 38e législature, 53-54 Elizabeth II, 2004-2005 Chambre des communes du Canada Projet de loi C-391       An Act to recognize and protect Canada’s hunting and fishing heritage   Loi reconnaissant et protégeant le patrimoine canadien en matière de chasse et de pêche     Preamble  Whereas legislation governing inland fisheries is within the jurisdiction of the federal government;  Whereas aboriginal people have long relied on hunting and fishing to satisfy their food needs, and have certain rights to hunt and fish that are protected by the Constitution of Canada;  Whereas non-aboriginal settlers and pioneers in Canada also depended on hunting and fishing for food;  Whereas hunting and fishing are part of Canada’s national heritage;  
[...] Whereas millions of Canadians participate in and enjoy hunting and fishing;  And Whereas hunting and fishing contribute significantly to the national economy; Now, Therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:   Attendu : que les lois régissant la pêche intérieure relèvent de la compétence du gouvernement fédéral; que les peuples autochtones ont recours depuis longtemps à la chasse et à la pêche pour satisfaire leurs besoins alimentaires et qu’ils possèdent certains droits de chasse et de pêche protégés par la Constitution du Canada; que les colons et pionniers non autochtones du Canada dépendaient également de la chasse et de la pêche pour se nourrir; que la chasse et la pêche font partie du patrimoine national du Canada; que des millions de Canadiens s’adonnent à la chasse et à la pêche avec agrément; que la chasse et la pêche apportent une contribution appréciable à l’économie canadienne
[...] Titre abrégé : Loi sur la protection de la chasse et la pêche patrimoniales.  
[...] Protection du droit de pêche Negotiations with provinces 3.

House bill C-68

42nd Parliament, 1st session
December 3, 2015 to September 11, 2019
Historical information
An Act to amend the Fisheries Act and other Acts in consequence
Bill type
House Government Bill
Hon. Dominic LeBlanc
Current status
Royal assent received
Latest activity
Royal assent on June 21, 2019 (Senate)
Found in bill text:
[...] (Indigenous) pêche S’entend de l’action de capturer ou de tenter de capturer du poisson par tout moyen et, en outre, notamment des espèces, populations, assemblages et stocks de poissons pêchés ou non, du lieu ou de la période où il est permis de pêcher ou de la méthode ou des types d’engins, d’équipements ou de bateaux de pêche utilisés.
[...] 7 (1) En l’absence d’exclusivité du droit de pêche conférée par la loi, le ministre peut, à discrétion, délivrer des baux et permis de pêche ainsi que des licences d’exploitation de pêches — ou en permettre la délivrance —, indépendamment du lieu de l’exploitation ou de l’activité de pêche
[...] en période d’interdiction 25 (1) Sous réserve des règlements, il est interdit de placer des engins ou appareils de pêche dans les eaux, sur la grève ou dans une pêche durant une période d’interdiction.Enlèvement des engins de pêche (2) Sous réserve des règlements et du paragraphe (3), les personnes qui placent des engins ou appareils de pêche dans les eaux, sur la grève ou dans une pêche sont tenues de les enlever dès qu’elles ont cessé de s’en servir et au plus tard avant le début de la période d’interdiction.17 Section 28 of the Act is repealed. 2012, c. 31, s. 17318 (1) The portion of subsection 29(1) of the Act before paragraph (a) is replaced by the following: Obstructing passage of fish or waters 29 (1) No person shall, for the purpose of fishing, place, erect, use or maintain any seine, net, weir or other fishing gear or apparatus, or any log, rock or material of any kind that 2012, c. 31, s. 173(2) Subsection 29(2) of the Act is replaced by the following: Removal (2) The
[...] The operator of the vessel or vehicle shall comply with the requirements.37 Sections 53 and 54 of the French version of the Act are replaced by the following: Contestations 53 L’agent local des pêches règle les différends portant sur les limites de pêche ou sur des réclamations relatives à des stations de pêche, ou sur la position et l’usage de filets et autres engins de pêche.Distance entre les pêches 54 Les agents des pêches peuvent fixer la distance devant séparer les pêches; ils enlèvent sur-le-champ tous engins de pêche ou matériaux que le propriétaire néglige ou refuse d’enlever, lequel se rend coupable d’infraction à la présente loi et responsable des frais d’enlèvement et des dommages qui peuvent en résulter.38 The Act is amended by adding the following after section 56: AnalystsAnalyst 56.‍1 (1) The Minister may designate persons or classes of persons as analysts for the purposes of the administration and enforcement of this Act.Certificate of analyst as proof (2) Subject
[...] A-1Access to Information Act54 Schedule II to the Access to Information Act is amended by adding, in alphabetical order, a reference to Fisheries Act Loi sur les pêches and a corresponding reference to “subsections 61.‍2(1) and (2)”.

House bill C-343

38th Parliament, 1st session
October 4, 2004 to November 29, 2005
Historical information
An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (capital gains exemption on disposition of fishing property)
Bill type
Private Member’s Bill
Hon. Lawrence MacAulay
Current status
Outside the Order of Precedence
Latest activity
Introduction and first reading on February 25, 2005 (House of Commons)
Found in bill text:
[...] Le texte modifie cette loi de façon à étendre cette exonération aux biens de pêche admissibles.   1st Session, 38th Parliament, 53-54 Elizabeth II, 2004-2005 House of Commons of Canada Bill C-343   1re session, 38e législature, 53-54 Elizabeth II, 2004-2005 Chambre des communes du Canada Projet de loi C-343       An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (capital gains exemption on disposition of fishing property)   Loi modifiant la Loi de l’impôt sur le revenu (exonération des gains en capital lors de la disposition des biens de pêche)       R.S., c. 1 (5th Supp.)
[...] dont il est réputé par l’alinéa b) avoir disposé est réputée avoir été, à ce moment, un bien agricole admissible ou un bien de pêche admissible lui appartenant.          
[...] par ce qui suit : F  pour l’année d’attribution relative-ment au bénéficiaire, F l’excédent qui serait calculé en application de l’alinéa 3b) pour l’année d’attribution au titre des gains en capital et des pertes en capital de la fiducie si les seuls biens visés à cet alinéa étaient des actions admissibles de petite entreprise de la fiducie, autres que des biens agricoles admissibles ou des biens de pêche admissibles, dont elle a disposé après le 17 juin 1987,     “qualified fishing property” « bien de pêche admissible » 4.
[...] Le paragraphe 108(1) de la même loi est modifié par adjonction, selon l’ordre alphabétique, de ce qui suit : « bien de pêche admissible » S’entend au sens du paragraphe 110.6(1)
[...] biens agricoles admissibles ou des biens de pêche admissibles dont elle a disposé après 1984 et des actions admissibles de petite entreprise dont elle a disposé après le 17 juin 1987;

House bill C-34

39th Parliament, 2nd session
October 16, 2007 to September 7, 2008
Historical information
An Act to give effect to the Tsawwassen First Nation Final Agreement and to make consequential amendments to other Acts

Short title: Tsawwassen First Nation Final Agreement Act

Bill type
House Government Bill
Hon. Chuck Strahl
Current status
Royal assent received
Latest activity
Royal assent on June 26, 2008 (Senate)
Found in bill text:
[...] Précisions FISHERIES PÊCHES 10.       
[...] Loi sur les pêches 29.       
[...] Précisions FISHERIES PÊCHES Powers of Minister of Fisheries and Oceans 10.
[...] Malgré l’article 7 de la Loi sur les pêches, le ministre des Pêches et des Océans peut, pour le compte de Sa Majesté du chef du Canada, conclure et mettre en oeuvre l’accord — avec ses modifications éventuelles — visé à l’article 102 du chapitre 9 de l’accord.
[...] F-14 Fisheries Act Loi sur les pêches L.R., ch.

House bill C-28

39th Parliament, 1st session
April 3, 2006 to September 14, 2007
Historical information
A second Act to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on May 2, 2006

Short title: Budget Implementation Act, 2006, No. 2

Bill type
House Government Bill
Hon. Jim Flaherty
Current status
Royal assent received
Latest activity
Royal assent on February 21, 2007 (Senate)
Found in bill text:
[...] agricole familiale du contribuable, au sens du même paragraphe, (iii) une action admissible de petite entreprise du contribuable, au sens du paragraphe 110.6(1), (iv) une action du capital-actions d’une société de pêche familiale du contribuable, au sens du paragraphe 70(10), ou une participation dans une société de personnes de pêche familiale du contribuable, au sens du même paragraphe
[...] (9.8) Pour l’application des paragraphes (9) et 14(1), de l’alinéa 20(1)b), du paragraphe 73(3) et de l’alinéa d) des définitions de « bien agricole admissible » et « bien de pêche admissible » au paragraphe 110.6(1), le bien d’un particulier est réputé, à un moment donné, être utilisé par le particulier dans le cadre d’une entreprise agricole ou de pêche, selon le cas, exploitée au Canada si, à ce moment, le bien est utilisé principalement dans le cadre d’une telle entreprise au Canada : Bien agricole ou de pêche loué a) soit par une société dont une action du capital-actions est une action du capital-actions d’une société de pêche familiale, ou une action du capital-actions d’une société agricole familiale, du particulier ou de son époux ou conjoint de fait, de son enfant, de son père ou de sa mère; b) soit par une société de personnes dont l’une des participations est une participation dans une société de personnes de pêche familiale, ou une participation dans une société de personnes
[...] « bien de pêche admissible » “qualified fishing property” (2) Subsection (1) applies after May 1, 2006
[...] « bien de pêche admissible » Sont des biens de pêche admissibles d’un particulier, sauf une fiducie qui n’est pas une fiducie personnelle, à un moment donné les biens ci-après qui, à ce moment, appartiennent au particulier, à son époux ou conjoint de fait ou à une société de personnes dont une des participations est une participation dans une société de personnes de pêche familiale du particulier ou de son époux ou conjoint de fait : « bien de pêche admissible » “qualified fishing property” a) un bien réel ou immeuble ou un navire de pêche qui a été utilisé principalement dans le cadre de l’exploitation d’une entreprise de pêche au Canada par l’une des personnes ou sociétés de personnes suivantes : (i) le particulier, (ii) si le particulier est une fiducie personnelle, un bénéficiaire de celle-ci qui a le droit de recevoir tout ou partie du revenu ou du capital de la fiducie directement de celle-ci, (iii) l’époux ou le conjoint de fait, l’enfant, le père ou la mère d’une personne
[...] visée aux sous-alinéas (i) ou (ii), (iv) une société dont une action du capital-actions est une action du capital-actions d’une société de pêche familiale d’un particulier visé à l’un des sous-alinéas (i) à (iii), (v) une société de personnes dont une des participations est une participation dans une société de personnes de pêche familiale d’un particulier visé à l’un des sous-alinéas (i) à (iii); b) une action du capital-actions d’une société de pêche familiale du particulier ou de son époux ou conjoint de fait; c) une participation dans une société de personnes de pêche familiale du particulier ou de son époux ou conjoint de fait; d) une immobilisation admissible (y compris une immobilisation à laquelle les alinéas 70(5.1)b) ou 73(3.1)f) s’appliquent) utilisée par une personne ou société de personnes visée à l’un des sous-alinéas a)(i) à (v), ou par une fiducie personnelle auprès de laquelle le particulier a acquis le bien, dans le cadre de l’exploitation d’une entreprise de pêche

House bill C-458

38th Parliament, 1st session
October 4, 2004 to November 29, 2005
Historical information
An Act to amend the Excise Tax Act (no excise tax on fuel for farmers and fishermen)
Bill type
Private Member’s Bill
James Bezan
Current status
Outside the Order of Precedence
Latest activity
Introduction and first reading on November 28, 2005 (House of Commons)
Found in bill text:
[...] Le texte supprime la taxe d’accise sur l’essence et le combustible diesel livrés en vrac à l’exploitant d’une entreprise agricole ou d’une entreprise de pêche en vue d’être utilisés dans le cadre de cette entreprise.   1st Session, 38th Parliament, 53-54 Elizabeth II, 2004-2005 House of Commons of Canada Bill C-458   1re session, 38e législature, 53-54 Elizabeth II, 2004-2005 Chambre des communes du Canada Projet de loi C-458       An Act to amend the Excise Tax Act (no excise tax on fuel for farmers and fishermen)   Loi modifiant Loi sur la taxe d’accise (suppression de la taxe d’accise sur le combustible destiné aux agriculteurs et aux pêcheurs)     R.S., c.
[...] La Loi sur la taxe d’accise est modifiée par adjonction, après l’article 23, de ce qui suit :     Exemption 23.001 Notwithstanding subsection 23(1), no excise tax shall be imposed, levied or collected in respect of gasoline or diesel fuel delivered in bulk to a person engaged in the business of farming or fishing within the meaning of the Income Tax Act for use in that business.   23.001 Malgré le paragraphe 23(1), aucune taxe d’accise n’est imposée, prélevée ou perçue sur l’essence ou le combustible diesel livrés en vrac à l’exploitant d’une entreprise agricole ou d’une entreprise de pêche, au sens de la Loi de l’impôt sur le revenu, en vue d’être utilisés dans le cadre de cette entreprise.  

