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The parliamentary delegation of the Canadian Branch of the Assemblée parlementaire de la Francophonie (APF), led by Joël Godin, Member of Parliament, participated in the meeting of the Working Group on Reforming the APF Constitution that took place in Paris, France, on 3 and 4 November 2022.
Mr. Godin was accompanied by Julie Pelletier, Administrative Secretary of the Canadian Branch.
Parliamentarians from eight APF branches participated in this meeting, and the four APF regions—Africa, the Americas, Asia–Pacific and Europe—were represented.
Joël Godin participated in the proceedings of the Working Group on Reforming the APF Constitution. Chaired by Senator Christophe-André Frassa (France), Chair of the APF Political Committee, this group is mandated to review the workings, structure and democratic oversight mechanisms of the APF, and to examine its financial and budgetary rules. Formed almost three years ago, the Working Group falls under the APF Political Committee and was established following the 45th Annual Session of the APF in Abidjan from 6 to 9 July 2019. This was the Working Group’s second face-to-face meeting, the first being in Quebec City, Canada, on 12 and 13 May 2022.
The goals of the first day were to finalize the revision of the Constitution and to begin studying the financial regulations by going through the amendments submitted by the parliamentarians prior to the meeting. The participants were then given a tour of the Palais du Luxembourg, the home of the French Senate, by Senator Frassa.
On the second day, the parliamentarians began studying the rules of procedure and the amendments submitted. The afternoon was spent discussing the steps involved in reviewing the proposed new version of the democratic oversight mechanisms. Joël Godin praised the work accomplished so far and suggested that the Working Group hear from experts to allow for a more informed discussion. By the end of the day, it was agreed to present the work done on the Constitution at the winter APF Bureau meeting taking place from 30 to 31 January 2023 in French Polynesia. It was also agreed to meet again in Paris in April 2023 to consider the amended versions of the financial regulations and rules of procedure and begin review of the democratic oversight mechanisms.
At the day’s conclusion, Mr. Godin, as Chair of the APF Committee on Parliamentary Affairs, delivered an address at an official ceremony honouring the 100th anniversary of the birth and 10th anniversary of the death of Norodom Sihanouk. Mr. Godin mentioned that the Cambodian king, who was a francophone and francophile, played an important role in the dissemination of language and culture across land, sea, linguistic and political borders. He stressed that by celebrating him, the APF was at the same time honouring the Cambodian Branch and the living, united and diverse Francophonie. During this event hosted by TV5 Monde journalist Isabelle Malivoir, guests also heard speeches from His Excellency Sophann Ket, Cambodian Ambassador to France; Cambodian senator Chea Chet; author and former French deputy Jean-Marie Combacérès; and linguist and Khmer expert Olivier de Bernon.
At the invitation of Ariane Mignolet, Quebec National Assembly Ethics Commissioner and President of the Réseau francophone d’éthique et de déontologie parlementaires (RFEDP), Joël Godin, Chair of the APF Parliamentary Affairs Committee, also attended the RFEDP AGM in Paris on 7 November 2022.
Mr. Godin spoke at the event. He outlined the APF’s various commitments on ethics and professional conduct in parliaments.
In particular, he cited the APF resolution, proposed by the Parliamentary Affairs Committee and adopted in 2018, concerning ethics and professional conduct in the parliaments of French-speaking countries, as well as various RFEDP and APF initiatives such as:
- regular hearings of RFEDP officials by APF bodies;
- the participation of RFEDP ethics experts in certain APF cooperation seminars (for the parliaments of Rwanda and Albania in the last two years); and
- the ratification of the RFEDP–APF partnership agreement during the APF Plenary Assembly in Kigali, Rwanda, on 9 July 2022.
Mr. Godin concluded by encouraging the RFEDP’s development and by mentioning that the APF will soon add ethics and professional conduct provisions in its own Constitution to be overseen by the Parliamentary Affairs Committee.
This was the first in person participation of an APF official at an RFEDP AGM.
Respectfully submitted,
Francis Drouin, M.P.
President, Assemblée parlementaire de la Francophonie
Chair, Canadian Branch of the Assemblée parlementaire de
la Francophonie
On behalf of
Joël Godin, M.P.
Member of the Canadian Branch of the
Assemblée parlementaire de la Francophonie