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Interparliamentary Activities and Reports

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CAPF Canadian Branch of the Assemblée parlementaire de la Francophonie

Bureau Meeting – July 6 The Bureau is delegated the authority to oversee the implementation of Plenary Assembly decisions. It ensures the implementation of the motions adopted, the resolutions made, and the advice and recommendations issued by the Plenary Assembly, and it can make any decisions it deems useful for that purpose. It considers, on the basis of a report from the General Secretariat, issues involving branch membership and changes to their status, and it adopts the APF’s budget. Francis Drouin, MP, Chair of the Canadian Branch and First Vice-Chair of the APF; Chris d’Entremont, Vice-Chair of the Canadian Branch; and Joël Godin, MP and Chair of the APF’s Parliamentary Affairs Committee, each participated in this meeting by videoconference. Parliamentarians in attendance discussed new requests for APF membership. Branches represented at the meeting gave status updates on the pandemic situation in their nations, with Mr. Drouin giving the update on the situation in Canada, and they also discussed the effects of the pandemic on the general operation of the APF’s International Secretariat. Several reports on activities were presented, and the report on activities for the Parliamentary Secretary General and the cooperation programs were considered. The Treasurer’s report on the 2019 accounts was also discussed. Lastly, the chairs of the committees and networks shared the results of their proceedings: Mr. Godin, the Chair of the Parliamentary Affairs Committee, gave an update on the work of his committee, including a Canadian initiative under the leadership of Mr. d’Entremont on how parliaments are operating during the pandemic. Lastly, an update was given on the status of the APF’s statute review and the APF’s regional activities.

SECO Canadian Delegation to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Parliamentary Assembly

The AdHoc Committee on Migration held a second meeting as a series in a regular discussion with the European Commission on key issues related to migration and asylum policy. Ms. Paraskevi Michou, Director-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations discussed the current state of affairs followed by a question and answer period with members of the committee. Dr. Hedy Fry, P.C., M.P., participated in the meeting.

CANA Canadian NATO Parliamentary Association

At this meeting, MP Cheryl Gallant joined other members of the Committee in attendance to consider two draft reports. The first was a special report entitled “COVID-19, International Security, and the Importance of NATO’s Science and Technology Network,” and the second was a report of the Sub-Committee on Technology Trends and Security entitled “Urban Warfare.”