House bill C-216

39th Parliament, 1st session
April 3, 2006 to September 14, 2007
Historical information
An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (capital gains exemption on disposition of fishing property)
Bill type
Private Member’s Bill
Hon. Lawrence MacAulay
Current status
Outside the Order of Precedence
Latest activity
Introduction and first reading on April 7, 2006 (House of Commons)
Found in bill text:
[...] Subsection 108(1) of the Act is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order: “qualified fishing property” « bien de pêche admissible » “qualified fishing property” of an individual has the meaning assigned by subsection 110.6(1); 5. (1) Paragraph (b) of the description of A in the definition “annual gains limit” in subsection 110.6(1) of the Act is replaced by the following: (b) the amount that would be determined in respect of the individual for the year under paragraph 3(b) in respect of capital gains and losses if the only properties referred to in that paragraph were qualified farm properties or qualified fishing properties disposed of by the individual after 1984 and qualified small business corporation shares disposed of by the individual after June 17, 1987, and (2) The definitions “interest in a family farm partnership”, “qualified farm property” and “share of the capital stock of a family farm corporation” in subsection 110.6(1) of the Act are replaced by the following
[...] : “interest in a family farm partnership or a family fishing partnership” « participation dans une société de personnes — agricole ou de pêche — familiale » “interest in a family farm partnership or a family fishing partnership” of an individual (other than a trust that is not a personal trust) at any time means an interest owned by the individual at that time in a partnership where (a) throughout any 24-month period ending before that time, more than 50% of the fair market value of the property of the partnership was attributable to (i) property that was used by (A) the partnership, (B) the individual, (C) where the individual is a personal trust, a beneficiary of the trust, (D) a spouse, common-law partner, child or parent of the individual or of a beneficiary referred to in clause (C), or (E) a corporation a share of the capital stock of which was a share of the capital stock of a family farm corporation or a family fishing corporation of the individual, a beneficiary referred
[...] , child or parent of the individual or of a beneficiary referred to in clause (C) was actively engaged on a regular and continuous basis, (ii) shares of the capital stock or indebtedness of one or more corporations all or substantially all of the fair market value of the property of which was attributable to properties described in subparagraph (iii), or (iii) properties described in either subparagraph (i) or (ii), and (b) at that time, all or substantially all of the fair market value of the property of the partnership was attributable to (i) property that was used principally in the course of carrying on the business of farming or fishing in Canada by the partnership or a person referred to in subparagraph (a)(i), (ii) shares of the capital stock or indebtedness of one or more corporations described in subparagraph (a)(ii), or (iii) properties described in subparagraph (i) or (ii); “qualified farm property or qualified fishing property” « bien agricole admissible ou bien de pêche
[...] or the individual’s spouse or common-law partner, (c) an interest in a family farm partnership or a family fishing partnership of the individual or the individual’s spouse or common-law partner, or (d) an eligible capital property used by a person or partnership referred to in any of subparagraphs (a)(i) to (v), or by a personal trust from which the individual acquired the property, in the course of carrying on the business of farming or fishing in Canada and, for the purpose of this paragraph, eligible capital property (i) will not be considered to have been used in the course of carrying on the business of farming or fishing in Canada unless the conditions set out in subparagraph (a)(vi) or (vii), as the case may be, are met, and (ii) shall be deemed to include capital property to which paragraph 70(5.1)(b) or 73(3)(d.1) applies; “share of the capital stock of a family farm corporation or a family fishing corporation” « action du capital-actions d’une société — agricole ou de pêche

House bill C-43

37th Parliament, 1st session
January 29, 2001 to September 16, 2002
Historical information
An Act to amend certain Acts and instruments and to repeal the Fisheries Prices Support Act
Bill type
House Government Bill
Hon. Don Boudria
Current status
Royal assent received
Latest activity
Royal assent on June 13, 2002 (Senate)
Found in bill text:
[...] Schedule I to the Access to Information Act is amended by striking out the following under the heading ``Other Government Institutions'': Fisheries Prices Support Board Office des prix des produits de la pêche R.S., c. 41 (4th Supp.), Part I Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency Act 2.
[...] Schedule II to the Financial Administration Act is amended by striking out the following: Fisheries Prices Support Board Office des prix des produits de la pêche R.S., c.
[...] Schedule III to the Payments in Lieu of Taxes Act is amended by striking out the following: Fisheries Prices Support Board Office des prix des produits de la pêche R.S., c.
[...] The schedule to the Privacy Act is amended by striking out the following under the heading ``Other Government Institutions'': Fisheries Prices Support Board Office des prix des produits de la pêche R.S., c.
[...] Part I of Schedule I to the Act is amended by striking out the following: Fisheries Prices Support Board Office des prix des produits de la pêche 1992, c. 46, Sch.

House bill C-413

38th Parliament, 1st session
October 4, 2004 to November 29, 2005
Historical information
An Act respecting education benefits for spouses and children of certain deceased public safety officers

Short title: Survivor Education Benefits Act

Bill type
Private Member’s Bill
Hon. Peter Gordon MacKay
Current status
Outside the Order of Precedence
Latest activity
Introduction and first reading on June 20, 2005 (House of Commons)
Found in bill text:
[...] the powers of a customs or excise officer when performing any duty or function in the enforcement of the Customs Act, the Excise Act or the Excise Act, 2001; (e) a person designated as a fishery guardian under the Fisheries Act when performing any duty or function in the enforcement of that Act or a person designated as a fishery officer under the Fisheries Act when performing any duty or function in the enforcement of that Act or the Coastal Fisheries Protection Act;   maintien de la paix publique ou à la signification ou à l’exécution des actes judiciaires au civil; c) tout membre d’un corps policier constitué sous le régime d’une loi provinciale ou d’un règlement municipal; d) tout fonctionnaire ou personne possé-dant les pouvoirs d’un agent des douanes ou d’un préposé de l’accise lorsqu’il exerce des fonctions liées à l’application de la Loi sur les douanes, de la Loi sur l’accise ou de la Loi de 2001 sur l’accise; e) toute personne désignée à titre de garde-pêche
[...] en vertu de la Loi sur les pêches lorsqu’elle exerce des fonctions liées à l’application de cette loi, ou celle désignée à titre d’agent des pêches en vertu de cette loi lorsqu’elle exerce des fonctions liées à l’application de cette loi ou de la Loi sur la protection des pêches côtières; f) toute personne dont les services sont régulièrement retenus, comme bénévole ou salarié, dans un service des incendies constitué sous le régime d’une loi provinciale ou d’un règlement municipal et qui est affectée aux services de protection contre les incendies; g) tout dirigeant ou employé de l’Agence Parcs Canada constituée par la Loi sur l’Agence Parcs Canada, tout employé du Service canadien du renseignement de sécurité constitué par la Loi sur le Service canadien du renseignement de sécurité ou tout agent désigné en vertu de la Loi sur l’immigration et la protection des réfugiés, lorsqu’ils exercent des fonctions liées à l’application de leur loi respective; h) tout officier ou

House bill C-27

36th Parliament, 1st session
September 22, 1997 to September 18, 1999
Historical information
An Act to amend the Coastal Fisheries Protection Act and the Canada Shipping Act to enable Canada to implement the Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 Relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks and other international fisheries treaties or arrangements
Bill type
House Government Bill
Hon. David A. Anderson
Current status
Royal assent received
Found in bill text:
[...] (3) The definitions ``government vessel'' and ``protection officer'' in subsection 2(1) of the Act are replaced by the following: ``government vessel'' « bateau de l'État » ``government vessel'' means, subject to subsection 17(2), any vessel that belongs to or is in the service of Her Majesty in right of Canada; ``protection officer'' « garde-pêche » ``protection officer'' means, subject to subsection 17(2), (a) a fishery officer within the meaning of the Fisheries Act, (b) a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, or (c) any person authorized by the Governor in Council to enforce this Act; (4) Subsection 2(1) of the Act is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order: ``Agreement'' « accord » ``Agreement'' means the Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 Relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks adopted by the United
[...] Nations Conference on Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in New York on August 4, 1995; ``fishing vessel of a participating state'' « bateau de pêche d'un État assujetti à l'accord » ``fishing vessel of a participating state'' means a foreign fishing vessel that has been issued, under the laws of a participating state, a registration number, licence or other document granting it the right to fly the flag of that state or that is otherwise entitled to fly the flag of that state; ``fishing vessel without nationality'' « bateau de pêche sans nationalité » ``fishing vessel without nationality'' means a fishing vessel that (a) has not been issued, under the laws of any state, a registration number, licence or other document granting it the right to fly the flag of that state, (b) sails under a flag that it is not entitled to fly, (c) does not sail under the flag of any state, (d) sails under the flag of two or more states, using them according to convenience,

House bill C-25

44th Parliament, 1st session
November 22, 2021 to present
An Act for granting to Her Majesty certain sums of money for the federal public administration for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2023

Short title: Appropriation Act No. 3, 2022-23

Bill type
House Government Bill
Hon. Mona Fortier
Current status
Royal assent received
Latest activity
Royal assent on June 23, 2022 (Senate)
Found in bill text:
[...] Finances 1a –    Program expenditures –    The grants listed in any of the Estimates for the fiscal year –    Contributions –    Authority, as referred to in paragraph 29.‍1(2)‍(a) of the Financial Administration Act, to expend in the fiscal year — in order to offset related expenditures that it incurs in that fiscal year — revenues that it receives in that fiscal year from the provision of internal support services under section 29.‍2 of that Act –    The payment to each member of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada who is a minister without portfolio, or a minister of State who does not preside over a ministry of State, of a salary — paid annually or pro rata for any period less than a year — that does not exceed the salary paid under the Salaries Act, rounded down to the nearest hundred dollars under section 67 of the Parliament of Canada Act, to ministers of State who preside over ministries of State 191,585,622 191,585,622 DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES AND OCEANS Ministère des Pêches

