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Interparliamentary Activities and Reports

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SECO Canadian Delegation to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Parliamentary Assembly

The expanded Bureau of the OSCE PA met on this day to conduct business. Dr. Hedy Fry, the Director of the Canadian delegation to the OSCE PA attended the meeting in her capacity as the Special Representative on Gender Issues. The group received various reports and discussed the findings contained therein. The group also planned for upcoming meetings of the OSCE PA. A final determination of whether the upcoming Annual Session in July of 2021 will be an entirely virtual affair or whether it will be a hybrid meeting with some participants meeting in person in Vienna will be made at the next meeting of the Bureau. During the meeting, Dr. Fry spoke in support of the Call for Action initiative. She noted that the OSCE PA has a contribution to make regarding the revitalization of the OSCE and called for the discussion to continue. She also expressed concern regarding the deteriorating security situation in the OSCE region. She fears that repressive policies that discriminate against women, LGBTQ persons and persons who belong to minority groups and that limit the ability of migrants to relocate may lead to conflict and violence. She urged the OSCE PA to formulate an action plan to foster accountability. Finally, she spoke of how the Covid-19 pandemic has accentuated the issues facing women and minority groups, like the LGBTQ community.

UIPU Canadian Group of the Inter-Parliamentary Union

On 14 April 2021, the Hon. Salma Ataullahjan, Senator, the Hon. Kim Pate, Senator, Ms. Iqra Khalid, MP, and Ms. Yasmin Ratansi, MP, attended a meeting of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) on violence against women and girls. The session was moderated by former Canadian MP, Ms. Paddy Torsney, P.C., Permanent Observer of the IPU to the United Nations (UN). Participants described violence against women and girls as a shadow pandemic which has been intensified by the current global health crisis, in part due to the reduction in services and supports available to women. It was noted that the COVID-19 pandemic is threatening the progress made towards gender equality and that violence against women and girls is itself rooted in gender inequality

During the meeting, Canadian delegates were able to hear from parliamentarians from Bangladesh, Bahrain, the Philippines, Syria, Tanzania, Turkey, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Azerbaijan, Fiji, Nicaragua, Benin, Madagascar and Ecuador, and from the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean. The UN Under-Secretary-General, Ms. Pramila Patten, addressed participants through a pre-recorded video. Dr. Dubravka Šimonovic (UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women), Dr. Giovanna Lauro (vice president of Programs and Research at Promundo) and Mr. Khamsavath Chanthavysouk (policy specialist at UN Women) also made presentations.

This meeting was the second of a series entitled “Inter-Parliamentary Dialogue on Gender-Responsive Recovery Post COVID-19.”

UIPU Canadian Group of the Inter-Parliamentary Union

In her capacity as President of the Committee on Middle East Questions of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), the Honourable Senator Salma Ataullahjan chaired a virtual meeting of the committee on April 14, 2021. The session offered members a timely opportunity to discuss the many developments that have taken place in the region since the committee last met in July 2020. As per its mandate, the committee focuses on tracking and supporting the peace process between Israel and Palestine, as well as peace, security and dialogue through the region. It will report on its activities at the next meeting of the Governing Council taking place virtually at the end of May 2021 as part of the IPU’s 142nd Assembly.

UIPU Canadian Group of the Inter-Parliamentary Union

The 142nd Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) took place for the first time in virtual format. Over 750 parliamentarians from over 130 member parliaments debated the overall theme, “Overcoming the pandemic today and building a better tomorrow: the role of parliaments.” They also adopted two resolutions proposed by the Standing Committee on Peace and International Security as well as the Standing Committee on Sustainable Development, elected new officers to various positions and participated in meetings of different subsidiary bodies among other agenda items.

CANA Canadian NATO Parliamentary Association

Cheryl Gallant MP, the Vice-Chair of the Canadian NATO-PA, participated in this event which was held over the course of two half-days, and entitled: “Russian Military Build-up and Crisis in Belarus at the Center of Polish Strategic Concerns”.

UIPU Canadian Group of the Inter-Parliamentary Union

The Honourable David McGuinty, P.C., M.P., President of the Canadian Group of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (UIPU) and the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Executive Committee Vice-President for the Twelve Plus geopolitical group, participated in the fifth online sitting of the 285th session of the International Executive Committee which took place on April 9, 2021. Members discussed a number of issues relating to the situations in some IPU member parliaments and their implications for these member parliaments’ participation in the organization.