Activities Calendar
SundaySun | MondayMon | TuesdayTue | WednesdayWed | ThursdayThu | FridayFri | SaturdaySat |
October 22 - 26, 2018
Co-Chairs' Annual Visit to China
Beijing, China
Canada-China Legislative Association (CACN)
October 22 - 24, 2018
31st Regional Assembly Europe of the "Assemblée parlementaire de la Francophonie"
Andorra la Vella, Principality of Andorra
Canadian Branch of the "Assemblée parlementaire de la Francophonie" (CAPF)
October 22 - 25, 2018
Visit to Paris of the Executive
Paris, France
Canada-France Interparliamentary Assocation (CAFR)
Visits and Events
October 22 - 26, 2018
Parliamentary Officers’ Study Program (POSP) - French Program
Parliamentary Associations
Associations promote the country’s interests abroad on a continuing basis and are composed of both members of the Senate and of the House of Commons.
There are 8 Multilateral Associations and 5 Bilateral Associations.
Learn More