House bill C-41

35th Parliament, 2nd session
February 27, 1996 to April 27, 1997
Historical information
An Act to amend the Divorce Act, the Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance Act, the Garnishment, Attachment and Pension Diversion Act and the Canada Shipping Act
Bill type
House Government Bill
Current status
Royal assent received
Found in bill text:
[...] helicopter Licence de pilote privé - hélicoptère Private pilot licence - ultra-light aeroplane Licence de pilote privé - avion ultra-léger Private pilot permit (tourist) Permis de pilote privé (touriste) Recreational pilot permit - aeroplane Permis de pilote de loisir - avion Student pilot permit Permis d'élève-pilote CANADA SHIPPING ACT Able seaman certificate Certificat de matelot qualifié Barge supervisor, MODU/inland certificate Certificat de surveillant de chaland, UMFM/eaux internes Barge supervisor, MODU/self-elevating certificate Certificat de surveillant de chaland, UMFM/auto élévatrice Barge supervisor, MODU/surface certificate Certificat de surveillant de chaland, UMFM/surface Bridge watchman certificate Certificat d'homme de quart à la passerelle Certificate and Statement of Sea Service Brevet et État du service en mer Certificate of service as master of a fishing vessel of not more than 100 tons, gross tonnage Brevet de service de capitaine de bateau de pêche
[...] d'au plus 100 tonneaux de jauge brute Certificate of service as master of a ship of not more than 1600 tons, gross tonnage Brevet de service de capitaine de navire d'au plus 1600 tonneaux de jauge brute Chemical tanker, level 1 certificate Certificat de transporteur de produits chimiques, niveau 1 Chemical tanker, level 2 certificate Certificat de transporteur de produits chimiques, niveau 2 Chief engineer, motor ship certificate Certificat d'officier mécanicien en chef, navire à moteur Chief engineer, motor-driven fishing vessel certificate Certificat d'officier mécanicien en chef, bateau de pêche à moteur Chief engineer, steamship certificate Certificat d'officier mécanicien en chef, navire à vapeur Continued proficiency certificate Certificat de maintien des compétences Electrician certificate Certificat d'électricien Engine-room assistant certificate Certificat d'adjoint de la salle des machines Engine-room rating certificate Certificat de matelot de la salle des
[...] machines First mate, intermediate voyage certificate Certificat de premier officier de pont, voyage intermédiaire First mate, limited certificate Certificat de premier officier de pont avec restrictions First mate, local voyage certificate Certificat de premier officier de pont, voyage local First-class engineer, motor ship certificate Certificat d'officier mécanicien de première classe, navire à moteur First-class engineer, steamship certificate Certificat d'officier mécanicien de première classe, navire à vapeur Fishing master, first-class certificate Certificat de capitaine de pêche, première classe Fishing master, fourth-class certificate Certificat de capitaine de pêche, quatrième classe Fishing master, second-class certificate Certificat de capitaine de pêche, deuxième classe Fishing master, third-class certificate Certificat de capitaine de pêche, troisième classe Fourth-class engineer, motor ship certificate Certificat d'officier mécanicien de quatrième classe
[...] Third-class engineer, motor ship certificate Certificat d'officier mécanicien de troisième classe, navire à moteur Third-class engineer, steamship certificate Certificat d'officier mécanicien de troisième classe, navire à vapeur Watchkeeping engineer, motor-driven fishing vessel certificate Certificat d'officier mécanicien de quart, bateau de pêche à moteur Watchkeeping mate, MODU/inland certificate Certificat d'officier de pont de quart, UMFM/eaux internes Watchkeeping mate, MODU/self-elevating certificate Certificat d'officier de pont de quart, UMFM/auto élévatrice Watchkeeping mate, MODU/surface certificate Certificat d'officier de pont de quart, UMFM/surface Watchkeeping mate, ship certificate Certificat d'officier de pont de quart de navire

House bill C-565

41st Parliament, 2nd session
October 16, 2013 to August 2, 2015
Historical information
An Act to amend the National Capital Act (Gatineau Park) and to make a related amendment to the Department of Canadian Heritage Act
Bill type
Private Member’s Bill
Nycole Turmel
Current status
Bill defeated
Latest activity
Bill defeated at second reading on April 30, 2014 (House of Commons)
Found in bill text:
[...] The boundaries of Gatineau Park are located in the municipalities of Chelsea, La Pêche, Pontiac and the City of Gatineau and form part of the cadastres of the Township of Aldfield, the Township of Eardley, the Township of Hull, the Township of Masham, the Township of Onslow and the Cadastre du Québec. 2- DESCRIPTION 2.1- SECTION 1 This portion of Gatineau Park, described in Section 1, is included in the registration divisions of Gatineau and Hull, located in the City of Gatineau, and forms part of the cadastre of the Township of Hull and the Cadastre du Québec.
[...] northwesterly direction, following the division lines between lots 2 735 402 (chemin de la Montagne nord) and 2 635 074, to the north-west corner of lot 2 735 402; thence, westerly, following the division lines between lots 2 636 634 (chemin de la Montagne nord) and 2 635 074, to the north-west corner of lot 2 636 634; thence, westerly, following the lines between lot 2 735 399 (chemin de la Montagne nord) and lots 2 635 074, 2 635 020 and 2 635 074, to the north-west corner of lot 2 735 399; thence, westerly, following the division lines between lots 2 636 635 (chemin de la Montagne nord) and 2 635 074, to the north-west corner of lot 2 636 635; thence, westerly, following the division lines between lots 2 735 398 (chemin de la Montagne nord) and 2 635 074, to the north-west corner of lot 2 735 398. 2.3 SECTION 3 This portion of Gatineau Park, described in Section 3, is included in the registration divisions of Gatineau and Pontiac, located in the Municipalities of Pontiac and La Pêche
[...] Municipality of La Pêche Beginning at the north-west corner of lot 2 755 996 (Cadastre du Québec), following segments of the north boundary of said lot, to the north-east corner of lot 2 755 996; thence, easterly and crossing chemin Eardley-Masham, to the north-west corner of lot 2 755 995; thence, easterly following the north boundary of lots 2 755 995, 3 117 982, 3 117 981, 2 755 994 and 3 117 980, to the north-east corner of lot 3 117 980; thence, southerly following the east boundary of lot 3 117 980, to the south-east corner of said lot; thence, easterly following the north boundary of lots 2 755 991 and 2 755 990 and following segments of the north boundary of lot 2 684 840, to the intersection with the south-east corner of lot 2 685 155; thence, northerly following the division line between lots 2 685 155 and 2 685 822, to the north-east corner of lot 2 685 155; thence, easterly following the south boundaries of lots 2 685 203 and 2 685 402, to the south-east corner of lot 2 685
[...] (Undivided territory); thence, in a general easterly direction, following the south shore of Rivière la Pêche (Undivided territory), to the intersection with the southerly extension of the west boundary of lot 2 756 119; thence, northerly, crossing Rivière la Pêche (Undivided territory) and following the west boundary of lot 2 756 119, to the north-west corner of said lot; thence, easterly following the north boundary of lot 2 756 119, to the north-east corner of said lot, also located on the west boundary of lot 2 864 223 (chemin Brazeau); thence, southerly and southeasterly following the east boundary of lot 2 756 119, to the intersection at the north shore of Rivière la Pêche (Undivided territory), being, the south-east corner of lot 2 756 119; thence, southeasterly, crossing Rivière la Pêche (Undivided territory), to the north-east corner of lot 2 756 050; thence, following the division line between the south shore of Rivière la Pêche (Undivided territory) and following the north boundaries
[...] (Undivided territory); thence, southerly, crossing Rivière la Pêche (Undivided territory), to a point located at the intersection of the south shore of said river and the division line between lots 3 391 748 and 3 364 796; thence, southerly, following the division line between lots 3 391 748 and 3 654 796, to a point located at the intersection of the north boundary of lot 3 654 317 (chemin Mill); thence, crossing lot 3 654 317 (chemin Mill), to a point located at the intersection of the south boundary of said chemin Mill and the division line between lots 3 391 750 and 3 391 773; thence, southerly, following the division line between lots 3 391 773 and 3 391 750, to the south-west corner of lot 3 391 750; thence, westerly following the division line between lots 3 391 773 and 3 654 775, to the north corner of lot 3 654 775, at successive distances of 45.15 metres, 214.92 metres and 27.92 metres; thence, southwesterly, following the division line between lots 3 391 773 and 3 654 775, a

House bill C-367

40th Parliament, 3rd session
March 3, 2010 to March 26, 2011
Historical information
An Act to amend the National Capital Act (Gatineau Park)
Bill type
Private Member’s Bill
Paul Dewar
Current status
Outside the Order of Precedence
Latest activity
Reinstated from previous session on March 3, 2010 (House of Commons)
Found in bill text:
[...] SCHEDULE (Section 13) SCHEDULE 2 (Sections 10.1 to 10.3) GATINEAU PARK In the Province of Quebec; In the registration divisions of Gatineau, Hull and Pontiac; The boundaries of Gatineau Park are located in the municipalities of Chelsea, La Pêche, Pontiac and the City of Gatineau and form part of the cadastres of the Township of Aldfield, the Township of Eardley, the Township of Hull, the Township of Masham, the Township of Onslow and the Cadastre of Quebec.
[...] Section 4 This portion of Gatineau Park, described in Section 4, is included in the registration division of Gatineau, located in the Municipality of La Pêche, and forms part of the cadastre of the Township of Masham and the Cadastre of Quebec.
[...] River (undivided territory); thence in a general easterly direction, following the south shore of La Pêche River (undivided territory), to the intersection with the southerly extension of the west boundary of lot 2 756 119; thence northerly, crossing La Pêche River (undivided territory) and following the west boundary of lot 2 756 119, to the northwest corner of said lot; thence easterly, following the north boundary of lot 2 756 119, to the northeast corner of said lot, also located on the west boundary of lot 2 864 223 (Brazeau Road); thence southerly and southeasterly, following the east boundary of lot 2 756 119, to the intersection at the north shore of La Pêche River (undivided territory), being the southeast corner of lot 2 756 119; thence southeasterly, crossing La Pêche River (undivided territory), to the northeast corner of lot 2 756 050; thence following the division line between the south shore of La Pêche River (undivided territory) and following the northern boundaries of
[...] lots 2 685 630, 2 685 633, 2 685 824, 3 579 542, 3 389 947 and 3 389 948, to the intersection of the southerly extension of the division line between lots 3 389 960 and 3 654 717; thence northerly crossing La Pêche River (undivided territory) to the intersection of the division line between lots 3 389 960 and 3 654 717 and the north shore of said river; thence northerly, following the division line between lots 3 654 717 and 3 389 960, a distance of 77.57 metres; thence northeasterly, following the division line between lots 3 654 717 and 3 389 960, a distance of 20.42 metres; thence northeasterly crossing lots 3 654 717 and 3 389 949, to the southwest corner of lot 3 390 091; thence easterly, following the north boundary of lot 3 389 949, to the southeast corner of lot 3 390 090; thence easterly, following the division line between lots 3 389 949 and 3 389 950, then the division line between lots 3 389 950 and 3 654 718, toward the southeast corner of lot 3 389 950; thence northerly,
[...] River (undivided territory); thence southerly, crossing La Pêche River (undivided territory), to a point located at the intersection of the south shore of said river and the division line between lots 3 391 748 and 3 364 796; thence southerly, following the division line between lots 3 391 748 and 3 654 796, to a point located at the intersection of the north boundary of lot 3 654 317 (Mill Road); thence crossing lot 3 654 317 (Mill Road), to a point located at the intersection of the south boundary of said Mill Road and the division line between lots 3 391 750 and 3 391 773; thence southerly, following the division line between lots 3 391 773 and 3 391 750, to the southwest corner of lot 3 391 750; thence westerly, following the division line between lots 3 391 773 and 3 654 775, to the north corner of lot 3 654 775, at successive distances of 45.15 metres, 214.92 metres and 27.92 metres; thence southwesterly, following the division line between lots 3 391 773 and 3 654 775, a distance

