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Joint Interparliamentary Council (JIC)

Conseil interparlementaire mixte (CIM)


Meeting No. 156

December 7, 2016

The Joint Interparliamentary Council met this day at 3:32 p.m., in room 356-S of the Centre Block, Mr. Bruce Stanton, M.P., presiding.

Representing the Senate: Hon. Percy E. Downe, Hon. Fabian Manning and Hon. Scott Tannas for the Hon. Donald Plett, Senators.

Representing the House of Commons: Hon. Wayne Easter, Dave Mackenzie, Irene Mathyssen, Ginette Petitpas Taylor, Scott Simms and Bruce Stanton, MPs.

Others present:

Executive Members of Parliamentary Associations: The Hon. Hedy Fry, M.P., Director of the Canadian Delegation to the OSCE PA; Mr. Nathaniel Erskine-Smith, M.P., President, Canadian Group of the Inter-Parliamentary Union.

In attendance:

From the International and Interparliamentary Affairs Directorate: Danielle Labonté, Deputy Principal Clerk, Parliamentary Associations; Gérald Lafrenière, Principal Clerk, Parliamentary Exchanges and Protocol; and Gilles Larocque, Manager, Resource Planning and Administration.

From the House of Commons: Stefany Rockburn, Senior Financial Advisor, Policy and Financial Planning; and Kim Monaghan, Financial Advisor, Policy and Financial Planning.

From the Library of Parliament: Marcus Pistor, Senior Director, Economics, Resources and International Affairs Division.

1. Approval of Minutes

On motion of Mr. Easter, M.P., the minutes of the meeting of October 5, 2016 were adopted.

2. Requests for Additional Funding

Mr. Scott Simms, M.P., Chair of the Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association made a presentation and answered questions in relation to a request for an additional amount of $50,000 to allow the Association to take part in various activities outlined in its budget for the present fiscal year.

The Hon. Hedy Fry, M.P., Director of the Canadian Delegation to the OSCE PA made a presentation and answered questions in relation to a request for an additional amount of $70,000 to allow the Canadian Delegation to take part in the OSCE PA Winter Meeting in Vienna in February 2017.

Mr. Nathaniel Erskine-Smith, M.P., President of the Canadian Group of the Inter-Parliamentary Union made a presentation and answered questions in relation to a request for an additional amount of $37,402 to allow the Association to take part in various activities outlined in its budget for the present fiscal year.

At 3:50 p.m., the meeting was suspended.

At 3:52 p.m., the meeting resumed in camera.

3. Financial Status and Forecast 2016-2017

After debate, on unanimous consent, it was agreed that, no additional funds can be authorized. As such, the three requests were denied.

The Co-Chair informed the Council that, pursuant to Section 2.2 of the Financial Management and Policy Guide for Parliamentary Associations, the Co-Chairs authorized a request for additional funds from the Canadian Delegation to the OSCE PA, in the amount of $6,500, to allow a delegation to take part in an activity outlined in its budget that was held in November. On unanimous consent, it was agreed that the Canadian Delegation to the OSCE PA be allotted an additional $18,000, which includes the $6,500 which was already authorized, to compensate for the additional costs incurred due to necessary last minute changes to flights en route to Tbilisi, Georgia in July 2016.

At 4:30 p.m., the meeting was suspended.

At 4:32 p.m., the meeting resumed in public.

4. Letter from the Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) Seeking Advice on the Participation of Independent Senators

After debate, it was agreed that, given the complexities of this matter, the Council ask the Subcommittee on the Review of Parliament’s involvement with Associations and recognized Interparliamentary Groups, currently conducting a review of the structure, governance and financial administration of Parliamentary Associations, to include this matter as part of its study and to report to the Council, as per its initial mandate, no later than March 1, 2017.

At 4:43 p.m., the Council adjourned to the call of the Co-Chairs.

Colette Labrecque-Riel
