



26th Feb - 3rd March, 2007
Islamabad, Pakistan

13th General Assembly of the Asia-Pacific Parliamentarians’
Conference on Environment and Development (APPCED)

We, parliamentarians representing countries from the Asia-Pacific Region, at the Thirteenth General Assembly of the Asia-Pacific Parliamentarians’ Conference on Environment and Development (APPCED) in Islamabad, Pakistan from 26th February to 3rd March, 2007, having discussed in detail the issues related to water conservation and sustainable development;

Reaffirming our conviction that sustainable development through water conservation can be achieved by proper planning and resource allocation for this purpose;

Guided by the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development 1992, Agenda 21, various declarations of UN and other forums and commitment to Whistler Declaration adopted at 12th APPCED held in 2006 at Whistler, Canada as well as the eleven previous declarations of APPCED meetings;

Stressing on what we believe is a valuable contribution to the World Summit on Sustainable Development 2002, that water can make an immense difference to development if it is managed well and used wisely. Given clear policies and strategies and real commitments to implementation, we can use water to help eradicate poverty, reduce water-related diseases and achieve sustainable development;

Further Stressing the importance of APPCED thirteen meeting as a reflection of our shared commitment to work together for the water conservation and sustainable development of the Asia and Pacific region, and as well as an important contribution to global sustainable development. According to the UN Task Force on Water and Sanitation (2005), safe water and sanitation is a prerequisite for achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and for sustaining good health and quality of life;

Acknowledging the constructive and positive contributions of other relevant instruments concerning the issue of water conservation and sustainable development.

Deeply Concerned that per capita water availability in Asia Pacific was less than the world average.

Recognizing the importance of economic instruments for water conservation, and managing water is not just about economics, but extending best practices and good governance, themes that should be central to the APPCED’s work;

Stressing that water is of critical strategic importance to overall development, in any sector of the economy. Recognising the potential limiting effect that water could have on future economic expansion of any country, it is of utmost importance that this resource should be optimally utilised to the benefit of all current and future users;

Noting the environmental security as a means of achieving long term social, economic and ethical security through sustainable utilization of renewable resources and ecosystem functions and protection from natural hazards. Water for environmental security is a moral imperative since the Rio Conference in 1992 but it does not yet have the same status as food security in the national strategies;

Noting further that the mutual cooperation and understanding in alleviating water shortage and the settlement of water disputes by borders sharer is of vital importance;

Knowing that most important impacts of climate change and its effects on the hydrologic cycle and on water management systems and, through these, on socio-economic systems. Increase in incidence of extremes, such as floods and droughts, would cause increased frequency and severity of disruptions. Therefore strengthening of the necessary research such as early advance weather warning and monitoring systems and the exchange of relevant data and information should be undertaken at the national, regional and international levels. Serious considerations should be given to climate change in future development policies.

Stressing that the population dynamics such as population, growth migration and gender equality should be emphasized for sustainable water management.

Therefore we Resolve To:

Promote an integrated water resource management based on water as a vital part of the ecosystem, a natural resource and a social and economic good. And planning for the sustainable and appropriate utilization, protection, preservation and management of water resources based on community needs and priorities within the framework of national economic development policies;

Agrees that future focus will be on increasing co-operation between countries in the Asia-Pacific region for water conservation and sustainable development. In addition multilateral activity, as well as bilateral activity, enhancement of data availability, water resources management and preservation, principles of regional cooperation will be given prime importance in addition to commitment for funding by international agencies;

Promote the solution through practical approach and ensure that the development of water resources in either country should not harm the water resources of the other country and to respect by adhering to international laws and agreement. And to adopt an integrated approach to environmentally sustainable management of water resources, including the protection of aquatic ecosystems and freshwater living resources;

Anticipate the need for identification and strengthening of the appropriate institutional, legal and financial mechanisms to ensure that water policy and its implementation are a catalyst for sustainable development;

Recognize that construction of large dams with political consensus and environmental considerations can play a vital role in development. Also formulate policies for construction of small dams to conserve river, flood and rain water to support rural level construction of small tanks that will preserve water for development and raise the ground water level;

Commit to water resources development and management in an integrated manner, taking into account short term and long-term planning needs to incorporate environmental, economic and social considerations based on the principle of sustainability; to include the requirements of all users as well as those relating to the prevention and mitigation of water-related hazards; and constitute an integral part of the socio-economic development planning process;

Be aware that the domestic demand for water is rising continuously, and not enough water is available for ever expanding agriculture needs, it would be a big challenge for many countries to manage its water resources ensuring adequate supplies, necessary quality, specially for domestic use on priority basis, and balancing the competing needs of different sectors and regions. The governments should ensure equal access to all specially for the poor to get the adequate supplies of safe and clean water and to create awareness on water issues to encourage people’s participation to meet these challenges,

Encourage the cooperation among the neighbor States in conformity with existing agreements and other relevant arrangements also taking into account the interests of all adjacent states concerning transboundary water resources and their uses,

Call on developed countries to substantially increase cooperation in advanced technology transfer and capacity building in water conservation and management systems to developing countries; in order to promote common sustainable development   and achieve common objectives of MDGs.

Also encourage to invest in water conservation to avoid and mitigate intrusion of salt water from the sea to fresh water channels.

Prioritize the need for safe water-supplies and environmental sanitation as vital factor for protecting the environment, improving health and alleviating poverty;

Further urge the delegation of water resources management to the appropriate level by educating and training water management staff at all levels and ensuring the women participation on equal basis for the education and training programmes. Likewise public participatory techniques, including enhancement of the crucial role of women, youth, indigenous people and local communities;

Support better management of urban water resources, including the elimination of unsustainable consumption patterns. Governments should put in place mechanism to address global warming and its impact on water management and ensure recycling of the polluted water before discharge to the environment. We would like to encourage all countries to fulfill their commitments in the aforesaid behalf.

All visiting participants applaud in gratitude to the warm hospitality and meticulous arrangements by the Senate of Pakistan.