Senate bill S-227

39th Parliament, 2nd session
October 16, 2007 to September 7, 2008
Historical information
An Act to amend the National Capital Act (establishment and protection of Gatineau Park)
Bill type
Senate Public Bill
Sen. Mira Spivak
Current status
At consideration in committee in the Senate
Latest activity
Referral to committee on May 8, 2008 (Senate)
Found in bill text:
[...] SCHEDULE (Section 9) SCHEDULE 2 (Sections 10.1 to 10.4) GATINEAU PARK In the Province of Quebec; In the registration divisions of Gatineau, Hull and Pontiac; The boundaries of Gatineau Park are located in the municipalities of Chelsea, La Pêche, Pontiac and the City of Gatineau and form part of the cadastres of the Township of Aldfield, the Township of Eardley, the Township of Hull, the Township of Masham, the Township of Onslow and the Cadastre of Quebec.
[...] Section 4 This portion of Gatineau Park, described in Section 4, is included in the registration division of Gatineau, located in the Municipality of La Pêche, and forms part of the cadastre of the Township of Masham and the Cadastre of Quebec.
[...] River (undivided territory); thence in a general easterly direction, following the south shore of La Pêche River (undivided territory), to the intersection with the southerly extension of the west boundary of lot 2 756 119; thence northerly, crossing La Pêche River (undivided territory) and following the west boundary of lot 2 756 119, to the northwest corner of said lot; thence easterly, following the north boundary of lot 2 756 119, to the northeast corner of said lot, also located on the west boundary of lot 2 864 223 (Brazeau Road); thence southerly and southeasterly, following the east boundary of lot 2 756 119, to the intersection at the north shore of La Pêche River (undivided territory), being the southeast corner of lot 2 756 119; thence southeasterly, crossing La Pêche River (undivided territory), to the northeast corner of lot 2 756 050; thence following the division line between the south shore of La Pêche River (undivided territory) and following the northern boundaries of
[...] lots 2 685 630, 2 685 633, 2 685 824, 3 579 542, 3 389 947 and 3 389 948, to the intersection of the southerly extension of the division line between lots 3 389 960 and 3 654 717; thence northerly crossing La Pêche River (undivided territory) to the intersection of the division line between lots 3 389 960 and 3 654 717 and the north shore of said river; thence northerly, following the division line between lots 3 654 717 and 3 389 960, a distance of 77.57 metres; thence northeasterly, following the division line between lots 3 654 717 and 3 389 960, a distance of 20.42 metres; thence northeasterly crossing lots 3 654 717 and 3 389 949, to the southwest corner of lot 3 390 091; thence easterly, following the north boundary of lot 3 389 949, to the southeast corner of lot 3 390 090; thence easterly, following the division line between lots 3 389 949 and 3 389 950, then the division line between lots 3 389 950 and 3 654 718, toward the southeast corner of lot 3 389 950; thence northerly,
[...] River (undivided territory); thence southerly, crossing La Pêche River (undivided territory), to a point located at the intersection of the south shore of said river and the division line between lots 3 391 748 and 3 364 796; thence southerly, following the division line between lots 3 391 748 and 3 654 796, to a point located at the intersection of the north boundary of lot 3 654 317 (Mill Road); thence crossing lot 3 654 317 (Mill Road), to a point located at the intersection of the south boundary of said Mill Road and the division line between lots 3 391 750 and 3 391 773; thence southerly, following the division line between lots 3 391 773 and 3 391 750, to the southwest corner of lot 3 391 750; thence westerly, following the division line between lots 3 391 773 and 3 654 775, to the north corner of lot 3 654 775, at successive distances of 45.15 metres, 214.92 metres and 27.92 metres; thence southwesterly, following the division line between lots 3 391 773 and 3 654 775, a distance

Senate bill S-204

40th Parliament, 2nd session
January 26, 2009 to December 30, 2009
Historical information
An Act to amend the National Capital Act (establishment and protection of Gatineau Park)
Bill type
Senate Public Bill
Sen. Mira Spivak
Current status
At second reading in the Senate
Latest activity
Debate at second reading on December 14, 2009 (Senate)
Found in bill text:
[...] SCHEDULE (Section 9) SCHEDULE 2 (Sections 10.1 to 10.3) GATINEAU PARK In the Province of Quebec; In the registration divisions of Gatineau, Hull and Pontiac; The boundaries of Gatineau Park are located in the municipalities of Chelsea, La Pêche, Pontiac and the City of Gatineau and form part of the cadastres of the Township of Aldfield, the Township of Eardley, the Township of Hull, the Township of Masham, the Township of Onslow and the Cadastre of Quebec.
[...] Section 4 This portion of Gatineau Park, described in Section 4, is included in the registration division of Gatineau, located in the Municipality of La Pêche, and forms part of the cadastre of the Township of Masham and the Cadastre of Quebec.
[...] River (undivided territory); thence in a general easterly direction, following the south shore of La Pêche River (undivided territory), to the intersection with the southerly extension of the west boundary of lot 2 756 119; thence northerly, crossing La Pêche River (undivided territory) and following the west boundary of lot 2 756 119, to the northwest corner of said lot; thence easterly, following the north boundary of lot 2 756 119, to the northeast corner of said lot, also located on the west boundary of lot 2 864 223 (Brazeau Road); thence southerly and southeasterly, following the east boundary of lot 2 756 119, to the intersection at the north shore of La Pêche River (undivided territory), being the southeast corner of lot 2 756 119; thence southeasterly, crossing La Pêche River (undivided territory), to the northeast corner of lot 2 756 050; thence following the division line between the south shore of La Pêche River (undivided territory) and following the northern boundaries of
[...] lots 2 685 630, 2 685 633, 2 685 824, 3 579 542, 3 389 947 and 3 389 948, to the intersection of the southerly extension of the division line between lots 3 389 960 and 3 654 717; thence northerly crossing La Pêche River (undivided territory) to the intersection of the division line between lots 3 389 960 and 3 654 717 and the north shore of said river; thence northerly, following the division line between lots 3 654 717 and 3 389 960, a distance of 77.57 metres; thence northeasterly, following the division line between lots 3 654 717 and 3 389 960, a distance of 20.42 metres; thence northeasterly crossing lots 3 654 717 and 3 389 949, to the southwest corner of lot 3 390 091; thence easterly, following the north boundary of lot 3 389 949, to the southeast corner of lot 3 390 090; thence easterly, following the division line between lots 3 389 949 and 3 389 950, then the division line between lots 3 389 950 and 3 654 718, toward the southeast corner of lot 3 389 950; thence northerly,
[...] River (undivided territory); thence southerly, crossing La Pêche River (undivided territory), to a point located at the intersection of the south shore of said river and the division line between lots 3 391 748 and 3 364 796; thence southerly, following the division line between lots 3 391 748 and 3 654 796, to a point located at the intersection of the north boundary of lot 3 654 317 (Mill Road); thence crossing lot 3 654 317 (Mill Road), to a point located at the intersection of the south boundary of said Mill Road and the division line between lots 3 391 750 and 3 391 773; thence southerly, following the division line between lots 3 391 773 and 3 391 750, to the southwest corner of lot 3 391 750; thence westerly, following the division line between lots 3 391 773 and 3 654 775, to the north corner of lot 3 654 775, at successive distances of 45.15 metres, 214.92 metres and 27.92 metres; thence southwesterly, following the division line between lots 3 391 773 and 3 654 775, a distance

Senate bill S-3

41st Parliament, 2nd session
October 16, 2013 to August 2, 2015
Historical information
An Act to amend the Coastal Fisheries Protection Act

Short title: Port State Measures Agreement Implementation Act

Bill type
Senate Government Bill
Sen. Claude Carignan
Current status
Royal assent received
Latest activity
Royal assent on June 18, 2015 (Senate)
Found in bill text:
[...] (2) The definitions “fish” and “fishing vessel” in subsection 2(1) of the Act are replaced by the following: “fish” « poisson » “fish” includes (a) any part or derivative of a fish, (b) shellfish, crustaceans, marine animals and any part or derivative of any of them, and (c) the eggs, sperm, spawn, larvae, spat or juvenile stages, as the case may be, of fish, shellfish, crustaceans and marine animals; “fishing vessel” « bateau de pêche » “fishing vessel” means any of the following: (a) a ship, boat or any other description of vessel that is used in or equipped for (i) fishing, processing fish or transporting fish from fishing grounds, (ii) taking, processing or transporting marine plants, or (iii) provisioning, servicing, repairing or maintaining any vessels of a foreign fishing fleet while at sea, (b) a ship, boat or any other description of vessel that is used in transhipping fish, or marine plants, that have not been previously landed; (3) Subsection 2(1) of the Act
[...] is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order: “fisheries management organization” « organisation de gestion des pêches » “fisheries management organization” means an organization or arrangement established by two or more states, or by one or more states and an organization of states, for the purpose of the conservation and management of fish stocks in the sea or any area of the sea; “fishing vessel of a state party to the Fish Stocks Agreement” « bateau de pêche d’un État assujetti à l’Accord sur les stocks de poissons » “fishing vessel of a state party to the Fish Stocks Agreement” means a foreign fishing vessel that is entitled to fly the flag of a state party to the Fish Stocks Agreement; “Fish Stocks Agreement” « Accord sur les stocks de poissons » “Fish Stocks Agreement” means the Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 Relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling
[...] Presumption (4) The foreign fishing vessel’s flag state is deemed to not object to the search if the protection officer has informed the flag state of his or her intention to apply for the warrant referred to in subsection (3) and the flag state has not communicated its objection within the period prescribed by regulation. 7. (1) Paragraph 9(b) of the Act is replaced by the following: (b) any goods aboard a fishing vessel described in paragraph (a) or in any other place, including fish, marine plants, tackle, rigging, apparel, furniture, stores and cargo; or (2) Paragraph 9(c) of the French version of the Act is replaced by the following: c) à la fois le bateau de pêche et les biens visés à l’alinéa b)

Senate bill S-13

41st Parliament, 1st session
June 2, 2011 to September 13, 2013
Historical information
An Act to amend the Coastal Fisheries Protection Act

Short title: Port State Measures Agreement Implementation Act

Bill type
Senate Government Bill
Sen. Marjory LeBreton
Current status
At second reading in the House of Commons
Latest activity
Debate at second reading on May 24, 2013 (House of Commons)
Found in bill text:
[...] (2) The definitions “fish” and “fishing vessel” in subsection 2(1) of the Act are replaced by the following: “fish” « poisson » “fish” includes (a) any part or derivative of a fish, (b) shellfish, crustaceans, marine animals and any part or derivative of any of them, and (c) the eggs, sperm, spawn, larvae, spat or juvenile stages, as the case may be, of fish, shellfish, crustaceans and marine animals; “fishing vessel” « bateau de pêche » “fishing vessel” means any of the following: (a) a ship, boat or any other description of vessel that is used in or equipped for (i) fishing, processing fish or transporting fish from fishing grounds, (ii) taking, processing or transporting marine plants, or (iii) provisioning, servicing, repairing or maintaining any vessels of a foreign fishing fleet while at sea, (b) a ship, boat or any other description of vessel that is used in transhipping fish, or marine plants, that have not been previously landed; (3) Subsection 2(1) of the Act
[...] is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order: “fisheries management organization” « organisation de gestion des pêches » “fisheries management organization” means an organization or arrangement established by two or more states, or by one or more states and an organization of states, for the purpose of the conservation and management of fish stocks in the sea or any area of the sea; “fishing vessel of a state party to the Fish Stocks Agreement” « bateau de pêche d’un État assujetti à l’Accord sur les stocks de poissons » “fishing vessel of a state party to the Fish Stocks Agreement” means a foreign fishing vessel that is entitled to fly the flag of a state party to the Fish Stocks Agreement; “Fish Stocks Agreement” « Accord sur les stocks de poissons » “Fish Stocks Agreement” means the Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 Relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling
[...] Presumption (4) The foreign fishing vessel’s flag state is deemed to not object to the search if the protection officer has informed the flag state of his or her intention to apply for the warrant referred to in subsection (3) and the flag state has not communicated its objection within the period prescribed by regulation. 7. (1) Paragraph 9(b) of the Act is replaced by the following: (b) any goods aboard a fishing vessel described in paragraph (a) or in any other place, including fish, marine plants, tackle, rigging, apparel, furniture, stores and cargo; or (2) Paragraph 9(c) of the French version of the Act is replaced by the following: c) à la fois le bateau de pêche et les biens visés à l’alinéa b)

House bill C-19

43rd Parliament, 1st session
December 5, 2019 to August 18, 2020
Historical information
An Act for granting to Her Majesty certain sums of money for the federal public administration for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2021

Short title: Appropriation Act No. 3, 2020-21

Bill type
House Government Bill
Hon. Jean-Yves Duclos
Current status
Royal assent received
Latest activity
Royal assent on June 26, 2020 (Senate)
Found in bill text:
[...] Contributions 176,752,585 214,992,259 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Ministère des Finances 1a –    Program expenditures –    Contributions –    Authority, as referred to in paragraph 29.‍1(2)‍(a) of the Financial Administration Act, to expend in the fiscal year — in order to offset related expenditures that it incurs in that fiscal year — revenues that it receives in that fiscal year from the provision of internal support services under section 29.‍2 of that Act –    The payment to each member of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada who is a minister without portfolio, or a minister of State who does not preside over a ministry of State, of a salary — paid annually or pro rata for any period less than a year — that does not exceed the salary paid under the Salaries Act, rounded down to the nearest hundred dollars under section 67 of the Parliament of Canada Act, to ministers of State who preside over ministries of State 18,584,030 18,584,030 DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES AND OCEANS Ministère des Pêches

