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Core provisions to be included in the Act
The following list of provisions for inclusion in the Act is intended to be indicative and non- exhaustive, as a starting point for discussion.
The Act would:
1. Confer on the CPA the legal capacities of a body corporate.
2. Provide that the CPA as an organisation shall have the following privileges and immunities:
a) exemption or relief from taxes at least equivalent to those enjoyed by the CPA as a charity;
b) inviolability of official archives, premises and communications; and
c) [immunity from prosecution and legal process, except in relation to certain civil matters].
3. Confer on the Secretary General of the CPA the following privileges and immunities, (if the Secretary General is not a UK citizen):
a) privileges and immunities similar to those afforded to diplomats;
b) exemption or relief from taxes and rates;
c) exemption and privileges in respect of official papers and documents equivalent to protections afforded to diplomats; and
d) [immunity from prosecution and legal process in respect of acts or omissions in the course of the performance of official duties, except in relation to certain civil matters].