Activities Calendar
SundaySun | MondayMon | TuesdayTue | WednesdayWed | ThursdayThu | FridayFri | SaturdaySat |
June 28, 2021
Bilateral Meeting with UK Parliamentarians
By videoconference
Canada-United Kingdom Inter-Parliamentary Association (RUUK)
June 28 - July 6, 2021
2021 Remote Session
By videoconference
Canadian Delegation to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Parliamentary Assembly (SECO)
June 28, 2021
Webinar: Rose-Roth Seminar on South Caucasus
By videoconference
Canadian NATO Parliamentary Association (CANA)
June 28, 2021
CPA-UK Branch Workshop: CPTPP and Agriculture and CPTPP and Creative Industries
By videoconference
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
June 27 - 28, 2021
Meeting of the APF Education, Communication and Cultural Affairs Committee
By videoconference
Canadian Branch of the "Assemblée parlementaire de la Francophonie" (CAPF)
Visits and Events
Parliamentary Associations
Associations promote the country’s interests abroad on a continuing basis and are composed of both members of the Senate and of the House of Commons.
There are 8 Multilateral Associations and 5 Bilateral Associations.
Learn More