House bill C-216

39th Parliament, 2nd session
October 16, 2007 to September 7, 2008
Historical information
An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (capital gains exemption on disposition of fishing property)
Bill type
Private Member’s Bill
Hon. Lawrence MacAulay
Current status
Outside the Order of Precedence
Latest activity
Reinstated from previous session on October 16, 2007 (House of Commons)
Found in bill text:
[...] Subsection 108(1) of the Act is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order: “qualified fishing property” « bien de pêche admissible » “qualified fishing property” of an individual has the meaning assigned by subsection 110.6(1); 5. (1) Paragraph (b) of the description of A in the definition “annual gains limit” in subsection 110.6(1) of the Act is replaced by the following: (b) the amount that would be determined in respect of the individual for the year under paragraph 3(b) in respect of capital gains and losses if the only properties referred to in that paragraph were qualified farm properties or qualified fishing properties disposed of by the individual after 1984 and qualified small business corporation shares disposed of by the individual after June 17, 1987, and (2) The definitions “interest in a family farm partnership”, “qualified farm property” and “share of the capital stock of a family farm corporation” in subsection 110.6(1) of the Act are replaced by the following
[...] : “interest in a family farm partnership or a family fishing partnership” « participation dans une société de personnes — agricole ou de pêche — familiale » “interest in a family farm partnership or a family fishing partnership” of an individual (other than a trust that is not a personal trust) at any time means an interest owned by the individual at that time in a partnership where (a) throughout any 24-month period ending before that time, more than 50% of the fair market value of the property of the partnership was attributable to (i) property that was used by (A) the partnership, (B) the individual, (C) where the individual is a personal trust, a beneficiary of the trust, (D) a spouse, common-law partner, child or parent of the individual or of a beneficiary referred to in clause (C), or (E) a corporation a share of the capital stock of which was a share of the capital stock of a family farm corporation or a family fishing corporation of the individual, a beneficiary referred
[...] , child or parent of the individual or of a beneficiary referred to in clause (C) was actively engaged on a regular and continuous basis, (ii) shares of the capital stock or indebtedness of one or more corporations all or substantially all of the fair market value of the property of which was attributable to properties described in subparagraph (iii), or (iii) properties described in either subparagraph (i) or (ii), and (b) at that time, all or substantially all of the fair market value of the property of the partnership was attributable to (i) property that was used principally in the course of carrying on the business of farming or fishing in Canada by the partnership or a person referred to in subparagraph (a)(i), (ii) shares of the capital stock or indebtedness of one or more corporations described in subparagraph (a)(ii), or (iii) properties described in subparagraph (i) or (ii); “qualified farm property or qualified fishing property” « bien agricole admissible ou bien de pêche
[...] or the individual’s spouse or common-law partner, (c) an interest in a family farm partnership or a family fishing partnership of the individual or the individual’s spouse or common-law partner, or (d) an eligible capital property used by a person or partnership referred to in any of subparagraphs (a)(i) to (v), or by a personal trust from which the individual acquired the property, in the course of carrying on the business of farming or fishing in Canada and, for the purpose of this paragraph, eligible capital property (i) will not be considered to have been used in the course of carrying on the business of farming or fishing in Canada unless the conditions set out in subparagraph (a)(vi) or (vii), as the case may be, are met, and (ii) shall be deemed to include capital property to which paragraph 70(5.1)(b) or 73(3)(d.1) applies; “share of the capital stock of a family farm corporation or a family fishing corporation” « action du capital-actions d’une société — agricole ou de pêche

House bill C-18

43rd Parliament, 1st session
December 5, 2019 to August 18, 2020
Historical information
An Act for granting to Her Majesty certain sums of money for the federal public administration for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2021

Short title: Appropriation Act No. 2, 2020-21

Bill type
House Government Bill
Hon. Jean-Yves Duclos
Current status
Royal assent received
Latest activity
Royal assent on June 26, 2020 (Senate)
Found in bill text:
[...] CITIZENSHIP AND IMMIGRATION Ministère de la Citoyenneté et de l’Immigration 1 –    Operating expenditures –    Authority, as referred to in paragraph 29.‍1(2)‍(a) of the Financial Administration Act, to expend in the fiscal year — in order to offset expenditures that it incurs in that fiscal year from the provision of services related to International Experience Canada — revenues that it receives in that fiscal year from the provision of those services –    The payment to each member of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada who is a minister without portfolio, or a minister of State who does not preside over a ministry of State, of a salary — paid annually or pro rata for any period less than a year — that does not exceed the salary paid under the Salaries Act, rounded down to the nearest hundred dollars under section 67 of the Parliament of Canada Act, to ministers of State who preside over ministries of State 1,053,523,784 702,349,190 DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES AND OCEANS Ministère des Pêches

House bill C-465

41st Parliament, 2nd session
October 16, 2013 to August 2, 2015
Historical information
An Act to amend the National Capital Act (Gatineau Park)
Bill type
Private Member’s Bill
Nycole Turmel
Current status
Outside the Order of Precedence
Latest activity
Reinstated from previous session on October 16, 2013 (House of Commons)
Found in bill text:
[...] The boundaries of Gatineau Park are located in the municipalities of Chelsea, La Pêche, Pontiac and the City of Gatineau and form part of the cadastres of the Township of Aldfield, the Township of Eardley, the Township of Hull, the Township of Masham, the Township of Onslow and the Cadastre du Québec. 2- DESCRIPTION 2.1- SECTION 1 This portion of Gatineau Park, described in Section 1, is included in the registration divisions of Gatineau and Hull, located in the City of Gatineau, and forms part of the cadastre of the Township of Hull and the Cadastre du Québec.
[...] northwesterly direction, following the division lines between lots 2 735 402 (chemin de la Montagne nord) and 2 635 074, to the north-west corner of lot 2 735 402; thence, westerly, following the division lines between lots 2 636 634 (chemin de la Montagne nord) and 2 635 074, to the north-west corner of lot 2 636 634; thence, westerly, following the lines between lot 2 735 399 (chemin de la Montagne nord) and lots 2 635 074, 2 635 020 and 2 635 074, to the north-west corner of lot 2 735 399; thence, westerly, following the division lines between lots 2 636 635 (chemin de la Montagne nord) and 2 635 074, to the north-west corner of lot 2 636 635; thence, westerly, following the division lines between lots 2 735 398 (chemin de la Montagne nord) and 2 635 074, to the north-west corner of lot 2 735 398. 2.3 SECTION 3 This portion of Gatineau Park, described in Section 3, is included in the registration divisions of Gatineau and Pontiac, located in the Municipalities of Pontiac and La Pêche
[...] Municipality of La Pêche Beginning at the north-west corner of lot 2 755 996 (Cadastre du Québec), following segments of the north boundary of said lot, to the north-east corner of lot 2 755 996; thence, easterly and crossing chemin Eardley-Masham, to the north-west corner of lot 2 755 995; thence, easterly following the north boundary of lots 2 755 995, 3 117 982, 3 117 981, 2 755 994 and 3 117 980, to the north-east corner of lot 3 117 980; thence, southerly following the east boundary of lot 3 117 980, to the south-east corner of said lot; thence, easterly following the north boundary of lots 2 755 991 and 2 755 990 and following segments of the north boundary of lot 2 684 840, to the intersection with the south-east corner of lot 2 685 155; thence, northerly following the division line between lots 2 685 155 and 2 685 822, to the north-east corner of lot 2 685 155; thence, easterly following the south boundaries of lots 2 685 203 and 2 685 402, to the south-east corner of lot 2 685
[...] (Undivided territory); thence, in a general easterly direction, following the south shore of Rivière la Pêche (Undivided territory), to the intersection with the southerly extension of the west boundary of lot 2 756 119; thence, northerly, crossing Rivière la Pêche (Undivided territory) and following the west boundary of lot 2 756 119, to the north-west corner of said lot; thence, easterly following the north boundary of lot 2 756 119, to the north-east corner of said lot, also located on the west boundary of lot 2 864 223 (chemin Brazeau); thence, southerly and southeasterly following the east boundary of lot 2 756 119, to the intersection at the north shore of Rivière la Pêche (Undivided territory), being, the south-east corner of lot 2 756 119; thence, southeasterly, crossing Rivière la Pêche (Undivided territory), to the north-east corner of lot 2 756 050; thence, following the division line between the south shore of Rivière la Pêche (Undivided territory) and following the north boundaries
[...] (Undivided territory); thence, southerly, crossing Rivière la Pêche (Undivided territory), to a point located at the intersection of the south shore of said river and the division line between lots 3 391 748 and 3 364 796; thence, southerly, following the division line between lots 3 391 748 and 3 654 796, to a point located at the intersection of the north boundary of lot 3 654 317 (chemin Mill); thence, crossing lot 3 654 317 (chemin Mill), to a point located at the intersection of the south boundary of said chemin Mill and the division line between lots 3 391 750 and 3 391 773; thence, southerly, following the division line between lots 3 391 773 and 3 391 750, to the south-west corner of lot 3 391 750; thence, westerly following the division line between lots 3 391 773 and 3 654 775, to the north corner of lot 3 654 775, at successive distances of 45.15 metres, 214.92 metres and 27.92 metres; thence, southwesterly, following the division line between lots 3 391 773 and 3 654 775, a

House bill C-96

35th Parliament, 2nd session
February 27, 1996 to April 27, 1997
Historical information
An Act to amend the Coastal Fisheries Protection Act and the Canada Shipping Act in order to implement the Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 Relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks
Bill type
House Government Bill
Current status
At second reading in the House of Commons
Found in bill text:
[...] (2) Paragraph (b) of the definition ``protection officer'' in section 2 of the Act is replaced by the following: (b) a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, or (3) Section 2 of the Act is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order: ``Agreement'' « accord » ``Agreement'' means the Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 Relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks adopted by the United Nations Conference on Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in New York on August 4, 1995; ``fishing vessel of a participating state'' « bateau de pêche d'un État assujetti à l'accord » ``fishing vessel of a participating state'' means a foreign fishing vessel that has been issued, under the laws of a participating state, a registration number, licence or other document granting the foreign fishing vessel the right to
[...] If Bill C-62, introduced in the second session of the thirty-fifth Parliament and entitled An Act respecting fisheries, is assented to, then, on the coming into force of section 207 of that Act, (a) the definition ``straddling stock'' in section 2 of that Act is repealed; (b) section 2 of that Act is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order: ``fishing vessel of a participating state'' « bateau de pêche d'un État assujetti à l'accord » ``fishing vessel of a participating state'' means a foreign fishing vessel that has been issued, under the laws of a participating state, a registration number, licence or other document granting the foreign fishing vessel the right to fly the flag of that state or that is otherwise entitled to fly the flag of that state; ``participating state'' « État assujetti à l'accord » ``participating state'' means a foreign state or an organization of foreign states that has ratified or acceded to UNFA, that has notified in writing the Secretary-General

House bill C-27

43rd Parliament, 2nd session
September 23, 2020 to August 15, 2021
Historical information
An Act for granting to Her Majesty certain sums of money for the federal public administration for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2022

Short title: Appropriation Act No. 1, 2021-22

Bill type
House Government Bill
Hon. Jean-Yves Duclos
Current status
Royal assent received
Latest activity
Royal assent on March 30, 2021 (Senate)
Found in bill text:
[...] out in section 8 of the Canada Council for the Arts Act 364,062,080 151,692,534 CANADIAN AIR TRANSPORT SECURITY AUTHORITY Administration canadienne de la sûreté du transport aérien 1 –    Payments to the Authority for operating and capital expenditures 567,828,793 236,595,331 CANADIAN HIGH ARCTIC RESEARCH STATION Station canadienne de recherche dans l’Extrême-Arctique 1 –    Program expenditures –    The grants listed in any of the Estimates for the fiscal year –    Contributions 29,761,017 12,400,424 CANADIAN SPACE AGENCY Agence spatiale canadienne 10 –    The grants listed in any of the Estimates for the fiscal year –    Contributions 94,630,000 39,429,167 DEPARTMENT OF CITIZENSHIP AND IMMIGRATION Ministère de la Citoyenneté et de l’Immigration 10 –    The grants listed in any of the Estimates for the fiscal year –    Contributions, including the provision of goods and services 1,690,568,408 704,403,504 DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES AND OCEANS Ministère des Pêches

House bill C-32

39th Parliament, 2nd session
October 16, 2007 to September 7, 2008
Historical information
An Act respecting the sustainable development of Canada's seacoast and inland fisheries

Short title: Fisheries Act, 2007

Bill type
House Government Bill
Hon. Loyola Hearn
Current status
At second reading in the House of Commons
Latest activity
Introduction and first reading on November 29, 2007 (House of Commons)
Found in bill text:
[...] Schedule I to the Access to Information Act is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order under the heading “Other Government Institutions”: Canada Fisheries Tribunal Office des pêches du Canada R.S., c.
[...] Schedule I.1 to the Financial Administration Act is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order in column I: Canada Fisheries Tribunal Office des pêches du Canada and a corresponding reference in column II to the “Minister of Fisheries and Oceans”. 231.
[...] Schedule IV to the Act is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order: Canada Fisheries Tribunal Office des pêches du Canada 2005, c. 48 First Nations Oil and Gas and Moneys Management Act 232.
[...] The schedule to the Privacy Act is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order under the heading “Other Government Institutions”: Canada Fisheries Tribunal Office des pêches du Canada R.S., c.
[...] Part II of Schedule I to the Public Service Superannuation Act is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order: Canada Fisheries Tribunal Office des pêches du Canada R.S., c.

