Activities Calendar
SundaySun | MondayMon | TuesdayTue | WednesdayWed | ThursdayThu | FridayFri | SaturdaySat |
June 15, 2021
5th Gathering of ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network on Climate Change (Dialogue with Civil Society and Youth Representatives)
By videoconference
Canadian Section of ParlAmericas (CPAM)
June 12 - 17, 2021
Summit on the rapprochement of Canadian Francophonies
By videoconference
Canadian Branch of the "Assemblée parlementaire de la Francophonie" (CAPF) on Fanslab platform
Visits and Events
There are no activities in the calendar on this day.
Parliamentary Associations
Associations promote the country’s interests abroad on a continuing basis and are composed of both members of the Senate and of the House of Commons.
There are 8 Multilateral Associations and 5 Bilateral Associations.
Learn More