Activities and Reports
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July 12, 2023
Meeting of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly "Call for Action - Helsinki +50": update on the situation in Ukraine
By videoconference
Canadian Delegation to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Parliamentary Assembly (SECO)
Three panelists delivered presentations. Ms. Yevheniia Kravchuk, Alternate Member of the Ukrainian delegation to the OSCE PA, provided an overview of the humanitarian situation in Ukraine and emphasized the need to provide assistance to civilians affected by the destruction of the Kakhovka Dam. Mr. Jacek Bylica, Chief of Cabinet in the Director General’s Office at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), presented the IAEA’s activities in Ukraine, including relating to its nuclear safety and security assessments of the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant. Mr. Michael J Fazekas, Executive Coordinator of the Southeast European Cooperative Initiative (SECI), described the SECI’s activities in Ukraine, including its work to support the provision of medical supplies and water filtration systems to civilians.
Several OSCE PA members took the floor during an open debate. Discussions focused on the support organizations like the IAEA and the SECI require to undertake their activities in Ukraine and the pressing need to provide humanitarian aid to civilians. The Canadian parliamentarians who participated in the meeting were Senators Gwen Boniface, Donna Dasko, Kim Pate and Rebecca Patterson, and the Honourable Dr. Hedy Fry, P.C., M.P.
June 15, 2023
OSCE PA Webinar entitled "Implementation of the UN Security Council Resolution 2250 and Youth, Peace and Security Agenda: Role of Parliamentarians"
By videoconference
Canadian Delegation to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Parliamentary Assembly (SECO)
Discussions focused on best practices related to the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 2250, with particular emphasis on the adoption of National Action Plans on Youth, Peace and Security. Following the presentations, several OSCE PA members took the floor during the open debate. Participants spoke about youth engagement in the context of current and emerging global and regional challenges, including the impact of armed conflicts on young people in the OSCE region. The Canadian parliamentarians who participated in the meeting were Senator Rebecca Patterson and Senator Marilou McPhedran.
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