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We, the Parliamentary Members of Canada (Canada-Japan Inter-Parliamentary Group) and the Diet Members of Japan (Japan-Canada Diet Friendship League) held a joint meeting in Ottawa, Canada, on 28 August, 2023, to exchange our views on various current issues relevant to our countries. Based on our discussions we issue the following joint statement.
We recognize and confirm that Canada and Japan are like-minded nations sharing values such as freedom, democracy, human rights and adherence to the rule of law, with common interests in the Indo-Pacific region and a commitment to grow and enhance our bilateral relationship. We are particularly seized with the opportunity to achieve our shared vision for a free and open Indo-Pacific by exploring diverse avenues for bilateral collaboration. These areas include strategic and energy security, the environment and climate change, scientific and technological development, and cultural acknowledgements. We hope that this year, which marks the 95th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and Canada, will be an important touchpoint for continued active discussions on how we can further strengthen the bonds between our countries.
We strongly oppose any attempts to unilaterally change the international status quo by illegal use or threat of force, as is currently taking place in Ukraine and in the Indo-Pacific region. We welcome the strong message that the leaders of countries, including Japan and Canada, delivered to the world at the recent Hiroshima Summit to uphold and strengthen a free and open international order based on the rule of law. We share the sense of urgency that today’s Ukraine may become tomorrow’s Indo-Pacific region and urge Japan and Canada to further strengthen bilateral cooperation in the areas of security and other collaborative efforts to reinforce the rule of international law in the region.
In our deliberations we have agreed on the following:
1(a) We recognize the importance of strengthening the ongoing Canada/Japan collaboration to help ensure the peace and security of the Indo-Pacific region and welcome further discussions as to how this may be better achieved.
1(b) We support measures that will enhance free trade between Japan/Canada and call on our parliamentary colleagues to address barriers that may currently exist and to promote the development of new opportunities in both countries for improvements in market access, innovative trade collaborations and ensure the smooth supply of energy and minerals.
1(c) We emphasize the importance of maintaining an economic environment free from coercion and unfair trade practices and commit to ensuring these standards are rigorously upheld.
2(a) Given the wealth of outstanding students, researchers, and advanced technologies in both Japan and Canada, enhancing scientific and research cooperation between our countries is a valuable investment for our collective future. We welcome the Japan-Mobility and Internationalization: Re-engaging and Accelerating Initiative (J-MIRAI) and request that more opportunities be provided for Canadian students and researchers to visit and study in Japan, such as through the Japanese Government Scholarship Program. We acknowledge the importance of long term research grants and request that Canada establish new postsecondary graduate scholarships to support students and researchers studying in Japan and other Asian countries. Finally, we recommend that Canada’s next International Education Strategy explicitly prioritize enhancing educational partnerships with Japan, including the establishment of scholarships to support Japanese Ph.D. scholars to conduct research and study in Canada.
2(b) Science, technology, and innovation are increasingly central to diplomatic efforts, particularly in the realms of economic and social diplomacy, and are key to shaping the future economic relationship between Japan and Canada. We welcome continued discussions and the advancement of collaborative projects through the Canada-Japan Joint Committee on Science and Technology, established under the Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of Japan on Cooperation in Science and Technology. We look forward to new initiatives from both our countries to promote concrete cooperation in advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), semi-conductor research and develeopment, and quantum computing. We also welcome the Five-Year Startup Plan launched by the Japanese government, and encourage stronger collaboration among industry, academia, and government from both countries to drive future innovations.
2(c) We welcome any and all measures that will enhance collaboration between leading Canadian research organizations (the National Research Council and the Tri-Councils) and their Japanese counterparts (Japanese National Research and Development Agencies) as well as improving collaborations between post-secondary academic institutions in Japan and Canada.
3(a) While the societies of Japan and Canada are facing aging populations, it is useful for us to compare what kind of measures both countries are taking to improve social and health outcomes of all ages. This includes financial measures to help families with infants or small children, which should be viewed as long-term investments in societal well-being. We welcome the creation of the Children and Families Agency in Japan, and seek to learn more about Canada’s $10 per day childcare agreements between the Federal Government and all of the provinces and territories in Canada.
3(b) We welcome further collaboration in the areas of improving care and life circumstances of elders and improving health and health care for our aging populations.
4. We confirm that our next joint meeting should be held in Japan at an appropriate time in 2024.
Diet Members of Japan (Japan-Canada Diet Friendship League)
ETO Seishiro, Member of the House of Representatives, President of the League
TSUCHIYA Shinako, Member of the House of Representatives Vice-Chair and Secretary General of the League
GOTO Yuichi, Member of the House of Representatives, Permanent Secretary of the League
KOMURA Masahiro, Member of the House of Representatives Member of the League
HAMADA Satoshi, Member of the House of Councilors Member of the League
Parliamentary Members of Canada (Canada-Japan Inter-Parliamentary Group)
The Honourable Stanley Kutcher MD, Senator Co-Chair of the Group
Terry Sheehan, Member of Parliament Co-Chair of the Group
Angelo Iacono, Member of Parliament Vice-Chair of the Group
The Honourable Pierrette Ringuette, Senator
Marie-France Lalonde, Member of Parliament
Shelby Kramp-Neuman, Member of Parliament
Julie Vignola, Member of Parliament