Logo Canadian Section of ParlAmericas (ParlAmericas)

Appendix B

Resolution “In which the FIPA Executive Committee expresses its solidarity with Haiti
in light of the disaster caused by the earthquake”

Document translated from Spanish

FIPA/EC/2010/RES.1 of 30 January 2010

Resolution in which the FIPA Executive Committee expresses its solidarity with Haiti in light of the disaster caused by the earthquake


On January 12, our sister Republic of Haiti was severely affected by a devastating earthquake that has caused over one hundred thousand deaths and affected the lives of another million people;

This powerful earthquake measuring 7.0 on the Richter scale caused severe damage to the main government buildings, churches, hospitals, schools and homes, destroying the central part of the capital, Port-au-Prince, and other cities;

Haitian families are living in a time of tragedy and misfortune due to the damage caused by the uncontrollable power of this earthquake, and urgently require international assistance in the form of food, medicine and water;

The Executive Committee of the Inter-Parliamentary Forum of the Americas cannot remain indifferent to the tragedy being faced by our brothers and sisters in Haiti;

With a view to promoting democracy, the Inter-Parliamentary Forum of the Americas (FIPA) and the Parliamentary Centre of Canada offered a training course in April 2009 to female candidates in the legislative and municipal elections in Haiti,


1)    To express our firm humanitarian solidarity in this time of sadness and pain being experienced by the people of Haiti, a time in which the material damages have been considerable and in which deaths have exceeded 100,000, one million have been left homeless and severe damage has been caused to infrastructure.

2)    To appeal to the international community to render assistance in this humanitarian emergency by promoting immigration regulations for Haitians living abroad, creating educational scholarships for Haitian citizens and actively participating in rebuilding the country and strengthening democracy.

3)    To reflect on the breadth of the human tragedy our Haitian brothers and sisters are facing with respect to the risks and the state of vulnerability to which our planet Earth is exposed, and to conduct scientific research to assess risks and minimize them as much as possible.

4)    To strengthen mechanisms for regional cooperation and national technical and institutional capacity for the reduction, prevention, preparedness, response, rehabilitation, resilience, risk reduction, impact mitigation and assessment of disasters and emergencies such as pandemics.

5)    To optimize systems for monitoring, surveillance, early warning and communication; encourage information exchange and research under the framework of the Inter-American Network for Disaster Mitigation, as appropriate, both in countries that are not in the path of hurricanes and volcanoes and in high-risk countries; and ensure that early warning systems are in place, promoting the preparedness programs, training and funding necessary for this purpose.

6)    To encourage the strengthening of measures for internal planning and zoning and building codes, and to promote education and training to enhance public awareness of preparedness for natural disasters and national plans for prevention, mitigation and recovery after a disaster.

7)    To offer active support by parliamentarians from the Inter-Parliamentary Forum of the Americas to their Haitian parliamentary colleagues, while ensuring the inclusion of Haitian women, both parliamentarians and civil society women’s groups.

8)    To send copies of this resolution to the National Assembly of Haiti as an expression of our sympathy and deepest regret.


Adopted in Panama City on 30 January 2010.


Dep. Luiz Carlos Hauly, Brazil
President, FIPA

Dep. Victor Juliao III, Panama
Host of the 21st FIPA Executive Committee Meeting

Mr. James Bezan, M.P.

Mr. Stanford Callender, M.P.
Trinidad & Tobago

Dep. Maria Estela de la Cruz
Dominican Republic     

Sen. Alberto Grillón

Sen. Céline Hervieux-Payette

Sen. Adriana González

Assemblywoman Linda Machuca