House bill C-38

41st Parliament, 1st session
June 2, 2011 to September 13, 2013
Historical information
An Act to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on March 29, 2012 and other measures

Short title: Jobs, Growth and Long-term Prosperity Act

Bill type
House Government Bill
Hon. Jim Flaherty
Current status
Royal assent received
Latest activity
Royal assent on June 29, 2012 (Senate)
Found in bill text:
[...] La section 5 de la partie 3 modifie la Loi sur les pêches pour articuler la loi autour de la protection des poissons visés par les pêches commerciale, récréative ou autochtone et pour améliorer la gestion des activités qui menacent le plus ces pêches.
[...] La section 18 de la partie 4 modifie la Loi sur les pêches pour permettre au ministre des Pêches et des Océans d’allouer du poisson en vue du financement des activités scientifiques et de gestion des pêches dans le contexte d’accords de projets conjoints.
[...] Division 18 Section 18 Fisheries Act Loi sur les pêches 411.        411.       
[...] F-14 Fisheries Act Loi sur les pêches L.R., ch.
[...] F-14 Fisheries Act Loi sur les pêches L.R., ch.

House bill C-493

36th Parliament, 1st session
September 22, 1997 to September 18, 1999
Historical information
An Act to promote shipbuilding, 1999

Short title: Shipbuilding Act, 1999

Bill type
Private Member’s Bill
Antoine Dubé
Current status
Outside the Order of Precedence
Found in bill text:
[...] ``fishing vessel'' « bateau de pêche » ``fishing vessel'' includes any ship or boat or any other description of vessel used in or equipped for (a) fishing or processing or transporting fish from fishing grounds; or (b) taking, processing or transporting marine plants.

House bill C-10

43rd Parliament, 1st session
December 5, 2019 to August 18, 2020
Historical information
An Act for granting to Her Majesty certain sums of money for the federal public administration for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020

Short title: Appropriation Act No. 4, 2019-20

Bill type
House Government Bill
Hon. Jean-Yves Duclos
Current status
Royal assent received
Latest activity
Royal assent on March 13, 2020 (Senate)
Found in bill text:
[...] Compensation Act departmental or agency subrogated claim settlements related to litigation costs –    The payment to each member of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada who is a minister without portfolio, or a minister of State who does not preside over a ministry of State, of a salary — paid annually or pro rata for any period less than a year — that does not exceed the salary paid under the Salaries Act, rounded down to the nearest hundred dollars under section 67 of the Parliament of Canada Act, to ministers of State who preside over ministries of State 13,656,612 5b –    The grants listed in any of the Estimates for the fiscal year –    Contributions 1 90b –    The writing off, as referred to in subsection 25(2) of the Financial Administration Act, of 33,098 debts due to Her Majesty in right of Canada amounting to $180,432,220 related to student loans made under the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act 180,432,220 194,088,833 DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES AND OCEANS Ministère des Pêches

House bill C-67

44th Parliament, 1st session
November 22, 2021 to present
An Act for granting to His Majesty certain sums of money for the federal public administration for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024

Short title: Appropriation Act No. 5, 2023-24

Bill type
House Government Bill
Hon. Anita Anand
Current status
Royal assent received
Latest activity
Royal assent on March 22, 2024 (Senate)
Found in bill text:
[...] des Finances 1c –    Program expenditures –    The grants listed in any of the Estimates for the fiscal year –    Contributions –    Authority, as referred to in paragraph 29.‍1(2)‍(a) of the Financial Administration Act, to expend in the fiscal year — in order to offset related expenditures that it incurs in that fiscal year — revenues that it receives in that fiscal year from the provision of internal support services under section 29.‍2 of that Act –    The payment to each member of the King’s Privy Council for Canada who is a minister without portfolio, or a minister of State who does not preside over a ministry of State, of a salary — paid annually or pro rata for any period less than a year — that does not exceed the salary paid under the Salaries Act, rounded down to the nearest hundred dollars under section 67 of the Parliament of Canada Act, to ministers of State who preside over ministries of State 8,939,529 8,939,529 DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES AND OCEANS Ministère des Pêches

House bill C-20

40th Parliament, 3rd session
March 3, 2010 to March 26, 2011
Historical information
An Act to amend the National Capital Act and other Acts

Short title: An Action Plan for the National Capital Commission

Bill type
House Government Bill
Hon. Chuck Strahl
Current status
At report stage in the House of Commons
Latest activity
Committee report presented on November 15, 2010 (House of Commons)
Found in bill text:
[...] SCHEDULE (Section 23) SCHEDULE 2 (Sections 2 and 22.1) DESCRIPTION OF GATINEAU PARK BOUNDARIES 1- PURPOSE The boundaries of Gatineau Park are within the registration divisions of Hull, Gatineau and Pontiac, Province of Quebec, are located in the municipalities of Chelsea, La Pêche, Pontiac and the City of Gatineau, and form part of the cadastres of the Township of Aldfield, the Township of Eardley, the Township of Hull, the Township of Masham, the Township of Onslow and the Cadastre du Québec. 2- DESCRIPTION 2.1 Section 1 This portion of Gatineau Park, described in Section 1, is included in the registration divisions of Gatineau and Hull, located in the City of Gatineau, and forms part of the cadastre of the Township of Hull and the Cadastre du Québec.
[...] located at the north-east corner of lot 15B, range 13, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 1,695.73 m; thence, easterly following the division line between the Townships of Aldfield and Onslow, to a point located at the north-west corner of lot 17C, range 13, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 525.87 m; thence, easterly following the division line between the Townships of Aldfield and Onslow, to a point located on the west boundary of chemin Gauvin, a distance of 12.92 m; thence, southwesterly, following the north-west boundary of chemin Gauvin, at distances of 27.71 and 16.44 m; thence, southerly, following the west boundary of chemin Gauvin, at distances of 106.63 m and 29.67 m; thence, southeasterly, following the south-west boundary of chemin Gauvin, at distances of 29.95 m, 39.95 m, 27.98 m, 26.75 m and 25.99 m; thence, easterly following the south boundary of the chemin Gauvin, a distance of 136.53 m; thence, southeasterly, crossing chemin du Lac-La-Pêche
[...] Municipality of La Pêche Beginning at the north-west corner of lot 2 755 996 (Cadastre du Québec), following segments of the north boundary of said lot, to the north-east corner of lot 2 755 996; thence, easterly and crossing chemin Eardley-Masham, to the north-west corner of lot 2 755 995; thence, easterly following the north boundary of lots 2 755 995, 3 117 982, 3 117 981, 2 755 994 and 3 117 980, to the north-east corner of lot 3 117 980; thence, southerly following the east boundary of lot 3 117 980, to the south-east corner of said lot; thence, easterly following the north boundary of lots 2 755 991 and 2 755 990 and following segments of the north boundary of lot 2 684 840, to the intersection with the south-east corner of lot 2 685 155; thence, northerly following the division line between lots 2 685 155 and 2 685 822, to the north-east corner of lot 2 685 155; thence, easterly following the south boundaries of lots 2 685 203 and 2 685 402, to the south-east corner of lot 2 685
[...] (Undivided territory); thence, in a general easterly direction, following the south shore of Rivière la Pêche (Undivided territory), to the intersection with the southerly extension of the west boundary of lot 2 756 119; thence, northerly, crossing Rivière la Pêche (Undivided territory) and following the west boundary of lot 2 756 119, to the north-west corner of said lot; thence, easterly following the north boundary of lot 2 756 119, to the north-east corner of said lot, also located on the west boundary of lot 2 864 223 (chemin Brazeau); thence, southerly and southeasterly following the east boundary of lot 2 756 119, to the intersection at the north shore of Rivière la Pêche (Undivided territory), being, the south-east corner of lot 2 756 119; thence, southeasterly, crossing Rivière la Pêche (Undivided territory), to the north-east corner of lot 2 756 050; thence, following the division line between the south shore of Rivière la Pêche (Undivided territory) and following the north boundaries
[...] of lots 3 274 668 (chemin Brazeau), 2 685 630, 2 685 633, 2 685 824, 3 579 542, 3 389 947 and 3 389 948, to the intersection of the southerly extension of the division line between lots 3 389 960 and 3 654 717; thence, northerly crossing Rivière la Pêche (Undivided territory) to the intersection of the division line between lots 3 389 960 and 3 654 717 and the north shore of said River; thence, northerly following the division line between lots 3 654 717 and 3 389 960, a distance of 77.57 m; thence, northeasterly following the division line between lots 3 654 717 and 3 389 960, a distance of 20.42 m; thence, northeasterly crossing lots 3 654 717 and 3 389 949, to the south-west corner of lot 3 390 091; thence, easterly following the north boundary of lot 3 389 949, to the south-east corner of lot 3 390 090; thence, easterly following the division line between lots 3 389 949 and 3 389 950, then the division line between lots 3 389 950 and 3 654 718, towards the South-East corner of lot

