Interparliamentary Activities and Reports
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Results: 871 - 880 of 1041
October 8, 2020
Webinar on climate legislation: Legislative approaches in ensuring social stability in communities facing climate-induced risks
By videoconference
Canadian Group of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (UIPU)
October 7, 2020
CPA Roundtable: Working towards a Common Future
By videoconference
Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CCOM)
October 6, 2020
Meeting of the APF Network of Parliamentarian Women
By videoconference
Canadian Branch of the "Assemblée parlementaire de la Francophonie" (CAPF)
October 6, 2020
Extraordinary meeting of the 12 + Group
By videoconference
Canadian Group of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (UIPU)
This meeting was called at the request of the chairs from the five Nordic IPU delegations (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden) to discuss the IPU presidency.
October 5, 2020
Conference of Presidencies of the APF America Region
By videoconference
Canadian Branch of the "Assemblée parlementaire de la Francophonie" (CAPF)
October 2, 2020
12th Gathering of ParlAmericas Gender Equality Network (plenary session)
By videoconference
Canadian Section of ParlAmericas (CPAM)
For more information, see the report: Report of the Canadian Section of ParlAmericas
Results: 871 - 880 of 1041 — Page: 88 of 105