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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE | November 14, 2024 |
NATO Parliamentary Assembly publishes 70th Annual Session press programme, confirms participation of ministers and high-level parliamentary, military, and NATO representatives in Montréal
OTTAWA, 14 November 2024 – A press programme for the 70th Annual Session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (NATO PA), hosted in Montreal, Quebec, from November 22-25, 2024, has been published to the NATO PA website. The programme – which is subject to change – details the participation of ministers, high-level parliamentary and military representatives, NATO officials, as well as legislators and leading defence and security experts.
The hosts of the Session, the Honourable Raymonde Gagné, C.M., O.M., Speaker of the Senate, and the Honourable Greg Fergus, P.C., M.P., Speaker of the House of Commons, will be in attendance. Julie Dzerowicz, M.P. and Chair of the Canadian NATO Parliamentary Association, will lead a delegation of Senators and Members of Parliament to represent Canada at the Session.
In total, more than 270 legislators from 57 NATO PA Member, Associate, Regional Partner, and Observer delegations will attend the Annual Session’s committee meetings, six thematic discussions and plenary sitting. More information on the Session, the NATO PA, and Canada’s role in the Assembly is available here.
Notes for Media
Accredited members of the media are invited to attend the Session, including the proceedings of the five committees, the six thematic discussions, and the plenary sitting.
A media accreditation form is available on the Session’s Press & Media page. Questions about the accreditation process may be directed to Philippe Perrier, Manager, Operational Services and Media Activities, at 613 992 6517 or by e-mail at philippe.perrier@parl.gc.ca.
The Parliamentary Press Gallery will review applications and notify applicants of its decision. Accredited journalists will receive further information and instructions for gaining access to the event site.
Incoming delegations, the NATO PA, and the host Canadian delegation will provide real-time news, reports, perspectives, and commentary under the hashtag #NATOPAMontreal.
More resources can be found in the Multimedia Hub.
For more information, please contact:
Josée Thérien
Association Secretary
Canadian NATO Parliamentary Association