House bill C-465

41st Parliament, 1st session
June 2, 2011 to September 13, 2013
Historical information
An Act to amend the National Capital Act (Gatineau Park)
Bill type
Private Member’s Bill
Nycole Turmel
Current status
Outside the Order of Precedence
Latest activity
Introduction and first reading on November 8, 2012 (House of Commons)
Found in bill text:
[...] The boundaries of Gatineau Park are located in the municipalities of Chelsea, La Pêche, Pontiac and the City of Gatineau and form part of the cadastres of the Township of Aldfield, the Township of Eardley, the Township of Hull, the Township of Masham, the Township of Onslow and the Cadastre du Québec. 2- DESCRIPTION 2.1- SECTION 1 This portion of Gatineau Park, described in Section 1, is included in the registration divisions of Gatineau and Hull, located in the City of Gatineau, and forms part of the cadastre of the Township of Hull and the Cadastre du Québec.
[...] northwesterly direction, following the division lines between lots 2 735 402 (chemin de la Montagne nord) and 2 635 074, to the north-west corner of lot 2 735 402; thence, westerly, following the division lines between lots 2 636 634 (chemin de la Montagne nord) and 2 635 074, to the north-west corner of lot 2 636 634; thence, westerly, following the lines between lot 2 735 399 (chemin de la Montagne nord) and lots 2 635 074, 2 635 020 and 2 635 074, to the north-west corner of lot 2 735 399; thence, westerly, following the division lines between lots 2 636 635 (chemin de la Montagne nord) and 2 635 074, to the north-west corner of lot 2 636 635; thence, westerly, following the division lines between lots 2 735 398 (chemin de la Montagne nord) and 2 635 074, to the north-west corner of lot 2 735 398. 2.3 SECTION 3 This portion of Gatineau Park, described in Section 3, is included in the registration divisions of Gatineau and Pontiac, located in the Municipalities of Pontiac and La Pêche
[...] Municipality of La Pêche Beginning at the north-west corner of lot 2 755 996 (Cadastre du Québec), following segments of the north boundary of said lot, to the north-east corner of lot 2 755 996; thence, easterly and crossing chemin Eardley-Masham, to the north-west corner of lot 2 755 995; thence, easterly following the north boundary of lots 2 755 995, 3 117 982, 3 117 981, 2 755 994 and 3 117 980, to the north-east corner of lot 3 117 980; thence, southerly following the east boundary of lot 3 117 980, to the south-east corner of said lot; thence, easterly following the north boundary of lots 2 755 991 and 2 755 990 and following segments of the north boundary of lot 2 684 840, to the intersection with the south-east corner of lot 2 685 155; thence, northerly following the division line between lots 2 685 155 and 2 685 822, to the north-east corner of lot 2 685 155; thence, easterly following the south boundaries of lots 2 685 203 and 2 685 402, to the south-east corner of lot 2 685
[...] (Undivided territory); thence, in a general easterly direction, following the south shore of Rivière la Pêche (Undivided territory), to the intersection with the southerly extension of the west boundary of lot 2 756 119; thence, northerly, crossing Rivière la Pêche (Undivided territory) and following the west boundary of lot 2 756 119, to the north-west corner of said lot; thence, easterly following the north boundary of lot 2 756 119, to the north-east corner of said lot, also located on the west boundary of lot 2 864 223 (chemin Brazeau); thence, southerly and southeasterly following the east boundary of lot 2 756 119, to the intersection at the north shore of Rivière la Pêche (Undivided territory), being, the south-east corner of lot 2 756 119; thence, southeasterly, crossing Rivière la Pêche (Undivided territory), to the north-east corner of lot 2 756 050; thence, following the division line between the south shore of Rivière la Pêche (Undivided territory) and following the north boundaries
[...] (Undivided territory); thence, southerly, crossing Rivière la Pêche (Undivided territory), to a point located at the intersection of the south shore of said river and the division line between lots 3 391 748 and 3 364 796; thence, southerly, following the division line between lots 3 391 748 and 3 654 796, to a point located at the intersection of the north boundary of lot 3 654 317 (chemin Mill); thence, crossing lot 3 654 317 (chemin Mill), to a point located at the intersection of the south boundary of said chemin Mill and the division line between lots 3 391 750 and 3 391 773; thence, southerly, following the division line between lots 3 391 773 and 3 391 750, to the south-west corner of lot 3 391 750; thence, westerly following the division line between lots 3 391 773 and 3 654 775, to the north corner of lot 3 654 775, at successive distances of 45.15 metres, 214.92 metres and 27.92 metres; thence, southwesterly, following the division line between lots 3 391 773 and 3 654 775, a

House bill C-213

36th Parliament, 2nd session
October 12, 1999 to October 22, 2000
Historical information
An Act to promote shipbuilding, 1999

Short title: Shipbuilding Act 1999

Bill type
Private Member’s Bill
Antoine Dubé
Current status
At report stage in the House of Commons
Found in bill text:
[...] ``fishing vessel'' « bateau de pêche » ``fishing vessel'' includes any ship or boat or any other description of vessel used in or equipped for (a) fishing or processing or transporting fish from fishing grounds; or (b) taking, processing or transporting marine plants.

House bill C-37

40th Parliament, 2nd session
January 26, 2009 to December 30, 2009
Historical information
An Act to amend the National Capital Act and other Acts

Short title: An Action Plan for the National Capital Commission

Bill type
House Government Bill
Hon. John Baird
Current status
At consideration in committee in the House of Commons
Latest activity
Second reading and referral to committee on October 5, 2009 (House of Commons)
Found in bill text:
[...] SCHEDULE (Section 23) SCHEDULE 2 (Sections 2 and 22.1) DESCRIPTION OF GATINEAU PARK BOUNDARIES 1- PURPOSE The boundaries of Gatineau Park are within the registration divisions of Hull, Gatineau and Pontiac, Province of Quebec, are located in the municipalities of Chelsea, La Pêche, Pontiac and the City of Gatineau, and form part of the cadastres of the Township of Aldfield, the Township of Eardley, the Township of Hull, the Township of Masham, the Township of Onslow and the Cadastre du Québec. 2- DESCRIPTION 2.1 Section 1 This portion of Gatineau Park, described in Section 1, is included in the registration divisions of Gatineau and Hull, located in the City of Gatineau, and forms part of the cadastre of the Township of Hull and the Cadastre du Québec.
[...] located at the north-east corner of lot 15B, range 13, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 1,695.73 m; thence, easterly following the division line between the Townships of Aldfield and Onslow, to a point located at the north-west corner of lot 17C, range 13, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 525.87 m; thence, easterly following the division line between the Townships of Aldfield and Onslow, to a point located on the west boundary of chemin Gauvin, a distance of 12.92 m; thence, southwesterly, following the north-west boundary of chemin Gauvin, at distances of 27.71 and 16.44 m; thence, southerly, following the west boundary of chemin Gauvin, at distances of 106.63 m and 29.67 m; thence, southeasterly, following the south-west boundary of chemin Gauvin, at distances of 29.95 m, 39.95 m, 27.98 m, 26.75 m and 25.99 m; thence, easterly following the south boundary of the chemin Gauvin, a distance of 136.53 m; thence, southeasterly, crossing chemin du Lac-La-Pêche
[...] Municipality of La Pêche Beginning at the north-west corner of lot 2 755 996 (Cadastre du Québec), following segments of the north boundary of said lot, to the north-east corner of lot 2 755 996; thence, easterly and crossing chemin Eardley-Masham, to the north-west corner of lot 2 755 995; thence, easterly following the north boundary of lots 2 755 995, 3 117 982, 3 117 981, 2 755 994 and 3 117 980, to the north-east corner of lot 3 117 980; thence, southerly following the east boundary of lot 3 117 980, to the south-east corner of said lot; thence, easterly following the north boundary of lots 2 755 991 and 2 755 990 and following segments of the north boundary of lot 2 684 840, to the intersection with the south-east corner of lot 2 685 155; thence, northerly following the division line between lots 2 685 155 and 2 685 822, to the north-east corner of lot 2 685 155; thence, easterly following the south boundaries of lots 2 685 203 and 2 685 402, to the south-east corner of lot 2 685
[...] (Undivided territory); thence, in a general easterly direction, following the south shore of Rivière la Pêche (Undivided territory), to the intersection with the southerly extension of the west boundary of lot 2 756 119; thence, northerly, crossing Rivière la Pêche (Undivided territory) and following the west boundary of lot 2 756 119, to the north-west corner of said lot; thence, easterly following the north boundary of lot 2 756 119, to the north-east corner of said lot, also located on the west boundary of lot 2 864 223 (chemin Brazeau); thence, southerly and southeasterly following the east boundary of lot 2 756 119, to the intersection at the north shore of Rivière la Pêche (Undivided territory), being, the south-east corner of lot 2 756 119; thence, southeasterly, crossing Rivière la Pêche (Undivided territory), to the north-east corner of lot 2 756 050; thence, following the division line between the south shore of Rivière la Pêche (Undivided territory) and following the north boundaries
[...] of lots 3 274 668 (chemin Brazeau), 2 685 630, 2 685 633, 2 685 824, 3 579 542, 3 389 947 and 3 389 948, to the intersection of the southerly extension of the division line between lots 3 389 960 and 3 654 717; thence, northerly crossing Rivière la Pêche (Undivided territory) to the intersection of the division line between lots 3 389 960 and 3 654 717 and the north shore of said River; thence, northerly following the division line between lots 3 654 717 and 3 389 960, a distance of 77.57 m; thence, northeasterly following the division line between lots 3 654 717 and 3 389 960, a distance of 20.42 m; thence, northeasterly crossing lots 3 654 717 and 3 389 949, to the south-west corner of lot 3 390 091; thence, easterly following the north boundary of lot 3 389 949, to the south-east corner of lot 3 390 090; thence, easterly following the division line between lots 3 389 949 and 3 389 950, then the division line between lots 3 389 950 and 3 654 718, towards the South-East corner of lot

House bill C-367

40th Parliament, 2nd session
January 26, 2009 to December 30, 2009
Historical information
An Act to amend the National Capital Act (Gatineau Park)
Bill type
Private Member’s Bill
Paul Dewar
Current status
Outside the Order of Precedence
Latest activity
Introduction and first reading on April 22, 2009 (House of Commons)
Found in bill text:
[...] SCHEDULE (Section 13) SCHEDULE 2 (Sections 10.1 to 10.3) GATINEAU PARK In the Province of Quebec; In the registration divisions of Gatineau, Hull and Pontiac; The boundaries of Gatineau Park are located in the municipalities of Chelsea, La Pêche, Pontiac and the City of Gatineau and form part of the cadastres of the Township of Aldfield, the Township of Eardley, the Township of Hull, the Township of Masham, the Township of Onslow and the Cadastre of Quebec.
[...] Section 4 This portion of Gatineau Park, described in Section 4, is included in the registration division of Gatineau, located in the Municipality of La Pêche, and forms part of the cadastre of the Township of Masham and the Cadastre of Quebec.
[...] River (undivided territory); thence in a general easterly direction, following the south shore of La Pêche River (undivided territory), to the intersection with the southerly extension of the west boundary of lot 2 756 119; thence northerly, crossing La Pêche River (undivided territory) and following the west boundary of lot 2 756 119, to the northwest corner of said lot; thence easterly, following the north boundary of lot 2 756 119, to the northeast corner of said lot, also located on the west boundary of lot 2 864 223 (Brazeau Road); thence southerly and southeasterly, following the east boundary of lot 2 756 119, to the intersection at the north shore of La Pêche River (undivided territory), being the southeast corner of lot 2 756 119; thence southeasterly, crossing La Pêche River (undivided territory), to the northeast corner of lot 2 756 050; thence following the division line between the south shore of La Pêche River (undivided territory) and following the northern boundaries of
[...] lots 2 685 630, 2 685 633, 2 685 824, 3 579 542, 3 389 947 and 3 389 948, to the intersection of the southerly extension of the division line between lots 3 389 960 and 3 654 717; thence northerly crossing La Pêche River (undivided territory) to the intersection of the division line between lots 3 389 960 and 3 654 717 and the north shore of said river; thence northerly, following the division line between lots 3 654 717 and 3 389 960, a distance of 77.57 metres; thence northeasterly, following the division line between lots 3 654 717 and 3 389 960, a distance of 20.42 metres; thence northeasterly crossing lots 3 654 717 and 3 389 949, to the southwest corner of lot 3 390 091; thence easterly, following the north boundary of lot 3 389 949, to the southeast corner of lot 3 390 090; thence easterly, following the division line between lots 3 389 949 and 3 389 950, then the division line between lots 3 389 950 and 3 654 718, toward the southeast corner of lot 3 389 950; thence northerly,
[...] River (undivided territory); thence southerly, crossing La Pêche River (undivided territory), to a point located at the intersection of the south shore of said river and the division line between lots 3 391 748 and 3 364 796; thence southerly, following the division line between lots 3 391 748 and 3 654 796, to a point located at the intersection of the north boundary of lot 3 654 317 (Mill Road); thence crossing lot 3 654 317 (Mill Road), to a point located at the intersection of the south boundary of said Mill Road and the division line between lots 3 391 750 and 3 391 773; thence southerly, following the division line between lots 3 391 773 and 3 391 750, to the southwest corner of lot 3 391 750; thence westerly, following the division line between lots 3 391 773 and 3 654 775, to the north corner of lot 3 654 775, at successive distances of 45.15 metres, 214.92 metres and 27.92 metres; thence southwesterly, following the division line between lots 3 391 773 and 3 654 775, a distance

House bill C-72

42nd Parliament, 1st session
December 3, 2015 to September 11, 2019
Historical information
An Act for granting to Her Majesty certain sums of money for the federal public administration for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2018

