Activities Calendar

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


May 17 - 21, 2006

Joint Visit to Afghanistan of the Political Committee and the Defence and Security Committee

Kabul, Afghanistan

Canadian NATO Parliamentary Association (NATO PA)

May 15 - 19, 2006

Co-Chairs' Annual Visit to Japan

Canada-Japan Inter-Parliamentary Group

May 7 - 19, 2006

United Kingdom Seminar

United Kingdom and Belgium

Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)

Upcoming Activities

Visits and Events

May 18, 2006

Visit to Canada of the Honourable John Howard, Prime Minister of Australia

Parliamentary Associations

Associations promote the country’s interests abroad on a continuing basis and are composed of both members of the Senate and of the House of Commons.

There are 8 Multilateral Associations and 5 Bilateral Associations.

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Our Speakers

Canada’s parliamentary diplomacy is led by two Speakers.

Raymonde Gagné, The Honourable Raymonde Gagné, Speaker of the Senate
Greg Fergus The Honourable Greg Fergus, Speaker of the House of Commons

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An opportunity for senior parliamentary staff from foreign legislatures and Canadian jurisdictions to learn about the functioning of the Parliament of Canada.

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Interparliamentary Groups


There are 4 Interparliamentary Groups recognized by the Parliament of Canada.

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Friendship Groups

These groups also take part in interparliamentary activities.

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Photo Gallery