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Canadian Section of ParlAmericas



Thursday, September 6, 2018

Canada to host parliamentarians from the Americas and the Caribbean in Victoria, B.C.

“It is only through promoting inclusive societies that we can hope to achieve sustainable development.”

September 6, 2018, Ottawa – Canada will host the 15th ParlAmericas Plenary Assembly in Victoria, B.C. from September 10–12, 2018.

The primary focus of this year’s Plenary Assembly will be discussions aimed at promoting inclusive societies for sustainable development. Representatives of national legislatures from throughout the Americas and the Caribbean will be attending the assembly, which will also be attended by the Speakers of Canada’s Senate and House of Commons.

The Canadian delegation will be led by the Hon. Bob Nault, M.P., P.C., Chair of the Canadian Section of ParlAmericas. He will be accompanied by senators and members of the House of Commons representing all recognized federal parties.

“Now, more so than at any other time, we are aware that the strength of our communities is a result of their diversity,” said Mr. Nault. “It is only through promoting inclusive societies that we can hope to achieve sustainable development.”

The Plenary Assembly will include sessions focused on economic inclusion through accessible and equitable labour markets, political inclusion through advancing Indigenous women’s leadership, and social inclusion through focusing on migration and integration.

At this year’s Plenary Assembly, Ms. Tarcila Rivera Zea, Vice-Chair at the Centre for Indigenous Cultures in Peru, will deliver a keynote address. Ms. Eva Clayton, President of the Nisga’a Nation, will also speak at the assembly.

“I’m very pleased and proud that so many parliamentarians from throughout the Americas and the Caribbean will be attending the Plenary Assembly in beautiful Victoria, B.C.” said Mr. Nault. “I look forward to discussions with my ParlAmericas colleagues as we focus on a range of issues that are very important to societies in our countries.”

The Plenary Assembly is ParlAmericas’ highest decision-making body and represents the annual general meeting of its members. It convenes to discuss hemispheric issues and, through elections, to fill vacancies on ParlAmericas 22-member International Board of Directors.

Founded 17 years ago in Ottawa, ParlAmericas is the only inter-parliamentary institution with its International Secretariat headquartered in Canada.

Since the beginning, the Canadian Section of ParlAmericas has worked closely with ParlAmericas International to further parliamentary diplomacy and political dialogue across the hemisphere.

Watch the live stream of the Plenary Assembly on YouTube.

To learn more, follow us on our Twitter account:

Twitter: @ParlDiplomacy

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To arrange an interview with the Hon. Bob Nault, please contact:

Julian Morelli
(613) 222-6123

Melissa Dawe
(613) 996-1161