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Interparliamentary Activities and Reports

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CANA Canadian NATO Parliamentary Association

The Honourable Vernon White, Senator, attended the Ukraine-NATO Interparliamentary Council (UNIC) meeting that took place in Brussels, Belgium, on January 24, 2022, via videoconference. During the meeting, Mr. Michal Szczerba from Poland was elected Co-Chair of the Council. Participants were briefed on Ukraine’s political situation and on recent developments in the region and discussed next steps in the political relationship between Ukraine and NATO. The NATO PA members reiterated their commitment to support Ukraine on its path of reform and their firm support for Ukraine’s independence and territorial integrity. Members were also briefed on the progress being made regarding the development of the new NATO Strategic Concept and were invited to share their views on what should be included.

CCOM Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association

To mark the International Day of Education, on January 24, 2022, the International Parliamentary Network for Education organized a parliamentary exchange to raise awareness of the global learning crisis which has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Members of the Canadian Branch attended this event: the Honourable Amina Gerba, Senator; Dr. Robert Kitchen, Member of Parliament (M.P.); and the Honourable Mike Lake, M.P. Additionally, Anita Vandenbeld, M.P. chaired the event with Joseph Nhan-O’Reilly, co-founder and executive director of the International Parliamentary Network for Education. Ms. Vandenbeld’s opening remarks noted that Parliamentarians play a vital role in effectively addressing the global learning crisis.

Guest speaker Dr. Oby Ezekwesili, founder and president of Human Capital Africa, discussed the link between the economy and education. Ms. Ezekwesili noted that research has identified ways to address education challenges which include prioritizing foundational learning in areas such as literacy and taking an evidence-based approach to investments and policy decisions.

Parliamentarians also had the opportunity to participate in discussions in breakout rooms. The first breakout room focussed on improving learning outcomes and began with remarks from Robert Jenkins, Global Director of Education for UNICEF. The theme of the second breakout room was “data and evidence for the learning crisis”; Dr. Rukmini Banerji, CEO of the Partham Education Foundation in India provided a brief introduction to the facilitated discussion.