Logo Canadian Group of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU)

Travel Costs


Canadian Group of the
Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU)


Parliamentary Meeting of the 20th International AIDS Conference


Melbourne, Australia


July 19-21, 2014






Libby Davies, M.P.




$ 3,413.88










$ 1,277.76


$ 4,691.64








Parliamentary Meeting at the XX International AIDS Conference

Melbourne, 21 July 2014




Acknowledge the progress

We, parliamentarians, meeting at the Parliamentary Meeting at the XX International AIDS Conference, note with appreciation the critical progress made in the HIV response, including:

-The number of people who are newly infected with HIV has declined by 38% since 2001.

-AIDS-related deaths have fallen by 35% since 2005.

-87% of people living with HIV who know their status in sub-Saharan Africa were receiving

 antiretroviral therapy under WHOs 2010 treatment guidelines.

-900,000 new HIV infections among children have been averted since 2009 thanks to

 expanded access to antiretroviral medicines for pregnant women living with HIV.

-From 2004 to 2012, tuberculosis-related deaths among people living with HIV declined by

 36% worldwide.


and the fact that many gaps and challenges remain to be addressed, including:

-15 countries account for nearly 75% of all people living with HIV in the world.

-Three out of four children living with HIV are not accessing antiretroviral treatment.

-15% of all women living with HIV are young women between 15 and 25 years old.

-HIV prevalence among female sex workers is 13.5 times greater than among all women

 aged between 15 and 49 years old.

-There are 12.7 million people who use drugs, and 13% of them are living with HIV.

-There were 2.1 million newly infected persons in 2013.

-22 million people eligible for life-saving treatment under WHOs 2013 guidelines are not accessing it.

-Of the 35 million people living with HIV in the world, 19 million do not know their HIV-positive status.

-Stigma, discrimination and the absence of protective laws for people living with HIV and key populations continue to leave millions behind.



We fully support the vision of ending AIDS by 2030. We therefore adhere to and express support for the target of 90-90-90: 90% of people with HIV are tested and know their status; 90 % of people living with HIV have access to treatment; and 90% of people living with HIV have a suppressed viral load.


Commit to supporting the realization of this vision through specific parliamentary actions, including:

1) Removing the political obstacles to effective HIV responses, including legal, social and economic conditions.

2) Implementing the IPU-UNAIDS collaboration on advancing Treatment 2015.

3) Supporting the dissemination and implementation of good parliamentary practice for addressing the legal barriers to the HIV responses based on the IPU-UNDP guide Effective laws to end HIV and AIDS: Next steps for parliaments.

4) Initiate dialogue and support best practice for addressing the barriers of intellectual property law and ensuring that all parliaments understand and can use to the full extent the flexibilities available to facilitate access to HIV-related treatment.

5) Supporting parliamentary dialogues on advancing enabling environments based on evidence on challenging issues affecting key populations.

6) Supporting parliamentary dialogue on universal access to sexual and reproductive

health services and education.

7) Supporting funding for the HIV response, particularly by ensuring increase domestic funding for AIDS.


The IPU Advisory Group on HIV/AIDS and Maternal, Newborn and Child Health will continue to work closely with and engage its partners, including UNAIDS, UNDP, WHO and the Global Fund, to move these commitments forward.

