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LANG Committee Report

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Tuesday, June 13, 2000

(Meeting No. 15)

The Standing Joint Committee on Official Languages met at 3:40 p.m. this day, in Room 308, West Block, the Joint Chair, Raymonde Folco (House of Commons), presiding.

Members of the Committee present: From the Senate: The Hon. Gérald A. Beaudoin, The Hon. Joan Fraser, The Hon. Louis J. Robichaud. From the House of Commons: Mauril Bélanger, Raymonde Folco, Yvon Godin, Grant Hill, Raymond Lavigne, Louis Plamondon.

Acting Members present: From the House of Commons: Fred Mifflin for Bob Kilger.

In attendance: From the Senate: Luc Bégin, Joint Clerk of the Committee. From the Library of Parliament: Françoise Coulombe, Researcher.

Appearing: From the House of Commons: The Honourable Gilbert Parent, Speaker of the House of Commons.

Witness: From the House of Commons: Robert Marleau, Clerk of the House of Commons.

Pursuant to Standing Order 108(4)(b), the Committee resumed consideration of official language policies and programs.

The witnesses answered questions.

In accordance with its mandate under Standing Order 108(4)(b), the Committee resumed its study on the application of Part VII of the Official Languages Act.

At 4:35 p.m., the Committee proceeded to consideration of its draft interim report, in camera.

On motion of Grant Hill, it was agreed, — That the draft report be adopted as the Third Report of the Committee.

On motion of Raymond Lavigne, it was agreed, — That the title of the Report be "Implementation of Part VII of the Official Languages Act, Interim Report"

On motion of Senator Louis J. Robichaud, it was agreed, — That the Joint Chairs, Researcher and Joint Clerks be authorized to make such typographical and editorial changes as may be necessary without changing the substance of the report.

On motion of Senator Gérald A. Beaudoin, it was agreed, — That the Joint Chairs be instructed to present the Third Report of the Committee to the Senate and the House of Commons.

On motion of Mauril Bélanger, it was agreed, — That the Committee print 550 copies of the report in English and French.

At 5:00 p.m., the Committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.

Miriam Burke
Joint Clerk of the Committee