Short title: Appropriation Act No. 5, 2017-18

Bill type
House Government Bill
Hon. Scott Brison
Current status
Royal assent received
Latest activity
Royal assent on March 29, 2018 (Senate)
Found in bill text:
[...] des Finances 1c –    Program expenditures –    The grants listed in any of the Estimates for the fiscal year –    Contributions –    Authority, as referred to in paragraph 29.‍1(2)‍(a) of the Financial Administration Act, to expend in the fiscal year — in order to offset related expenditures that it incurs in that fiscal year — revenues that it receives in that fiscal year from the provision of internal support services under section 29.‍2 of that Act –    The payment to each member of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada who is a minister without portfolio, or a minister of State who does not preside over a ministry of State, of a salary — paid annually or pro rata for any period less than a year — that does not exceed the salary paid under the Salaries Act, rounded down to the nearest hundred dollars under section 67 of the Parliament of Canada Act, to ministers of State who preside over ministries of State 3,892,641 3,892,641 DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES AND OCEANS Ministère des Pêches

House bill C-26

43rd Parliament, 2nd session
September 23, 2020 to August 15, 2021
Historical information
An Act for granting to Her Majesty certain sums of money for the federal public administration for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2021

Short title: Appropriation Act No. 6, 2020-21

Bill type
House Government Bill
Hon. Jean-Yves Duclos
Current status
Royal assent received
Latest activity
Royal assent on March 30, 2021 (Senate)
Found in bill text:
[...] Finances 1c –    Program expenditures –    The grants listed in any of the Estimates for the fiscal year –    Contributions –    Authority, as referred to in paragraph 29.‍1(2)‍(a) of the Financial Administration Act, to expend in the fiscal year — in order to offset related expenditures that it incurs in that fiscal year — revenues that it receives in that fiscal year from the provision of internal support services under section 29.‍2 of that Act –    The payment to each member of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada who is a minister without portfolio, or a minister of State who does not preside over a ministry of State, of a salary — paid annually or pro rata for any period less than a year — that does not exceed the salary paid under the Salaries Act, rounded down to the nearest hundred dollars under section 67 of the Parliament of Canada Act, to ministers of State who preside over ministries of State 12,650,000 12,650,000 DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES AND OCEANS Ministère des Pêches

House bill C-67

42nd Parliament, 1st session
December 3, 2015 to September 11, 2019
Historical information
An Act for granting to Her Majesty certain sums of money for the federal public administration for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2018

Short title: Appropriation Act No. 4, 2017-18

Bill type
House Government Bill
Hon. Scott Brison
Current status
Royal assent received
Latest activity
Royal assent on December 12, 2017 (Senate)
Found in bill text:
[...] Finances 1b –    Program expenditures –    The grants listed in any of the Estimates for the fiscal year –    Contributions –    Authority, as referred to in paragraph 29.‍1(2)‍(a) of the Financial Administration Act, to expend in the fiscal year — in order to offset related expenditures that it incurs in that fiscal year — revenues that it receives in that fiscal year from the provision of internal support services under section 29.‍2 of that Act –    The payment to each member of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada who is a minister without portfolio, or a minister of State who does not preside over a ministry of State, of a salary — paid annually or pro rata for any period less than a year — that does not exceed the salary paid under the Salaries Act, rounded down to the nearest hundred dollars under section 67 of the Parliament of Canada Act, to ministers of State who preside over ministries of State 31,952,332 31,952,332 DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES AND OCEANS Ministère des Pêches

House bill C-6

44th Parliament, 1st session
November 22, 2021 to present
An Act for granting to Her Majesty certain sums of money for the federal public administration for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2022

Short title: Appropriation Act No. 4, 2021-22

Bill type
House Government Bill
Hon. Mona Fortier
Current status
Royal assent received
Latest activity
Royal assent on December 17, 2021 (Senate)
Found in bill text:
[...] Act –    The payment to each member of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada who is a minister without portfolio, or a minister of State who does not preside over a ministry of State, of a salary — paid annually or pro rata for any period less than a year — that does not exceed the salary paid under the Salaries Act, rounded down to the nearest hundred dollars under section 67 of the Parliament of Canada Act, to ministers of State who preside over ministries of State 14,710,172 L25b –    Pursuant to subsection 8(2) of the Bretton Woods and Related Agreements Act, the amount of financial assistance provided by the Minister of Finance by way of loans to the International Development Association is not to exceed $287,710,000 in United States dollars in the fiscal year 2021–22, in addition to the amount of financial assistance that is not to be exceeded under Department of Finance Vote 5, Appropriation Act No. 1, 2021–22 1 14,710,173 DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES AND OCEANS Ministère des Pêches

House bill C-43

44th Parliament, 1st session
November 22, 2021 to present
An Act for granting to His Majesty certain sums of money for the federal public administration for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2023

Short title: Appropriation Act No. 5, 2022-23

Bill type
House Government Bill
Hon. Mona Fortier
Current status
Royal assent received
Latest activity
Royal assent on March 30, 2023 (Senate)
Found in bill text:
[...] ministries of State 50,659,854 5c –    The grants listed in any of the Estimates for the fiscal year –    Contributions 24,448,000 10c –    The writing off, as referred to in subsection 25(2) of the Financial Administration Act, of 23,142 debts due to His Majesty in right of Canada amounting to $227,472,139 related to student loans and apprentice loans made under the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act and the Apprentice Loans Act 227,472,139 302,579,993 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Ministère des Finances 15c –    Pursuant to subsection 8(2) of the Bretton Woods and Related Agreements Act, the amount of financial assistance provided by the Minister of Finance by way of grants to the World Bank’s Multi-Donor Trust Fund for Ukraine established by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International Development Association is not to exceed $115,000,000 in Canadian dollars in the fiscal year 2022–23 1 1 DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES AND OCEANS Ministère des Pêches

House bill C-2

43rd Parliament, 1st session
December 5, 2019 to August 18, 2020
Historical information
An Act for granting to Her Majesty certain sums of money for the federal public administration for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020

Short title: Appropriation Act No. 3, 2019-20

Bill type
House Government Bill
Hon. Jean-Yves Duclos
Current status
Royal assent received
Latest activity
Royal assent on December 12, 2019 (Senate)
Found in bill text:
[...] Contributions 129,345,682 175,672,930 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Ministère des Finances 1a –    Program expenditures –    Contributions –    Authority, as referred to in paragraph 29.‍1(2)‍(a) of the Financial Administration Act, to expend in the fiscal year — in order to offset related expenditures that it incurs in that fiscal year — revenues that it receives in that fiscal year from the provision of internal support services under section 29.‍2 of that Act –    The payment to each member of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada who is a minister without portfolio, or a minister of State who does not preside over a ministry of State, of a salary — paid annually or pro rata for any period less than a year — that does not exceed the salary paid under the Salaries Act, rounded down to the nearest hundred dollars under section 67 of the Parliament of Canada Act, to ministers of State who preside over ministries of State 4,444,093 4,444,093 DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES AND OCEANS Ministère des Pêches

House bill C-389

37th Parliament, 1st session
January 29, 2001 to September 16, 2002
Historical information
An Act to promote shipbuilding, 2001

Short title: Shipbuilding Act, 2001

Bill type
Private Member’s Bill
Antoine Dubé
Current status
Outside the Order of Precedence
Latest activity
Introduction and first reading on June 12, 2001 (House of Commons)
Found in bill text:
[...] ``fishing vessel'' « bateau de pêche » ``fishing vessel'' includes any ship or boat or any other description of vessel used in or equipped for (a) fishing or processing or transporting fish from fishing grounds; or (b) taking, processing or transporting marine plants.

House bill C-17

43rd Parliament, 2nd session
September 23, 2020 to August 15, 2021
Historical information
An Act for granting to Her Majesty certain sums of money for the federal public administration for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2021

Short title: Appropriation Act No. 5, 2020-21

Bill type
House Government Bill
Hon. Jean-Yves Duclos
Current status
Royal assent received
Latest activity
Royal assent on December 10, 2020 (Senate)
Found in bill text:
[...] 13,663,453 47,964,670 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Ministère des Finances 1b –    Program expenditures –    Contributions –    Authority, as referred to in paragraph 29.‍1(2)‍(a) of the Financial Administration Act, to expend in the fiscal year — in order to offset related expenditures that it incurs in that fiscal year — revenues that it receives in that fiscal year from the provision of internal support services under section 29.‍2 of that Act –    The payment to each member of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada who is a minister without portfolio, or a minister of State who does not preside over a ministry of State, of a salary — paid annually or pro rata for any period less than a year — that does not exceed the salary paid under the Salaries Act, rounded down to the nearest hundred dollars under section 67 of the Parliament of Canada Act, to ministers of State who preside over ministries of State 3,285,675,953 3,285,675,953 DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES AND OCEANS Ministère des Pêches

House bill C-54

42nd Parliament, 1st session
December 3, 2015 to September 11, 2019
Historical information
An Act for granting to Her Majesty certain sums of money for the federal public administration for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2018

Short title: Appropriation Act No. 3, 2017-18

Bill type
House Government Bill
Hon. Scott Brison
Current status
Royal assent received
Latest activity
Royal assent on June 22, 2017 (Senate)
Found in bill text:
[...] services under section 29.‍2 of that Act; (e) any amount charged to a Crown corporation under paragraph 14(b) of the Government Employees Compensation Act in relation to the litigation costs for subrogated claims for Crown corporations; and (f) the portion of the Government Employees Compensation Act departmental or agency subrogated claim settlements related to litigation costs –    The payment to each member of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada who is a minister without portfolio, or a minister of State who does not preside over a ministry of State, of a salary — paid annually or pro rata for any period less than a year — that does not exceed the salary paid under the Salaries Act, as adjusted under section 67 of the Parliament of Canada Act, to ministers of State who preside over ministries of State 4,197,739 5a –    The grants listed in any of the Estimates for the fiscal year –    Contributions 580,429,054 584,626,793 DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES AND OCEANS Ministère des Pêches

House bill C-90

42nd Parliament, 1st session
December 3, 2015 to September 11, 2019
Historical information
An Act for granting to Her Majesty certain sums of money for the federal public administration for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2019

Short title: Appropriation Act No. 3, 2018-19

Bill type
House Government Bill
Hon. Scott Brison
Current status
Royal assent received
Latest activity
Royal assent on December 13, 2018 (Senate)
Found in bill text:
[...] expenditures that it incurs in that fiscal year — revenues that it receives in that fiscal year from the provision of internal support services under section 29.‍2 of that Act –    The payment to each member of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada who is a minister without portfolio, or a minister of State who does not preside over a ministry of State, of a salary — paid annually or pro rata for any period less than a year — that does not exceed the salary paid under the Salaries Act, rounded down to the nearest hundred dollars under section 67 of the Parliament of Canada Act, to ministers of State who preside over ministries of State 3,146,796 10a –    Pursuant to subsection 14(1) of the Canadian Securities Regulation Regime Transition Office Act, the aggregate amount of direct payments that the Minister of Finance may make to the Canadian Securities Regulation Regime Transition Office is not to exceed $107,500,000 1 3,146,797 DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES AND OCEANS Ministère des Pêches

House bill C-49

35th Parliament, 2nd session
February 27, 1996 to April 27, 1997
Historical information
An Act to authorize remedial and disciplinary measures in relation to members of certain administrative tribunals, to reorganize and dissolve certain federal agencies and to make consequential amendments to other Acts
Bill type
House Government Bill
Current status
At second reading in the House of Commons
Found in bill text:
[...] Schedule II to the Financial Administration Act is amended by striking out the following: Fisheries Prices Support Board Office des prix des produits de la pêche R.S., c.
[...] Schedule III to the Municipal Grants Act is amended by striking out the following: Fisheries Prices Support Board Office des prix des produits de la pêche R.S., c.
[...] The schedule to the Privacy Act is amended by striking out the following under the heading ``Other Government Institutions'': Fisheries Prices Support Board Office des prix des produits de la pêche R.S., c.
[...] Part I of Schedule I to the Public Service Staff Relations Act is amended by striking out the following: Fisheries Prices Support Board Office des prix des produits de la pêche R.S., c.
[...] Part I of Schedule I to the Public Service Superannuation Act is amended by striking out the following: Fisheries Prices Support Board Office des prix des produits de la pêche Repeal Repeal of R.S., c.
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